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hooligan (DayZ)

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38 Good

About hooligan (DayZ)

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  1. hooligan (DayZ)

    How to DayZ

    i lol'd and lol @ anyone who takes this poor excuse of a game seriously
  2. hooligan (DayZ)

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    another cash grab from rocket
  3. hooligan (DayZ)

    This is why playing with others is a lot better than lone wolfing

    was funny till you started gasping like an old cat getting raped
  4. hooligan (DayZ)

    DayZ mod better then Standalone?

    and by "cancer" you mean the only thing that prevents server hopping and ghosting while making people play at night?
  5. hooligan (DayZ)

    M4 Silencer

    dude just stop embarrassing yourself
  6. hooligan (DayZ)

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    But Op can insult the dev team without warning?
  7. hooligan (DayZ)

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    GG it's alpha you fuckin crying cunts. Go play bf5 if you dont have time.
  8. hooligan (DayZ)

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Had to acknowledge a warning in order to post this and I'll probably get another for this post. Op is an idiot bitch. Posted from my phone while taking a shit.
  9. hooligan (DayZ)

    The LMG/GPMG Thread!

    you're a homo btw 7.62 x 54r is already in the game, that's what the mosin uses
  10. hooligan (DayZ)

    DayZ Manual Download

    yes i'm having the same problem, how can i download the without using commander or six crap
  11. If any of these dirt bags apply for your private hive just go ahead and decline them, they all are cheaters. kthx bye
  12. hooligan (DayZ)

    8 Player Engagement 2v6

    not much of a firefight with as50's, they brake the game
  13. come on bang bros, post the video of that awesome ambush last night. =)