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Everything posted by Latros

  1. I laughed pretty good and from your comments I truly hope you did crawl around for 3 days with a broken leg...
  2. Yup happens to all of us eventually... I was heading to overlook Electro for a bit to hunt some bandits.. and im coming through the woods and im within 1500+meters of town so im crouching and walking and listening and looking as I go.. I play ingame a blackskin color and camo clothing.. everything is fine... then all of a sudden *somehow* I get shotgun blasted from point blank range behind me... no clue how or why.. makes no sence.. all I can gather is someone server jumping and I got unluck but was just no way.. so I died.. and lost my Range Finder, my DMR, AKM, full utility belt, meds etc.. and worst of all.... I had just cooked up and had a BBQ and had 5 steaks on me to enjoy while I hunted bandits... but no.. it was not to be... Having the best gear and even tactics cant save you in DayZ with the current system... doesnt matter who you are.. you go near a city theres a % you will die.
  3. Latros

    Hiding in grass from far away

    Aye never hide in the "open" always have a backdrop behind/ahove you... prone next to haybarrels/stacks... bushes... trees etc.. basically dont silhouette yourself
  4. Ive seen/found I would estimate I have no clue but at least 20 or 30 in my game time.. and I would say 90% of those were all spawned in a radius of Stary often times 2 at a time. the other couple were pretty random i.e. one east of Cherno etc..
  5. Latros

    Im unable to kill anyone

    Are you checking your latency on these servers? If your running at 150-200... and they are say 20-70 then yes could be your lag... are the servers near you? PDW does take a few shots lol... Yesterday I did a mercy kill for a guy with a broken leg after he asked me so I put my DMR away and pulled out the PDW and aimed point blank at his head with 20-30latency and bam... still alive.. bam.. still alive... wtf.. bam bam.. passed out still alive.. finaly 5th shot in head he died. Ive learned shoot... then shoot some more if your gonna shoot someone... Only time I get single shot kills is Sniping with a headshot. Ive died quite a few times and one time I still recall was when I was being stalked towards a barn.. I ran in one side and flanked around the outside came in behind took aim with my Mak and emptied it into his head them to my dismay I got 1 shot killed by his Mak... sometimes things are just screwy.
  6. Aye... Anytime I encounter this I leave the area and check a rural spawn(barn/farm/town) if im still seeing just trask 99% then I go ahead and bounce servers... I know what you mean though ive definately on more then one occasion encountered nothing but trash in a entire city... sometimes it just gets weider... last night in Stary I would say 9/16 tents had a AKM+Ammo... I was like wtf.. really come on..
  7. Latros

    Nothing Is Forever...

    Cool story and all... you win.. its not difficult to reach what you have, many many players have already done what you have and more every day. Its very simple to simply survive... what you should be doing is playing and testing... quit worrying about surviving in a Alpha mod and get out there take some risk and some chances, which from your concerns of loosing your l33t gear you will not and do not take. There is no end game in a Alpha stage if you cared about the game you would be trying things and providing feedback but from your 4 post and having "won" already I see none of that was of your concern. You get no pat on the back.
  8. Latros

    DayZ Hatchet Betrayal

    Sweet hatchet skillz
  9. I believe the official stance on this is kinda neutral currently... it was brought up previously and dont recall seeing anything negative on using it... I play with dark skin and camo face which when wearing the new Camo suit is absolutely amazing. You dont need the mod to do this at all... its easy and there are guides out there and even youtube videos on how to do this... fuck downloading that 3rd party app. Will take you longer to get and run the app then to actually do it yourself... I believe it also helps in people identifying you as friend/foe.. I dont get accidently shot by people who im with. You can also just change/add sunglasses if you want instead of changing face/skincolor/camo etc...
  10. Latros

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Nah... right as they said something I saw the Zombie hand in my screen and heard the attack noise/hit... should have heard them after they kilt the zombie.. "Are you alright?" "Is he dead?" "wtf" etc... I was pretty sure I was just going to bleed out or die or they would finish me off. But humanity won over.
  11. Latros

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I know its been said before about how hard the Zs are hitting and causing bleeding instantly but today i think I got hit the hardest ive ever been! was quite epic!: Was near Electro, and saw a couple fresh spawns head into station decided id go say Hi as it had been slow and no banditos to kill and was tired of looking through my range finders.. So I head down and we all start talking on VOIP and as I enter the station I see someone has like 3 rolls of Wire up and a tank trap and everything else at the bottum of the stairs and the guys are all like wtf.. .only one of them has a gun and hes talking so i tell them watch my back and Ill take the wire down.. I start taking the wire down and a Z hears it I guess through the double doors I hear one say something about a Z on me and im like huh? as im taking down wire and WACK!!! I go from full blood to 7k instantly and im knocked out cold bleeding with broken bones and in pain... Im like holy shit.. im gonng die right here like this on a week old char helping others.. luckily one of them shoots the one Z and bandages me just intime as a entire horde rolls into the station, 4 of us and only two of us with guns and my dam legs are still broken! I set the PDW to full auto and start spraying mother fuckers... while rolling around on the ground between the other guys Winchester and my PDW we drop a solid 20 in a matter of seconds.. Was a close call.. Im giving Zombies a lil more respect from here on out after that. Cant wait for the new patch!!
  12. At that point you gotta decide... be a villian for be a badguy? I alternate back and forth... currently ive been overwatching the coastline and sniping off anyone I see camping rooftops and openly killing other people... I also try to help others when they spawn in off the coast.. offer up freshly cooked steaks, offer a escort into town etc... pretty much just try and keep people from getting ganked right off the coast... however when I die this time Ill probally spend a few lives just going bean wars crazy and sprinting through town with a flare strapped to my chest yelling in VOIP im a suicide bomber and shooting everyone...
  13. Latros

    Razor Wire!

  14. Latros

    Your first player kill?

    First was too many ago and too long ago... My first today was: Was overwatching Electro as I often do... I like to hunt bandits and assholes camping the stations and market/hospital etc... or the snipers who camp the town as well. So I had met a couple friendlys in a station earlier and talked and bounced out and was watching the city from my vantage point when I watched 4 guys meet up work together to secure the hospital and the office.. thats cool... however I watched them kill off 1 guy.. who I couldn't comfirm was unarmed or innocent or deserved it so I considered it a warning.. they continued to camp the rooftops from the two buildings two on each and each overwatching a section of the city.. im starting to feel they are just going to kill everyone who enters town.. and my thoughts are comfirmed when I watch a unarmed guy run from station to market to get gunned down while next to the market by the two on the office roof... so I decide its time to even the odds for everyone and pull out the DMR and two shot kill one from 650meters.... the other is confused and is on backside of the wall and not moving.. So im forced to reposition in a hurry as I see the other team of two have left the roof and I can only assume are trien to flank me.. I sprint to a new vantage/angle and finish off the second guy, just in time to see the other team of two sprinting towards me... with only 5 DMR rounds left and not willing to risk my range finder I dissapear back into the forest.. (using a blackman for skin and have a camo clothing) I drop one more and come under a barrage of fire and decide to toss my only frag and keep dropping back... the grenade is enough to imfluence him to turn back and I bound to the north to another ridge to overwatch for a few minutes before heading off to go hunt a boar for the evenings BBQ :) my first kills of the day :)
  15. Latros

    Razor Wire!

    Ill agree its highly annoying, however its forcing the thought into how wire and obstacles can be used in game and fixed... when you first start yes its a pain, however toolboxes spawn fairly easy in industrial areas, I probally take a couple strands of the stuff down from places everytime I log in. I would not be opposed it if "decayed" after so many hours when in city limits... if out of a city then it can be as long as needed... but its kinda silly someone can lay some wire.. log off and anyone who comes by without a toolbox is fucked for hours on end...
  16. Latros

    Hopping Bandits WTF

    I fail to see why you have a tent sent up inside a popular area unless your using it to bait people to shoot?.... I would be suspect of your intentions. I think your the bandit here and your getting upset the victims your luring in with your tent/loot trap are getting away with d/c
  17. Latros

    CZ 550 missing???

    Ill be honest I havent found one in ages either... ammo yes, rifle no :( The only ones infact ive found in the last 2 weeks were yesterday off two guys who i believe were cheating/exploiting/hacking who were camping Electro.. I took them out with the barret and when I checked their corpses they both had identical inventories... from cz550 to the unitilities... was just off.. exact perfect matches of each other.
  18. Latros

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    I understand what your saying about the FAL but its kinda how it is... its a no thrills gun, its sturdy and reliable and deadly accurate and powerful... its a jack of all for battle rifles. So for in a game its not really anything special.
  19. Latros

    Longest survival?

    Theres been a couple to reach over 30... however how many did it without d/c is another question... Also most of them have never set foot on the coast or took any real chances. Anyone can get off the beach and head north gear up and never die.. how they keep from getting bored if beyond me.. ive got every piece or gear by day 3 and usually bored by day5.. and suicide by day 6... best part of the game if the first couple hours. Ive had two over 10 days but honestly theres no point in just surviving that long.
  20. Latros

    Please Help ME!!

    You have lost at the internets! look/post in the support forums.
  21. Latros

    How to make DayZ look like this?

    Im on board with it looks like shit... horrible use of settings.
  22. Was a guy earlier today exploiting the invisible bug as well in Dallas29... was running around invisible with nothing but a pack showing shooting everyone with a revolver...