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Posts posted by conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

  1. I've sent battleye a message asking them to review the situation. I suspect in a few hours I'll be unbanned. I'm going to have to move countries though ;)

    There are always false-positives in algorithms that look for illegal events. No one needs supply a link, you should know that yourself. The reason the BE ban system can improve is because it isn't perfect.

  2. @Bozo, I understand, of course a save system doesn't work. I mean the server saving iterations of character data for situations like this.

    @ZedsDeadBaby, Lol, no that wasn't mean as a threat, more as an ironic compliment. I see how it came across though. The meaning in it is: the way in which the game has/is being developed, your standard games studio wouldn't last their first product cycle. Go play any game in the alpha stages and the product is in a seriously different state. This is akin to a game being beta and having its OWN zombie apocalypse within the code! haha ;)

  3. Is it possible to get character reverts if it is due to an error in the map?

    My friend and I have been playing characters for several days and all of a sudden got stuck on the edge of a lake at GRID 14079. We had to suicide and try get back there but didn't get anywhere with that. Needless to say it's ****ing annoying.

    Rocket is lucky this is a mod, being one, he has no obligation to anything. Having no "save" points or no ability to check characters for this issue and revert them is really off.

    ps, I have, of course, posted a bug about this area and the problem therein.

    - C
