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Everything posted by conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

  1. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Character Stuck - can't move, die or respawn

    I'm stuck at 114079 on the edge of the lake, repeatedly falling through the water. I have no weapon to attrack zombies and no zombies are coming to me. Also because the respawn button was disabled I can't respawn. Maybe that change needs to be rethought. How can we get the character reset? - C
  2. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Randomly banned for #5e40?

    I just tried to join a server and got a ban message for "#5e40" ? what in the world is that? Could someone please fix this for me? Thanks C
  3. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Randomly banned for #5e40?

    Thanks for the help guys, the issue was addressed, rumour is it might be the latest beta patch. Cheers!
  4. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Randomly banned for #5e40?

    ^ lol.
  5. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Randomly banned for #5e40?

    I've sent battleye a message asking them to review the situation. I suspect in a few hours I'll be unbanned. I'm going to have to move countries though ;) There are always false-positives in algorithms that look for illegal events. No one needs supply a link, you should know that yourself. The reason the BE ban system can improve is because it isn't perfect.
  6. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Randomly banned for #5e40?

    I hope I never live in the same country as you... Also, i have no idea HOW to hack, not even where I might start! But it's my word against your belief... and Facts over Beliefs never occur... Just look at fanatical Christians! ;)
  7. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Randomly banned for #5e40?

    Sorry, didn't realise this was a global ban situation. Thanks!
  8. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Character Stuck - can't move, die or respawn

    Wow........ just wow... Thanks guys for replying, I'll do the starving method. #dafuq No I was just walking along the edge of the lake, not deep enough to swim.
  9. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Character reverts?

    Is it possible to get character reverts if it is due to an error in the map? My friend and I have been playing characters for several days and all of a sudden got stuck on the edge of a lake at GRID 14079. We had to suicide and try get back there but didn't get anywhere with that. Needless to say it's ****ing annoying. Rocket is lucky this is a mod, being one, he has no obligation to anything. Having no "save" points or no ability to check characters for this issue and revert them is really off. ps, I have, of course, posted a bug about this area and the problem therein. - C
  10. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Character reverts?

    Also I possibly should state that I'm currently stuck in the same place with no weapon and no way to respawn... good going? I'll post another thread to try get that fixed.
  11. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Character reverts?

    @Bozo, I understand, of course a save system doesn't work. I mean the server saving iterations of character data for situations like this. @ZedsDeadBaby, Lol, no that wasn't mean as a threat, more as an ironic compliment. I see how it came across though. The meaning in it is: the way in which the game has/is being developed, your standard games studio wouldn't last their first product cycle. Go play any game in the alpha stages and the product is in a seriously different state. This is akin to a game being beta and having its OWN zombie apocalypse within the code! haha ;)
  12. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Cant open Multiplayer?

    I'm also having this problem. Tried reinstalling beta and verifying my files through steam again... I'm guessing Abruzzi is correct, some meta-level server must be down.
  13. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    Looking for Sylvi Sadly we were swamped by zombies and my best friend was lost to the abyss! Many more DayZ of fun are to be had!
  14. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Contacting another player outside DayZ

    I was playing with another guy and all of a sudden was swamped by zombies. Obviously I didn't get his contact dets before dying... I'm wondering, is there any way to track down another user? Any help would be greatly appreciated! The user is called Sylvi and we were on the DayZ Anz 2 server.
  15. conrad@extremeprojects.com.au

    Contacting another player outside DayZ

    thanks! That might help... assuming he jumps on the forums to check!