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About malphos101

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  1. malphos101

    L85 Should it stay or go

    The problem isn't the gun. The problem is the ammo. Guns should be relatively common, it evens the playing field. Ammo should be relatively rare, it makes you choose carefully when to use your guns. Rare ammo discourages griefing, it encourages exploration, and reinforces the scavenging aspect of the game. Rare guns with plentiful ammo means you search until you find a fun gun, then find a good spot to grief for a long, long time. It also allows clans to stockpile ammunition for rare guns, eliminating the need to go out and search once you get your favorite gun.
  2. malphos101


    I guess it wasn't THAT obvious
  3. I was playing and a hacker saved my life and gave me a vehicle and then came to my house and brought pie and then he gave me a backrub and told me I am a cool guy. no pictures are needed so fuck off with the pics or didn't happern bullshit, because it's a fucking game with game logs that are easily read.
  4. Surviving is a joke. Its fun for the first few hours when your a new player and don't know how to play. Once you learn how easy the zombies are and how food/water are plentiful you really have nothing to do.
  5. malphos101

    US1211 Stupid Hacker

    Seriously, proof or gtfo
  6. malphos101

    hacking is rampant

    If you are hosting a server then do your homework and comb the logs for hackers and ban the guids. Every admins answer to this problem has been "FIX IT I DONT WANT TO DO ANYTHING"...
  7. Your #3 is based on a fallacy. Server admins are encouraged to ban hackers. The problem is most server admins just pay a nominal fee to a thrid party hoster and have no idea how to use the server logs in order to identify said hackers. The so called "invasion of hackers" is just a byproduct of unskilled admins who don't know how to police their own server.
  8. malphos101

    Give admins banning rights and why.

    If a dev blacklists your server because you banned a hacker and you have the logs to back it up, I will personally pay for a new server for you. It doesn't happen like that. The problem is admins are too lazy to go through the logs and figure out who is hacking and ban their guid. If every server did this there wouldn't be a need for a global ban. If you buy a server and then spend all your time playing and never administrate then you only have yourself to blame if hackers take over.
  9. malphos101

    CA 12 HoneyPot Chopper Site Takedown

    yea it sucks when that happens. Just take pride in knowing you got them both =)
  10. malphos101

    Give admins banning rights and why.

    Yea, but the devs have much more important things to do right now than sit and review every single ban an admin across the thousands of servers hands out. Its a good thought for beta, but right now we need to focus on adding features. The hackers are a fringe minority and while annoying, they aren't affecting as many servers as the forums lead you to believe.
  11. malphos101

    Give admins banning rights and why.

    That's definitely a power I don't want admins having. The only thing you need to become an admin is some cash, and I dont want my game ot be bricked when a kid with some cash decides he is going to global me because I stole his car.
  12. malphos101

    Dear sniper on Pik Kozlava on US 282

    You know what you do when a sniper is camping a spot? Go somewhere else.
  13. this isnt a mmo, and there aren't hackers on most servers
  14. malphos101

    Give admins banning rights and why.

    admins can ban hackers.....