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Everything posted by iphaze

  1. iphaze

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Non of the server's are working...
  2. Just a few clips of the past couple of days of a friend and I killing people in Cherno. Survivors beware! :)
  3. iphaze

    Compilation Of Killing People In Cherno

    Hahah I find it funny that a lot of people think is this bad/wrong. I call it revenge :). This is the same stuff that happened to me for like a week straight... I'm sure many of you have done something similar before. Happy trails. :D
  4. Came across a small group using a flashlight on the outskirts of Cherno which is a BIG no no in my book.
  6. I'm fairly new to this game but I have caught on very quickly. I want to start a group of 5-10 people and we could call ourselves a "Hit Squad". We kill anyone, doesn't matter if they are new, or veterans. It would be preferred that you live in the USA on the west coast for best ping/connections and are around 15-20 years old. I'm 16 myself but very mature and I'm just looking for some fun/revenge. We could all get together on skype? If you are interested in joining PM me and I will give you my skype or you can post it here.
  7. iphaze

    Day Z Episode 1

    I would like to get some feedback :D. Thanks for stopping by!
  8. iphaze

    Your first unprovoked murder?

    My first murder was after I was getting tired of getting killed by other players when I had nothing. So I eventually found a gun and saw a gun healing himself he had an AK and 1911 so I killed him and took his guns, morphine, and everything else he had. :D
  9. I sent you a message. :D
  10. iphaze

    Want to Join the Party

    Well when you enter cities and the game starts to render all of the building you will most likely have a huge FPS drop. Still playable though, might not be as fun :\
  11. Just started playing about 3 days ago, I understand the whole game and I would really like to join someones group who knows what they're doing. I'm 16 mature, ect. I don't sound like a little girl on TS/Vent/Skype. Please send me a personal message with some info. I can go on TS/Vent/Raidcall/Skype you name it I either already have it or already got it :D.
  12. iphaze

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Nice work, I love the game!