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About Jaqen

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    On the Coast
  1. There has been a huge increase of hackers in every server and even youtube clips of people trying these hacks. This includes Godmode, infinite ammo, teleportation, vehice/item spawn and ESP hacks. This literally makes the game unplayable on most servers now as there is no point in getting gear/vehicles/tents up as they will most likely be gone no matter where you hide them in a matter of minutes. I see no way how they could prevent this anymore as most of these hacks have been in Arma 2 for sometime and unless they find a method to instantly ban a character the second their database receives corrupted/imported/sudden change in data such as teleporation then this problem will only get worse.
  2. You have no idea what to do? I'll give you a clue... start again. There is nothing that they can do about it as your character has already saved on their database.
  3. This is happening with the Ghillie suit as well but so far mine has just disappeared as I logged out in them last night.
  4. * Server this happened on. US 130 Olympia * Time that it happened including your timezone. Approx 2:00pm - 3:00pm GMT+10 Brisbane, Australia * What happened during the incident. Player named NonServiam would keep reappearing in the airfield after being killed with fully loaded gear. Witnessed by myself (Jaqen H'ghar) and Krios and Roland Deschain. This happened over 7 times as he would be killed and suddenly reappear at different areas at the NW airfield within seconds and start shooting at us again. He also doesn't seem to attract any zombies while running around at full speed.