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    On the Coast


    Coincidentally there is a hacker called Tonic that has been banned on my server over 10 times already....


    I agree it is only alpha. I don"t care about my items, I know I'm going to eventually loose them... BUT.... The game is unplayable right now because of the hackers I can't even find a hachet before everyone on the whole server is teleported and killed. You tell me how can I play like that??? Also it has chased everyone from my server witch was always full now no one will play on it, so you tell me who wants to play on a dead server? Once people start coming back the hack attacks start almost every hour on the hour!


    Im just going to cancel my server. this is stupid. I pay for this my self and my clan mates donate to help, ever since the server has been attacked I have not gotten 1 single donation and they all say the reason why is because the hackers. I give Rocket 1 week to resolve or I'm just going to password protect the server and invite another clan to battle us on it. Blacklist me I dont care we dont play on other servers. At least we know what type of people are playing on our server if it is password protected. Infact I'm even willing to go as far as having our server blacklisted before I password protect it. Maybe we can have it taken off the blacklist after the hacker situation is under control...
  4. Ok so I am an owner of a server. The hacking on the server has gotten way out of control. Ever hour or so some one teleports everyone on the server to a rock in the water. You have broken legs and are knocked out and there are people there shooting everyone there. I alt f4 but its too late when you come back in you are at a lighthouse and are knocked out and loosing blood. As a server owner there should be a way for us to find out who is doing this and be able to ban them. There should also be a way to black these scripts. Can i submit my 4gig server log to DAYZ and they can go through and ban all the cheaters? I know I don't speak for my self when saying this, but I am not going to continue to support this game if nothing is done about this. I am paying for a server and have no control over hackers. This happens every hour or so so there is no point playing like this, and I'm not going to keep paying for a server so this can keep happening every hour. I know a lot of other server owners feel the same way.
  5. There is some one named Zeek spawning lots of helicopters in our server. These helicopters are not even in the game. They are causing havoc destroying everything! They also broke one of our members legs instantly when he was just standing still. No bullets nothing... I tried to ban him but it wouldn't let me, I was able to kick him but he will just change names and come back. I have a lot of money on the line with this game. I paid for this server for months in advance and people from our clan (120 people) are slowly donating. If this continues they will not donate and I will be stuck with the whole bill. We have spent lots of hours on our base to the point if anyone found it it wouldn't even harm us, but now this guy has just messed everything we worked so hard for up in the matter of minutes! Rocket Please help! Keeping the sever name out of this thread now so it wont make a panic for other people here. There is now a video on reddit and youtube with our server name. This has nothing to do with our clan, we are very upset about this happening. There are now helicopters all over our server, we have seen over 30 already! Some thing has to be done... I dont know how to get these off of the server! Other people are going to hoard them and it will rune this server! Something needs to be done quick!