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About Lexton

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    On the Coast
  1. Not saying I don't enjoy a threat, and I find the game alot more enjoyable with that aspect of the game in place. But there is people out there who are just 'Trolls' which turns the community that is actually trying to play the game with groups to kill anyone who comes close to them. I know I did so last night, felt bad about it but I saw him and fired right when he said friendly. Game has a aspect to it that doesn't allow that second or two pause to find if a target is friendly or not, and being that everyone is in Civ's or isn't marked a bandit I am simply weary of everyone and don't trust anyone that doesn't wear my clan tag. Now you mad good points and I happen to agree, but the game could be so much more on the RPG side of gaming instead of the PvP. I enjoy my server, and I enjoy those who come on the server and play as professionals, just the concept of dealing with kiddies who run into a town, agro every zombie in a 20 m radius.. run straight at me to let the zombies aggro to me... Yah.. if I had a started weapon even a hatchet... I would wack him and then die happy as zombie fodder lol
  2. I know the points of both sides, and I happen to agree with both sides. I own a small server, meant to be a Clan Based server so the peeps I run with can actually learn and coordinate with each other over voice communications. I will admit I wanted to run a private Day Z Server, as I saw [broken] Server kicking anyone who is not in their clan out without warning and also see about twenty password servers. Now to me this is in clear violation to Day Z terms, which after talking to the server owners I pay to host my server.. they are the fortunate few under what I call 'Grandfather Clause'. Which means they had the servers before the rules/terms were enforced or created. Now I will kick a$$ hats from my server, I watch the logs daily for any hacking and honestly I have not had to kick but one or two people from my server and that was for very high ping (300+). I am a nice guy and I have been working in the gaming community over six years as a server owner, and working for gaming companies such as Riot and EA Games. An being I am paying for my slotment I would wish to reserve to right to kick peeps (with fair warning 5 - 10 minute to get to a safe place for logging) if I had a clan member who wanted to get in. My server is packed almost 24/7, and I do have a warning on the log in saying admins reserve the right to kick to open slots. Myself and the other admin have not had to enforce this as I know how hard this game can be, get kicked in a swarm of zombies to only log in passed out or worse in another horde of baddies. Now Admins are the back end funding to run servers, and like me, I pay a small amount a month to keep my server up for anyone to enjoy. Now I don't believe that the server admins should have a right to password there server, as to me that just is a waste of money for a server that could be played with the clan isn't on. But I do wish to have a application to possibly put a password on the server for like four / five hours a week for Clan Night so clans enjoy a night of just working together and moving through the waste land. Granted the counter argument to this is that Clan Members gaining so much strength they prey upon other players or join other servers just to frag others. While this is true because I can see it being abused by PK clans, but clans like mine who enjoy the betterment of RP/RPG the game can come quite more enjoyable when I don't have to worry about some kid killing me cause he doesn't really care what people work hard for. Now there other opportunity to this is to donate $25 to the producers a month just to have the rights to have a reserved / password server. But I am sure that idea is floating around somewhere. That's my two cents, and I will be keeping a watchful eye on the development for this mod. :)