Yeah and you should go sit down in that corner and maybe write a cheque for rocket for this 'server' you want. He clearly hasn't made nor asked for any money' date=' received any donations for this mod. You should really shut up and keep quiet before posting something stupid, and the other 40% of you other idiots who also don't know shit. [/quote'] He works for Bohemia Interactive you twatwaffle. Looks like you're the "idiot who doesn't know shit". He was contracted for Arma 3 you derpy fuck. DayZ still has zip to do with BIS. So therefore they arent paying for the servers and it is in fact out of their own money. Decked / Strike : 2 JKFlipFlops : 0 Employee or not this mod is unrelated to sales of Arma 2. Even though statistics say ever since Dayz was released prices went through the roof, and BI made a lot of money from this mod, it is completely unrelated. They didn't make Arma 2 Dayz they made Arma 2: Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. > Free mod > Funded/maintained by rocket and his team > not BI funded.