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Everything posted by Strategy

  1. Where can I find the DayZ 1.7.5 files so I can downgrade until all the servers update to the new version? I asked my current server admin to update, and received this response: "DayZ 1.7.2 update - We've released this update in a none automated format because it contains bugs and errors. UPDATE AT YOUR OWN RISK, IF YOUR SERVER FAILS IT HAS NOTHING TODO WITH VILAYER LTD"
  2. Strategy

    Downgrade from 1.7.5?

    Thank you! I really appreciate it.
  3. Strategy

    First moidah

    Your right it is all about kill or be killed, but an unarmed, foraging, new player is not going to kill you with a flashlight. You can play however you like, but unless a new player starts acting suspicious around me I just let them run off.
  4. Strategy

    Should I buy Arma 2?

    Buy ARMA 2 because you want to buy it. Even before DayZ it's always been the best Warsim out there that I have ever played. I'd recommend getting it, but if the genre isn't your thing, don't get it. I've also heard that you can play the mod with the free version. If your playing just for DayZ it would probably be something you should look into.
  5. Strategy

    Could use some teammates

    Do you have a steam name/teamspeak? US/UK?
  6. Been skimming the posts in this section and can't actually find a group that's not afk right now. If anyone is trying to start up a group and needs members I'd be willing to join, otherwise if a few people want to start one up that's fine by me. Steam ID: Strategy360
  7. Strategy


    I'm free if you need any voice actors for this.