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pLx - Killer_Toast

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Everything posted by pLx - Killer_Toast

  1. pLx - Killer_Toast

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    I'm down for whatever Idc. Idky you would pay for such a piece of shit game to begin with. The whole thing was just a straight rip of DayZ and I would sooner trust Rocket with my life than jump to some other scrub trying to rip off his ideas, Rocket is the fucking man. Anyway Idk if you've seen this http://i.imgur.com/62kg1.jpg but you should get youre money back lol plus all the other scummy shit surrounding WarZ it was a joke to begin with.
  2. pLx - Killer_Toast

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    I got Lapis on steam I'm sure he'll come back for SA. You play SC2? We should get some games in sometime I've been playing since beta on and off =D. I'm down to do it whenever to be honest I'm still here playing, I play a lot more ACE/ACRE now but I still play DayZ even though it gets pretty boring without people to play with. You should come check out the server I play on now pretty populated private hive, I've yet to be killed by a hacker and they do rollbacks if it happens. Member Since Today, 06:22 AM Hmmmm who might this be?
  3. pLx - Killer_Toast

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    Word I'll add you, I think it is December they said before the end of the year if I'm not mistaken. Grats on becoming a Seamen! where are you stationed?
  4. pLx - Killer_Toast

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    I'm doing pretty good dude how about you? Reinstall if you want it is still pretty fun but when the stand alone comes out in December DayZ is gonna be amazing again. We should try and get a group going or something. I've never really had a big problem with hackers personally I've only been killed by them a few times most of the time you can see it coming and gtfo fast. On private hives with all the extra anti-hack stuff it doesn't really happen at least the servers I play on. Reaper I'd be down to team up sometime I'm pretty well versed in ACE/ACRE as well and have been playing DayZ since the first few weeks. My steam is KmaC2464 feel free to add me or shoot me a pm or something.
  5. pLx - Killer_Toast

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    The private hives are pretty hacker free you just gotta find one you like. Idk who else still plays though I havn't seen anyone.
  6. pLx - Killer_Toast

    DayZ Military Clan Recruiting

    I'm interested been playing Arma 2 for a while now, mostly ACE/ACRE but I played a lot of DayZ when it came out and would like to get back into it, you guys sounds like you might be a good fit. Shoot me a PM or something if you are still looking for people to join up.
  7. pLx - Killer_Toast

    IF this was an actual game...

    Never ever under any circumstance use the free-to-play buy gear model. It is completely contradictory to everything DayZ is about.
  8. pLx - Killer_Toast

    Day Z Urban Legends

    You know I have always hated the bandit consequence whiners but I think I would be okay with this.
  9. pLx - Killer_Toast

    Green mountain...

    Everyone knows that Candlejack lives in Green Mo-
  10. pLx - Killer_Toast

    Bandit Tips

    Don't Suck.
  11. pLx - Killer_Toast

    People who call themselves bandits.

    Have played this game for longer than a week.
  12. pLx - Killer_Toast

    dear bandits, could you explain me something ?

    Raining down hate and discontent like a motherfucker.
  13. pLx - Killer_Toast

    how do i ge out of the debug plains?

    Walk it's only like 5km off the map I just did it today when I got spawned in there, go east until you hit trees.
  14. pLx - Killer_Toast

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    It's okay we can still make sandbag castles from scratch and move the CFT ammo crate stacks all around.
  15. pLx - Killer_Toast

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    There will always be knife hands.
  16. pLx - Killer_Toast

    calling all dedicated snipers...

    I plead the fifth
  17. pLx - Killer_Toast

    All this m249 ammo...

  18. pLx - Killer_Toast

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    Haha Eldeos yeah that was a GF, you zig zag like a champ.
  19. pLx - Killer_Toast

    Journey to Stary Sobor video

    cool vid was expecting you to get sniped lol, also you missed the jeep sitting right infront of you half fixed....
  20. pLx - Killer_Toast

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Sweet patch notes, can't wait for new skins though!
  21. pLx - Killer_Toast

    Rocket/missle attack in cherno?

    You would need like 5 people with 5 rockets launchers to pull this off are you sure it wasnt just a bunch of grenades? Rocket launchers take up 10 slots plus 3 per rocket and are incredibly rare(I've only seen 1) so unless someone is hacking items it was probably a bunch of grenades, or possibly a few grenades blowing up some vehicles? Vehicles smoke and burn like that when blown up.
  22. pLx - Killer_Toast

    5v4 Firefight

    We saw you as you saw us I believe but you didn't kill anyone on the opening shot FlosSy actually crawled back to us in the woods and I transfused him. Me and smokey had made the decision to break off contact and head to our original destination while Flossy decided to stay, we figured you would be more interested in starry loot than us. After you engaged again we came back and laid ambush in the treeline hoping flossy could get back to us before he got hit. Great fight well done guys.
  23. pLx - Killer_Toast

    Bored? Unable to play? Watch this!

    Lol some kid was doing this in a server I was on, someone found it and spammed the URL needless to say there was a 10 man firefight between him and all the bandits after him at the apts/hospital in cherno lmao