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Charlie Sheen

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Everything posted by Charlie Sheen

  1. Charlie Sheen

    ATV at Black Lake?

  2. Hello, Our clan, US Navy {SEALs}, wish to express an interest in playing together and allying with the CQF. We're looking for a new server to play on and welcome any friendly contacts. We're not looking for handouts or to join/merge clans. We're just thinking if we decide to play on one of your listed servers it would be nice to have some allies. We're experienced veteran players as well and are more than well equipped to assist you against bandits, etc, if needed. Let me know if you want to talk sometime. Thanks Our thread is here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23029
  3. Charlie Sheen

    US Navy {SEALs}

    WTF is any of this? Nice try buddy. GUID ban for who? Me? I'm still playing lol, been playing ArmA for a long time. Here is some actual hard evidence...of you not only admitting that you hack, but also banning the SEALs for doing nothing but killing you and calling you out. To everyone else watching, this video starts shortly after we kill rajko the first time and look at his body. Clearly sporting some hacked items there in his gear. He then spawns in right next to us (nowhere near a normal spawn zone) and kills Nameless with some kind of plasma exploder thingy. Then he bans us. (Not to mention we watched him setting up this huge hacker base with like sandbags and barbed wire and hacked weapons it was ridiculous) You've been accused of hacking before, too. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17719 It's nothing new apparently...except we have proof now. Have fun playing on your 'private hive' 'funserver'. You're an incredibly irresponsible hacking scumbag. I'm glad you don't host a legit server; you don't deserve the privilege. Fraps, bitch. #winning
  4. Charlie Sheen

    US Navy {SEALs}

  5. Charlie Sheen

    M16A4 ACOG

    You could try using the / key but I've tried and it doesn't work. I was referring to ACE mod btw
  6. Charlie Sheen

    M16A4 ACOG

    Nope. There are backup sights for other custom ArmA 2 mods.
  7. Charlie Sheen


    This is crap. But I wouldn't mind having the choice to be an incredibly obese male/female.
  8. Charlie Sheen

    Shoot on Sight

    Interesting thread. My group will ignore unarmed survivors and even offer medical help at times. Of course when you have a helicopter you don't really care about armed coast scrubs at all.