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Charlie Sheen

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About Charlie Sheen

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
    Not Telling

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  • Bio
    Unemployed winner
  1. Charlie Sheen

    Chernogorsk International Hotel

    Its simple, he just carried the tent with all the satchels in it. You can do that you know.
  2. Charlie Sheen

    Where is the little bird?

    Even a makarov can stop a little bird at 100-200m easy *kip voice*. Happens all the time in Takistan Life.
  3. Charlie Sheen

    Where is the little bird?

    They can do that without a little bird anyways
  4. Charlie Sheen

    Radio system with personal number.

    That's what you and your buddies like to do? Interesting
  5. Charlie Sheen

    USMC guy looking for a squad

    Try 1st Battalion 9th Marines. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21916-the-walking-dead-usmc-is-recruiting/
  6. Charlie Sheen

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    Teamspeak password?
  7. Charlie Sheen

    Hacker Down.... Good Times.

    Any time you post a video of a hacker on these forums with any kind of clear, damning evidence, retarded trolls will crawl out from underneath their bridges and start accusing you of dumb shit like that. Just ignore them.
  8. Charlie Sheen

    US Navy {SEALs}

  9. Charlie Sheen

    Admin on EU 40 Cheating

    Is this guy banned yet?
  10. Charlie Sheen

    Cargo.sqf spotted in the wild again !

    Everything he said is someone teleported him' date=' and you don't have the proof of the opposite. You also don't have any proof that the radio and M32 were on his body when you killed him (the video doesn't start from that moment). And what's wrong with him killing you with a HE grenade? [/quote'] He doesn't have proof he was teleported by someone, either. In all his bullshit fake 'code' he's presented, he hasn't even made up any code to support his own claim that he was magically teleported to death. We started recording right after we killed him with an AKM. He's confirmed it was his body. Like I said before, why would we sit there putting shit on his body in the middle of a firefight? We had just killed him, so we were still scanning for possible hostiles. My buddy just ran over to check out his gear for a second, found the hacked stuff on his body, turned on fraps, and immediately after that this guy spawns in with the exact same character model, backpack, and weapon we just found on his dead body. Then he kills us with the M32. Are you retarded? Or blind? The video shows precise HE rounds hitting us. That's rounds, pural. Not fired from an underbarrel M203 launcher, which fires 1 shell at a time. Not a single tossed HE grenade. Rapid fire grenades. Which could only be shot from an M32. Which is a hacked weapon. Which we just found on his body seconds before it happened. Jesus, its like I'm explaining this to a f**king mongoloid. The bottom line is, the video evidence is backed up by the fact that Rajko let it slip that it was his body, that it was him we were shooting at in the video, and that it was him who in fact kills us in the video. He can claim that he was 'teleported' to death. But it makes no sense. If he had actually 'taken forever to swim back' as he claims, then we would have seen him coming from a mile away. We were in an open field with a 3 man group. In the middle of an island. There would be no way for him to get up that close to us like on the video. And if he somehow did, and it 'took forever' like he claims, why the fuck would one of us still be sitting there looking at his previous body instead of looking through his base, or stealing his helicopter he claims to have had (we didn't see one)? And if he had swam to us, how did he have an M32 and a backpack on him again? Additionally, he claims his body was teleported to 'otmel hill' and that he died there. Yet, he confirms it is his body we are looking at, on Skalisty island. See the contradiction? See, nothing he has claimed makes any sense, and he has absolutely no evidence to back up his ridiculous claims. The only way his story makes sense if is he himself is a hacker. The only way our story makes sense is if he himself is a hacker. Dug his own grave there. Truth: he was never teleported to his death, we killed him with legit weapons. And, he was so butthurt that he decided to teleport right back in 5 feet away to kill us. Now he's tried to come up with too many lies too fast and his stories are getting mixed up as a result. A common occurrence with many liars. Any more stupid questions?
  11. Charlie Sheen

    Cargo.sqf spotted in the wild again !

    Could you explain what's wrong with this video' date=' except for the body of an unknown guy with a bunch of hacked gear? (could be anyone) [/quote'] Are you serious? Read what I said two posts up. Rajko has already confirmed its his body and that he's the one killing us. If you can't figure things out on your own by reading then please don't bother posting.
  12. Charlie Sheen

    US Navy {SEALs}

    What I said was exactly what you can read in that entire post you've quoted from. Once we saw at least 12 of them in a single area. Other times there were as little as 1 or 2. And yes, during one instance we fought maybe 7-8 of them and managed to kill nearly all of them before getting blown up by a rocket launcher. Unlike the admin of that server, the Russian hackers didn't do anything other than spawn in crazy items and hoard vehicles(as far as I can tell). So when we killed them they didn't teleport right back in like Rajko does, and they weren't invincible either. We won in the end when they all got banned from the server. I really don't mind playing against hackers that spawn in items. Its a welcome challenge, in fact, since my group is generally over-geared for fighting the average lone survivor. Hackers are everywhere in DayZ. If you can't hold your own against them, you're probably a baddie. Especially was it cool with the Russians, since it really did feel like we were fighting heavily armed NPCs. Its not like we fought them every single second of the day, but when we did it was awesome. Eventually we were killing them with their own weapons. Hackers have become so commonplace in DayZ it seems, so if they happen to creep up on the server I frequent, I'm not going to just flat out quit. Its quite a challenge fighting hackers and the payoff in gear is usually stellar. If Battleye isn't going to do anything about them I might as well accept the fact and use it to my advantage. I only get bothered when the actual server owner who is supposed to be responsible for combating hacking is himself a hacker, and exploits much more than just spawning hacked gear. TL;DR version: Yeah. We fucking raped those Russians to death. Deal with it.