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Everything posted by nyax

  1. nyax

    How do you survive as a lone wolf?

    Only fight zombies indoors if possible. Only fire if you really have too; avoiding threats is much more preferable. Use the Winchester.
  2. nyax

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Roaming zombies are sometimes a bit close to player spawn points, as in you take a few steps and they come running. Their numbers are good too, and they move better too. I saw some people mention running out of ammo fast, that happen to me too a couple of time, but it could just be because I kept missing their heads.
  3. Yes, do away with the bandit system. It doesn't work as intended.
  4. nyax

    Non-lethal weapons and traps.

    Non-lethal could be fun, but I don't think it's really needed. If it doesn't detract from more critical changes or fixes, sure.
  5. nyax

    ST_Movement Addon?

    I support this. It was implemented on the US hardcore servers along with TrueGameplay for a short while and both really improved the game and made moving around much easier. I kind of miss having those.
  6. nyax

    Vehicle and tent acess

    If you want to keep your stuff while offline, keep it on you. If your tent or vehicle is found, then hide it better next time. If I'm lucky enough to find a tent or vehicle, I don't want to be blocked by the game, I want to loot it.
  7. nyax

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes, they are counter-productive when it comes to stopping murders.
  8. Game purchase only Studio developed, yes to Kickstarter Definitely Community, maybe studio servers.
  9. nyax

    Introduce yourselves

    I'm new the DayZ, but not new to Arma 2. I've enjoyed my time up until now, although since the loot and zombie spawn rates have dropped across most server I haven't been playing as much.
  10. nyax

    Ladders: The true scourge of DayZ

    I've only ever had problems with deer stands. Never climb into deer stands, it's not worth it.
  11. nyax

    Spawn problem - not spawn

    I'm having the same issue on many servers. I think the hive servers are just overloaded.