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Everything posted by bassist05

  1. bassist05

    Finding a Mosin

    Probably seeing so many people using them because you can actually hit people with them past 150 meters without wasting half a magazine.
  2. See I hate this suggestion. Half of the fun of the game is being paranoid someone is going to kill you and take your shit. If I wasnt attached to my gear I would basically never care about dying and it'd take all the fun out of fighting for my life because I mean what's the point right? I don't care about my stuff.
  3. bassist05

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    its not just one key. I play with friends but since you feel the need to brag about fingering your girlfriend i'm going to assume you dont have any. I have to have one finger on w and my pinky on ctrl since it's my push to talk key. You try sitting with your hand like that while running from zelenogorsk to berezino and tell me how your hand feels.
  4. bassist05

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    I'd like to not get carpal tunnel from holding my w key down for 2 hours trying to meet up with my group but maybe thats just me.
  5. Seriously. We are talking about a fictional country in a fictional setting and the dev team are writing the lore for the world as they go along. If they want m4's in their world? Guess what? Chernarus has a mass amount of m4's. They want a fancy revolver in their world? Guess what? Chernarus has a bunch of fancy revolvers all over the place. You people don't have a clue as to the reasoning behind the weapons being there but obviously the devs want these guns in Dayz and that should be enough for you. And stop with the "BUT MAI IMMERSUN" posts. If something as simple as a revolver/rifle being in a fictional country you don't think it should be completely ruins your immersion then I am beginning to wonder how you play any video games at all.
  6. This is part of my problem as well. Moving around in first person is still very clunky especially indoors. It's way better than the mod but still not smooth enough for them to completely remove third person.
  7. They just need to make it over the shoulder third person and not floating eye in the sky third person and it'd be a lot better.
  8. bassist05

    Cars When?

    Cars will be added when people figure out how to walk off of the coast.
  9. I didn't even think of the possible smuggled in weapons being brought out by the criminals of the country during a zombie apocalypse. Could lead to some even more interesting weapons that are very rare. Coming from the guy who suggested we make melee weapons useless and make zombies only to die to headshots, I'll take it as a compliment that you want my thread deleted. I'm not sure if Rocket intends to keep Arma2 lore for the region or not and I'm not sure if anyone does but Rocket. I doubt the US conquered the region though. We are well known for our involvement in other countries business though lol.
  10. Because obviously you read the thread.
  11. Nowhere did I say anything about futuristic super snipers so I'm not sure where you got the idea that I thought those were getting put in. However most of the guns people are complaining about really aren't that far fetched and it's really aggravating seeing the same people in every thread going "WHY WOULD THAT BE IN A FICTIONAL EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRY? HERE'S SOME INFO ABOUT A COUNTRY THAT IS REAL AND THEREFORE UNRELATED TO THE ONE THE THREAD IS ABOUT". Fact is the place is fictional and who's to say revolvers aren't very popular in Chernarus? I'd like to see a lot more russian styled weapons and clothing myself but the fact is the US has some kind of presence in the area so all I'm saying is knock it off with the whining since it does nothing but take away from the discussion and cause arguments. Dean will put in whatever he feels fits his setting and we currently don't have a real clear picture of what that setting is yet.
  12. Indeed it is. But considering the clothing included already I don't think it's that bizarre that m4's are in the world given the fact that half the tactical shirts have the us flag on them.
  13. bassist05

    happy christmas

    These ideas are awful and would make this game frustrating to the point of making it a waste of money.
  14. bassist05

    Replace TTSKO Jacket/Trousers.

    You clearly don't keep up on world history and current events if you think nations dont just "throw your troops in there when something goes wrong" lol
  15. bassist05

    Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

    Yeah I think all these guys who think they are removing all the military guns are delusional. They are just balancing them in a different way. When there are tons of guns in the game the chances of finding the gun, the attachment, the ammo and the mag in one go will be very slim when they add more weapons.
  16. Personally if my country was being destroyed by an army of infected flesh eating people, i'd be shipping in guns and ammo like it was going out of style. But maybe that's just me. I'd also be calling in whatever allies I could find to help me out.
  17. bassist05

    Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

    I'd like to see a bow and crossbow added very soon. With how smooth shooting is now. using them would be a lot of fun.
  18. bassist05

    ITT: I share my secret loot spot

    I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the last time this guy saw a tit was when he was breastfed at age 13 by his mom and the last time someone touched his penis was when his mom changed his diaper last week.
  19. Must be new to video games if you think authenticity and realism are the same thing when it pertains to video games. If this game was realistic then I'd be able to climb trees and chain link fences, kick in any door I desire, spend hours trying to escape from handcuffs, run up slight inclines, have to rest after running, wait days to heal from gunshots and being sick, have to use the bathroom etc etc etc. But since this game is trying to be authentic and not realistic I can't and don't have to do any of those things. Authentic in video game terms basically means you can be as realistic as you choose to be. It's obvious from a lot of the changes in the standalone that he is not shooting for full realism. Side note: expecting full realism in a video game is foolish because they will also be limited and your suggestion does nothing but detract from gameplay.
  20. bassist05

    Some looooonngg range shooting.

    Nope. Players being stupid and being punished for it again.
  21. Which is fine with me since dean is going for authenticity and not full realism.
  22. I don't think it being easy to snipe is the problem. I think the problem is a lot of people play sloppy and get killed for it and then whine about getting sniped rather than changing up their playstyle to accommodate the possiblity of a sniper.. Most of the videos I see of snipers killing people are of them killing people who are playing very sloppy. Running across open fields in a straight line, stopping out in the open to loot, etc. It's a very rare occasion where in a sniper video they manage to hit someone zig zagging through a forest or even in an open field. Hell if I get shot at by a sniper and zigzag they don't even come close to hitting me most of the time. I don't think the problem is snipers or the mechanics behind sniping. Snipers already have to find the range and take into account bullet travel time (which if its enough for mil sim it should easily be enough for a survival sim like Dayz). The problem is people play sloppy and then get punished for it and they don't like that so they whine.
  23. bassist05

    A Realistic-ish Way to Identify a Bandit

    Best way to identify a bandit? Is he shooting at me? Y/N
  24. bassist05

    M4A1s are Common and Overpowered

    Please uninstall.
  25. bassist05

    3 way stand off in Zelenogorsk

    That was some really poor gunplay. I didn't see you aim once. Knock it off with the call of duty hipfire rushing and you would have got that guy who knocked you out.