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Everything posted by bassist05

  1. bassist05

    [video] Travelling to Stary Guide (good for beginners!)

    This is the worst guide in the world. Why don't you just rename this thread "Fastest way to get shot up north."
  2. bassist05

    WTT: M4A1 CCO & DMR for M16A4 ACOG

    Indeed it was. I even trusted you enough to not check my bag for NVG's till I was out of the field. haha Also if you need any other guns, I'd be happy to trade again, I have numerous tents spread across various servers loaded with guns.
  3. bassist05

    WTT: M4A1 CCO & DMR for M16A4 ACOG

    I have no idea how to send a pm but I'd gladly trade one for NVG's if you can send me a pm telling where to meet you.
  4. I'll never understand why all these heavily geared people go back to the coast. Once I get enough food and water to make it up north I never return to the coast unless I'm looking for vehicles.
  5. You're right. I'm not sure why he is acting like you're full of shit. None of the LMGs have a single fire mode, and being able to tap the trigger and fire one bullet at a time is not the same as having a semi auto mode.
  6. bassist05

    Wasn't the L85 removed / kills on contact now?

    It poofed for awhile on accident, then they seemed to fix what they broke and the l85 has returned. At least it popped back into my tent when i downloaded the latest patch.
  7. bassist05

    Hackers making game unplayable

    Me and my buddy were on a server earlier and somehow some guy in a chopper knew we were in a building and para dropped his buddies (we saw the chutes in distance) who then attacked us. I killed one but then the chopper shot my ass off. Then the heli started shooting through the buildings walls and my buddy combat logged (I don't blame him).
  8. Sounds like clan kiddies to me.
  9. I don't shoot on sight. I wait a few seconds to make sure you don't have any buddies then I shoot you. :)
  10. bassist05

    You Assholes

    I don't know why this is surprising. You saw FIVE GUYS, and you thought they needed help killing zombies at a heli crash? So you open up and shoot near them and you are shocked that they shot you? I'd have shot you too. First off the chances of five guys wanting you anywhere near their loot piles at the chopper are pretty slim, and secondly even if you said friendly you still shot near/at them. What would you have done if you were looting a high tier loot area and some guy just opens up out of nowhere from off in the distance?
  11. bassist05

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    The way it is currently even shooting someone is exposing yourself with getting no reward, since they just d/c even if you manage to kill them and there body will poof.
  12. I am so sick of killing someone and then they d/c and POOF all the loot I murdered them for is gone. I've killed 8-10 people this week and I have got to loot 0. Either the server crashed after I killed them or they d/c shortly after they die. This seriously needs fixed cause it makes the risk of shooting at people not worth it since I can't even get my reward for killing them.
  13. Sigh. Maybe one of these days a patch won't break everything. haha
  14. bassist05

    Better zombie animation [video]

    I'd have to agree. These animations are much nicer and less laggy.
  15. bassist05

    Heli Hackers on US 714

    Me too.
  16. bassist05

    First time survivor. Still not dead.

    Yeah.... Use paragraphs and maybe I'll read it. For now this is definately TL;DR.
  17. bassist05

    stopped caring

    I've been doing this since they removed weapons at the start. Just mad dash through town dumping my zombies on people trying to sneak around them.
  18. bassist05

    Bodies disappearing.

    It's just frustrating cause one guy I shot had a coyote backpack and nvgs, which I have been looking for for weeks, and then as soon as I reach his body, poof. Gone.
  19. bassist05

    6 months in Alpha state....

    As far as I know those are just forum moderators, not developers.
  20. bassist05

    6 months in Alpha state....

    Not only that but as far as I know it's only Rocket working on this.
  21. This happens to me randomly. I'll log in and randomly be unconscious for 5 minutes even if I logged out in my camp deep in the woods with no one around and no shock. It's irritating to have to lay there or have my friend use an epi pen on me every time I log in.