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Everything posted by bassist05
3 NVGs? So you only want to trade with dupers then?
SVD Camo for sale if my friend doesn't want it.
bassist05 replied to TheDude8D's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I have an As-50, a spare ghillie, NVGs, and a rangefinder. -
Remove the 50.? Why not kill the sniper, instead of getting killed.
bassist05 replied to Gh0st93's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I like these people who whine about snipers. Just shows who runs in a straight line across open fields and cries when they get shot. This entire game is a learning experience. If you get killed by a sniper once, ok what were you doing? Running across an open field in a straight line? Next time you cross an open field zig zag, or skirt the tree line. Get shot looting a hangar? Check your surroundings better for snipers. Check the tree lines before you move in. Learn from your goddamn mistakes and stop whining on here for things to be removed. Rocket has said so many times that he is not doing anything to balance guns in this game. Because it is a simulator. 50 cals are not fair in real life. And they are not fair here. This is why I stopped playing BF3. Everyone came to the forums to whine about a gun they kept being killed by and then said gun gets nerfed to near uselessness and then the cycle continues when people move onto another gun. Stop blaming others for your deaths and accept the fact that you screwed up and got killed. Man up and get better, because Rocket isn't going to fly down on a golden chariot to cradle your balls while you run around like a moron getting shot at. Bottom line is, if they remove snipers you babies will just find something else to cry about until the only thing left is hatchets that do 100 damage per swing. Stop being so entitled and get better. -
Will trade anything for an SVD camo
bassist05 replied to Ulysses404's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Well at least you've never seen one. Me and my friend found one and then as soon as he put it in his bag.... Server restarted. It didn't save. -_- -
I play on third person only because looking through a pinhole sucks ass. First person in this game is entirely too narrow and it makes it nearly unplayable for me. And if you think it's fine you're wrong. I've been playing FPS's since I was 6 years old (I am now 20) and this is the most narrow field of vision I've seen yet. On a side note: Abusing it like this is what's going to get it removed. I only use it to move around so I can see more then a 2 feet wide area in front of me.
Why does it say that red car is a uaz...?
Illiteracy is tons of fun! Also finding an As-50 is not very hard at all. Every time I find a heli crash there is one there.
I don't understand all you guys who say "PISTOLS WERE OP" Do you not understand that pistols are extremely deadly and not the piss weak things you see in Call of Duty? 9mm don't have as much stopping power but a .45 could seriously fuck you up or kill you with a single shot to the chest.
Bizarre encounter. Hacker? Douche? We may never know.
bassist05 posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So me and my friend were playing on one of the newly popped up servers, and we managed to secure a motorcycle and decided to take it south to look for bikes. (We prefer having two bikes to any other mode of transportation. Gas is annoying and bikes are quieter.) Well everything went smoothly but we found no bikes so decided to head back to our base and figure out our next move. On our way north we cut through the town of Nadezhdino, and this is where it gets weird. As soon as we start to leave the town and head up a hill we hear bullets flying our way from what I believe to be a M4 or M16. I floor it and try to get out of there but where he hit us was half up a hill driving into the sun. I managed to make it around a wall and almost to the top but my buddy got shot off the back. Well that's when I notice something weird. The bullets still sound like they are RIGHT behind me. Not down the hill where the bullets were coming from still in the town. But literally RIGHT behind me. Well I get shot off as well sadly. So we respawn on the coast, and I start near balota, my friend near cherno. He runs straight there and I run to Balota to at least get armed since the guy that killed us now has our gear. (We had every tool, NVGs, Rangefinders, GPS etc., and my friend had a Mk. 48 and I had a m14 AIM and AS-50.) I find an AKM at the airfield on some dead dude in one of the hangars and start heading that way. Along the way I find a bicycle (lol wut) and I ride it to the outskirts of the town and get off and skirt the edges of it in the woods. Me and my friend don't see anyone. We go down to check our bodies. Nothing was taken off our bodies. Weird. We find the motorcycle where I died with nothing broken on it. It was just laying there. Prior to all this happening we had been noticing an abnormally high number of deaths on the server. I'm talking almost everyone on the server except me, my friend and like 2 other guys on a 40 man server. So I'm wondering if this was a hacker teleporting around killing people or if it was just some guy who saw us and killed us. But if he had an m4 (I know it took at least 4-5 bullets to kill me) why wouldn't he take our guns? The only reason I say he is a douche is because he didn't kill us for any reason apparently. No reason other then us being there. He didn't want our gear. He didn't want the motorcycle. He just wanted us dead. It worked out in our favor though. We found a bicycle and still have the motorcycle. So I guess thanks hacker/douche! -
Small pine trees are Zombie free zones
bassist05 replied to unconsciousobjector's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I've hid in a pine tree before and a zombie stood outside punching me. But I've ran through a few pine trees in a row and lost all zombies on me. -
I'd like to see blood trails added. Nothing is more annoying then shooting a guy and seeing him leaking like a sieve, and he runs off and hides to bandage. There should be blood trails left behind. Also zombies should bleed out just like people do.
Your Shoot On Sight Threshold?
bassist05 replied to Taggert1313's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
That's a fairly douchey thing to do. Considering I am frequently sitting on a hill above a town watching for people to come by because my buddy is in there looting and I don't want him to get jumped by some douche. And I usually just warn him rather then shoot the person unless he says he needs me too cause he is otherwise engaged. -
US 1008 what happened near Polana?
bassist05 replied to OPnepo's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
China called, they want their wall back. -
Good work banning me for server hopping. Logging in and seeing your giant flare on top of zub castle =/= server hopping. Me and my buddy logged in for the night. (He was actually in the castle) And I logged in and saw the flare and told him to be careful when he logged in. Needless to say after a short gunfight, they were both dead and as we were looting I was kicked for server hopping and promptly banned. My buddy looted the corpses and we logged off since we couldn't play on that server together. If anyone shoulda been banned it was my buddy, not me. haha. Thanks for the dmr though. Was looking for one of those. :)
To the guys at zub castle on US 382.
bassist05 replied to bassist05's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Exactly. That was their reason for banning me. -_- -
The Reason more and more people don't enjoy DayZ
bassist05 replied to B Allred's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
More and more people don't like this game and are getting fed up with it because the game is not made for you. This game is an unforgiving wasteland that YOU are responsible for adapting too. This game is not going to cater to you. It's not going to help you out when you're trapped in a grocery store in Cherno with bandits waiting for you to come out the door. This game isn't going to help you when you run into a dead end with no weapon and a horde of zombies behind you. The game is not meant for people who cannot do things for themselves. Not everyone is supposed to enjoy this game and if you don't that is absolutely fine. But don't whine on here and ask for the game to change to suit you. It isn't going to happen. Rocket has said so himself. He is absolutely not going to cater to people who are too weak to survive in the world he has created. This game is about survival and if you can't survive? Well tough shit, you are too weak to live through this apocalypse. Sorry, but that's just how it is. I've hated this game just like the rest of you. Like when I got shot after finding my first military grade rifle. Or when a guy waiting for me in the back of a grocery store and shot me when I entered. Or when I broke my leg falling off some steps in Devil's castle. But guess what? I adapted to the game, I didn't wait for it to adapt to me. -
I never played when they were around so what can destroy them? I assume a 50 cal can destroy them, but what about lmgs? Can the mk 48 destroy a chopper too?
I always carry two belts for my mk 48, so I'm pretty set. haha Should be able to ruin some clan kiddies day soon. :)
Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.
bassist05 replied to necroslord's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Sure it can kill people, but its bizarrely inaccurate in the game. I've used it and shot at a guy not 70 meters away on single shot and I missed all but 2 of my 10 shots. And for the record I usually use an m14 aim as my primary. So it wasn't user error. There is a reason you never see montages of people killing people with just the l85a2. -
I'm tired of not finding vehicles
bassist05 replied to davidecibel's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Dumbest suggestion of the day. I'm baffled. -
Night time doesn't serve a purpose
bassist05 replied to jayboltz's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yeah there hearing turns supersonic at night. I was crouch running in the woods and some zombie was about 30-40 meters behind me and aggroed. I had 1 bar of noise. -_- -
I'd rather wear a ghillie suit then camo for one reason: The backpack. It may be easier for you to see a guy in a ghillie but I'd bet money that it's far easier to see the giant tan alice pack on the dude laying in prones back any day of the week. On topic: I've been wearing one all night. No problems other then when I first put it on my debug monitor reset (stats came back after I relogged) and for about a minute after I put it on I couldn't loot.
Well since I literally can't find any other sniper rifle other then a 50 cal. I guess I'd have to say the as50. Seriously, been barracks farming and heli crash hunting for 2 weeks and have found nothing but 50 cals.
They've been back in the game like 2 hours and this thread already exists? Sometimes I wonder why I keep coming back here.
Night time doesn't serve a purpose
bassist05 replied to jayboltz's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Ok. This thread is bad. 1. I live in the middle of nowhere. There's is a good sized forest and corn fields in my backyard. And I am a 15 minute drive from the nearest town. And even on the cloudiest winter night, it is nowhere near as dark as this games night time. 2. Night time has a purpose and once your character is tied to a server and you can't server hop to another one, you will start seeing it's purpose. 3. Saying rocket is like Notch is laughable. Notch built minecraft using Java, because he had no idea how to program any other way. Rocket works for Bohemia as a programmer. Chances are he is much better at programming then Notch. 4. Stop getting butthurt at people telling you your ideas are stupid. Your ideas are stupid. Sorry. 5. Stop bringing up CoD. The only thing these two games have in common is they both involve shooting things.