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About lupusxiii

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. lupusxiii

    Bandit/Survivor Skins- WE NEED THEM BACK

    in the actual gameplay there are bandits wich can kill out of fun or greed without fearing any consequences and survivor wich either have to kill on sight to defend them selfe or have to wait till someone opens fire on them waht puts them in a havy disadvantage there is actual no way to effectivle do anything against bandits without slaughtering countless innocents a kind of badit branding will give the opoturnity to save ur bullets for this who deserve them
  2. lupusxiii

    Riot shields, hear me out ok?

    could be fun if playing in a team the one with shield could scout atackers while otheres wait for location to take him out
  3. lupusxiii

    I love cigarettes

    THC would be much better for a quick calm down and without having the danger of a physical addiction but it also would slow u down for a while
  4. lupusxiii

    We need Objectives....

    @lockpwnage a bit more consructive critism would be better than just denying @allseeing i dont think this would fit in DayZs Sandbox setting we need to wait for gameplay developments like liberation, settling .etc i agree with the looting is to main focusd and to easy so the non player emitted danger should be buffed so u have the feeling that u have something accomplisht by surviving another day and not only cause no one shoot u in the head
  5. @Specter911 u have my full support i will also bump this cause it needs to be im part of an moding team as model designer for over a year now and unreasoned disagree is just irritating and anoying before u disagree with an idea have some serious thought how u would make it better or why this isnt a good idea or shut the hell up
  6. lupusxiii

    Friendly list.

    im 100% for this IRL nearly nobody looks exact like the same person everything wich allows to differ knowen and unknowen players will help
  7. lupusxiii

    Less-than-Lethal options???

    sounds fun +1 but only if the log of prob is solved also brings me a nice idea how to take bitter sweet revange on bandit step1 KO by rubberball or beanbag(more ironic) step2 break his legs step3 take his morphin step4 throwe flare at him step5 shoot in the air step6 get to a save point with good view final step eat something tasty and watch him being swarmed by zeds
  8. lupusxiii

    Body Armor

    +1 for this it would be one of the first things i look for during any post apocalyptik scenario its just a shame thats bucky paper bodyarmor (31 times stronger than steel and 4 times lighter) still needs a few years of research but military zombies should have a chance to wear it there were most likely in combat before they got infected
  9. lupusxiii

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    i think the edge of a shovel against the neck would do much more than knock u out
  10. lupusxiii

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    i think its ok to hide a body in the ground but its bullshit u can do it without a shovel or something like this it also it would take more time and even if buryed there would be traces and u could retrive it a more effecient way would be burning it with a jery can but it would smoke and atract other beings
  11. lupusxiii

    Dynamic Helicopter Crashes!

    +1 for this would be bucket full of fun
  12. lupusxiii

    Zombies act more like zombies.

    the confusion about the zombie behavior is caused by the missing of a proper explanation i dont know waht rocket has in mind how exactly the ZApocalyps startet but i will try to give a bit vary of how it could be caused first we have do differ between real undead wich are made by necromancy and have a potential unlimeted power and the infectet wich are either reanimatet corpses (like the dawn of the dead or resident evil zombis) or infectet living (wich is most likely the one we encounter in DayZ) for this kind there several possible explanation i only tell the most reasonable in my opinon for now wich is based on the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis its a parasitic shroom that infect ants and alters there behavior the shroom takes full control over the ants movement and perception theroretical a similar organism could affect humans it would significantly alter the personality the host wouldnt decay like the old fashioned zombie it rather would become "simple" the perception would be reduced to the basics nearly no interpretation of sensual data the olfactory sense would higly possible the prime sense cause it would indicate pray on a few key substances like co² from breath and butyric acid from sweat the visual sense only would be used to avoid obstacles using visualdata from a foreign organism would need an impresiv amount of cognitiv capacity the phisical abillitys of the host wouldnt decrase even incrase slightly cause of the dumping of stress hormones the hunt of other live forms had two reasons nutriton of the host to keep him alive while the parasite feeds from the host and reproduce of the parasite this is my personal explaination of the dayZ zombis hope u like it and find it reasonable
  13. lupusxiii

    German Player Searching for Clan/Group

    Moin moin Darksider were a small group of german players and we like to coop we use teamspeak we help eachother cause it makes the game just more enjoyable also we avoid this shoot on sight behavoir if u want to join us PM me for ts data were maybe a bit crazy but nice
  14. lupusxiii

    Player Revival

    bump for more teamwork
  15. lupusxiii

    Player Revival

    normaly a defi wouldnt be need so revive someone its used to stop ventricular fibrillation wich apears in 85% of the first minuts of a cardiac arrest but a cardio pulmonale reanimation would always be needed and even could do the job alone it also would be need to make the blood transfusion working during a cardiac arrest bassicly there should be a way to reanimate without a defi having a defi only would make it more effective the most reasonable procces would be Step 1. Bandage the wound to prevent further blood loose Step 2. Give blood transfusion to refill blood stand and stabilize blood pressure Step 3. Start cardio pulmonale reanimation to start blood circulation and hope it will run further on its own Step 4 Optional. use defi to reset hartbeat and get rid of possible ventricular fibrillation Step 5 if still unconscious give epipen to raise bloodpressur and oxygen saturation to ensure conscious so revivng would be possible but very time consuming and not with a 100% change wich leaves the group vulnerable a defi would raise the chance of a sucsses and prevents after-effects like sudden unconscious, pain and short-windedness also a certain risk of broken bones during the cardio pulmonale reanimation