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About cjust89

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  1. cjust89


    We are against the Farming and understand why the Blacklisting exists, and know locking it is missing 90% of the game but something is better than nothing at this point. If we get bored we can hop in a regular server get gear and go pvp. Any more help with eh logs etc would be great thanks!
  2. cjust89


    The issue besides this is that there isn't just one hacker, so banning one doesn't stop the rest form coming in. We have a server that's centrally located and running very fast compared to others in the area. So we are fairly popular and almost always full. I don't mind being killed by a player and losing gear but having a server nuked or being tele-port killed in camp etc. is ridiculous. The hours that a clan puts into all the work can be destroyed in 2 mins cuz some idiot likes to have a laugh. I just think its dumb that we can't lock our own server and when we unlock go ahead and reset us all( fine by us) we dont care we just want to enjoy the game wihtout this stuff happening. So how to become white-listed after locking? is this possible and how easy?
  3. cjust89


    what exactly are we looking for throuhg .5gb of log
  4. Okay so its been a few days since our server has been up we haven't gone a single day without a nuke 3 times in 2 hours or someone placing 500+ bear traps across the airfields. Pics to come. we banned one guy spamming nades all over/ others teleporting around killing ppl, other hacks are 20 of the identical items spawning on top of each other (ak's etc.) Zombies not moving at all!!! This is ridiculous DAYZ staff can't do anything for us whats the deal. I get it's an alpha but you are just letting the get away with it day after day. If we lock our server we are black listed which is BS, we are the ones paying the money for it. IF we lock the server and become blacklisted how can we become whitelisted again???? At this point it's the only solution for us to enjoy the game without the cheating. Please DAYZ STAFF RESPOND!!!!!!!! Server is US341
  5. cjust89

    l85 tws still in game

    my mistake yes meant AWS, i got the error the first time we found one as well some .paa error but the second time (next day) it let us loot it.
  6. cjust89

    us 341 Mass killing

    Update happened a second time
  7. cjust89

    us 341 Mass killing

    At the moment no. We restarted hoping that the hive hadn't saved the data but no luck. If you guys have vids or pics or anything plzz post. We are going through logs no luck thus far
  8. All players were playing as normal suddenly the server turned night time/ instantly 12 noon to 12 midnight 5 seconds later every player on the server died including those in vehicles along with vehicles exploding!!! No idea how this happened but def needs to be investigated. My understanding this is a "nuke hack"!!!
  9. So today our server upgraded to the latest version arma oa 94876 and we found a l85 tws and thermal does work, this is a public server hosted by vilayer. Can anyone confirm the gun is on their server too!
  10. Add one of us on steam and we can talk and see what we can work out. cjust689 or TonyG
  11. [CFG] is looking for more active mature players. At the moment we have 5-6 exp.daily players. We run our own server and use TS3. We are not a bandit clan but we protect what we have. We work together as a group or groups to better our clan. If interested and active daily hit us up or reply here and we will talk. Steam Cjust689 or TonyG
  12. Hi Yosminkov, we have a group of 6 consistent players up 10 on the weekends, we are team oriented and work as one, all items are shared regularly. We don't care too much for loners. If interested i can give you some more info, my steam is cjust689.
  13. cjust89

    3 people looking for squad

    To both of you, our group is a consistent 6 players daily + a few extra on the weekend we scavenge constantly and are well supplied and disciplined we are looking for mature players preferably 20+ in age. We have just few rules, help the group stick together and share all items, whats yours is the group. Kills go to the killer the rest is shared etc. We are open and like to have fun but when the shooting starts need to listen and be patient. Let me know steam name cjust689
  14. Hey dregor, we have a group of 6 players daily 12 max at the moment we play daily. Add me on steam cjust689 if you are interested WOOD if you're interested we could link up our two groups would bring our consistent strength to 10+. Steam name cjust689
  15. Group of hackers at least three found on this server, teleporting and killing players as they respawn on the coast. No names as server doesn't show player tags. Avoid server if you can. Happened around 9:15 pm MDT US 91 TX!!!!!!! AVOID***