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Everything posted by stielhandgranate

  1. stielhandgranate

    Ballistic helmet + gas mask = not compatible. Why?

    That isn't true at all. The Gas mask was non compatible with the MICH helmet way before the MASKA helmet was put in game. Also the devs don't gain or lose anything when plays choose other items over the rest. The MASKA helmet isn't some premium content that nets Bohemia money with use. That post was a dumb thing.
  2. stielhandgranate

    Correct Mounting of Suppressor East on AK Variant Rifles

    If you want to keep insisting that these are all Russian AK rifles with no possibility of these being domestically made or non Russian versions that come with a side rail as standard then we would have to apply this logic of no deviations from real world versions to other firearms as well. That means: No M4A1s with CCMG roll marks. CCMG would be the last company on earth to secure a military contract due to their poor record of building pot metal receivers. M4 carbines should have Colt or FN roll marks. All M4A1s would have a Knights Armament Rail system and M68 (or ACOG) with a BUIS as standard. M4s and M4A1s haven't been issued in dayz's configuration in years. Even when ordering from depot, military orders have a RIS,M68, and BUIS already attached. AUGA1 would have no compatibility with STANNAGs or PMAGs and use a proprietary magazine.
  3. stielhandgranate

    Ballistic helmet + gas mask = not compatible. Why?

    They removed it due to clipping errors, despite as others mentioned there are several thins that also clip together. I really think they forgot about it.
  4. stielhandgranate

    Fire Weapons

    Suggested here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/218969-ww2-flame-thrower/ Flamethrowers would be great additions and more limiting than projectile weapons while being a fabricated weapon.
  5. stielhandgranate

    Correct Mounting of Suppressor East on AK Variant Rifles

    No thats bullshit. That will mean we will have people finding rare optics and NVDs and unable to use such peripherals until finding end tier loot when such addons will be superseded buy equal loot and prevent people from using such items while using 7.62x39 guns when they should be able to pick and create a rifle unique to their needs or wants.
  6. stielhandgranate

    Traps: Trip-lines, land-mines, and claymores...

    Thats a better reason to add more explosives. Or even random mine fields. This isn't an FPS. FPS games don't bother putting that much detail such as mines.
  7. stielhandgranate

    Correct Mounting of Suppressor East on AK Variant Rifles

    These AK rifles could be variants made from places besides Russia such as East Germany or Yugoslavia, which had side rail AKMs.
  8. stielhandgranate

    Correct Mounting of Suppressor East on AK Variant Rifles

    The AK-74s featured in the Chernarus campaign in ArmA 2 featured Kobra and PSO optics. I don't understand why you don't like accessory rails. Modularity is a good thing. We need more of it, not less.
  9. stielhandgranate

    Correct Mounting of Suppressor East on AK Variant Rifles

    That isn't true at all. There are several variants of the AKM and AK-74 that have a side rail. The rail should stay in place for future optics such as the Kobra or 1PN58 Night Vision Device.
  10. stielhandgranate

    Making Trucks actually useful

    I agree with OP, it is frustrating when Me and my two buddies find a truck and we have to leave it. Why would a truck of that design be without a bed? The Devs have this problem of implementing something halfway, like persistence and moving on as it it is workable in it's current state. I'll wait until the next update where new trucks might make it.
  11. stielhandgranate

    Correct Mounting of Suppressor East on AK Variant Rifles

    Don't forget the upside down handguard on all the AK rifles. The whole thing is a mess, the AK-74 can't mount a PSO scope despite having a accessory rail for one rendered on the receiver.
  12. stielhandgranate

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    BMPs have turrets and cannons. Fenneks don't. Its a light scout so it would make sense if the logic was they were being used as forward observers or sweeping for a larger relief force.
  13. stielhandgranate

    Traps: Trip-lines, land-mines, and claymores...

    Landmines: Comfirmed Date mined image:
  14. stielhandgranate

    Get rid of inventory "tetris", its busy work and limiting.

    I agree. I really hate how a key or torn out paper page has the same volume as a pistol magazine in this game.
  15. stielhandgranate

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    Again you're misinterpreting a game that has heavy PvP for what YOU want, which seems like a PVE hug fest. Not happening, military vehicles or no. This isn't the Sims online or Altis life, Zombies edition. Except they do. This is a military war zone and zombie outbreak crisis zone in a world without law and order. The settings isn't "peaceful pacifist town", its "civil war,then zombies". Again, the current V3S is a military vehicle. Except that military vehicles don't require a degree to maintain and repair. In fact militaries in general don't adopt vehicles that can't be maintained at a high school level. Do you think the enlisted folk at the trans-motor section of a military garrison have two year degrees in engineering? Using IV bags and administering blood transfusions require higher technical training than maintaining light scout cars. All of which would be more frequent than a higher end vehicle. Can't fight an armored car? Don't pick a fight with one. Just like not picking a fight with someone equipped with a rifle when all you have is a flashlight and battery. You are also implying this thing or anything like it would win any encounter it comes across. Go into a town or city, people can slip into a multi story structure and you can't do anything about it. unless you send someone out to pursue them.
  16. stielhandgranate

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    As far as fuel consumption I can conform military vehicles are gas whores from experience. I never encountered a vehicle in military use that didn't need to be refueled after spending 14 hours idling,let alone on missions.
  17. stielhandgranate

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    Ordinary civilian cars aren't ambush resistant. LMGs/MMGs can deadline a fennek for involved repairs. A sustained burst on the windscreen can defeat it and expose the occupants to hazards. As well as Grenade launchers and landmines being confirmed, there is a technique for "Stacking" landmines. In Afghanistan insurgents would bury mines in a hole about one meter deep and stack anti tank and antipersonnel mines on top of each other to defeat vehicles like MATVs or MRAPs. If done correctly this could flip a Fennik, rendering it inoperable.
  18. stielhandgranate

    4-slot protector cases

    I use a pelican case of the same size at work to ferry M9 pistols. You can fit 8 on there, maybe more. The ammo can could carry things besides ammo in real life. The current inventory system is flawed.
  19. stielhandgranate

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    I'm pretty sure the ambulance vehicles weren't used as you could scroll wheel and heal at one with no cost to resources. As far as immunity. The wheels aren't bullet proof. The Fennek is known for having a good survivability rating, but isn't impervious to damage or wear and tear. Lets not forget the game's weapon's inventory isn't complete. M203s and GP-25s are confirmed and machine guns and RPGs would be a welcome addition. A good gimmick would be the Fennek's hull being highly survivable while being easily immobilized or it's windscreen broken. This way the same vehicle trades hands over and over again.
  20. stielhandgranate

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    It offers a passive way to bypass sniper alleys while allowing groups with LMGs/MMGs or explosives the ability to capture or destroy it.
  21. stielhandgranate

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    Also your point is further invalid by the fact that unlike soft humvees there were no BDRMs or Vodnik that were unarmed sans the medic vodnik. ArmA 3's Fennek has an unarmed version. You then implied that the Fennek is some future tech space magic that wouldn't be immune or deadlined from a road side bomb or gunfire.
  22. stielhandgranate

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    I've seen Fenniks without FLIR mounted on them. FLIR and other sophisticated equipment while not dead lining the vehicle. Although ArmA 3 takes place in the "future" the Fennik has been in service for over 10 years and is not future fantasy tech. Backlash? How game breaking can a armored car be? It can still be immobilized with IEDs and damaged with small arms. Its not an MBT. Also Vodniks and BDRMs aren't invulnerable to MG fire.
  23. stielhandgranate

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    Maybe you don't know. Germany is in Europe the German government is willing to provide manpower to international military endeavors such as ISAF, in fact the third largest troop contributor to ISAF after the US and UK. So if Some major crisis like the one depicted in game occurred nearby that warranted international intervention, The Bundeswehr's involvement is probable. The Fennik is resistant to IEDs, something at the Chernorussian Red Star insurgents might use often. No, you're playing the wrong game. Chernarus was a warzone that had belligerents from the US, Russian Federation and a civil war and then a zombie crisis happened. This wasn't some peaceful utopia, people were killing their neighbors and as superpowers fought in a proxy war. Military equipment is bound to be left over and a light armored scout car isn't going to break the game. This isn't a M1A2 Abrams or Mi-28. Vehicles like the soft top humvee and GAZ jeep weren't in the mod due to a restriction. ArmA 2 had a healthy amount of civilian ground vehicles and aircraft. Dean Hall chose to add them in. On top of that, this vehicle would be more restricting than the planned V3S Variants (military vehicles,mind you) as it would carry less and have worse millage.
  24. stielhandgranate

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    The same reason UN MICH helmets, US military MICH helmets,Styer AUGs,M4A1s,Super Huey wrecks,Humvee wrecks,UK combat webbing would.
  25. stielhandgranate

    Some annoyances I hope get fixed

    I really like the idea of clinging objects like jerry cans, first aid kits and tools on your vehicle.