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Everything posted by stielhandgranate

  1. stielhandgranate

    Add a bullet-proof vests

    What? Being a sniper doesn't make rifle rounds hit harder. Or are you referring to a sniper rifle? The term "sniper" refers to a individual using a rifle for long distance shooting.
  2. +1 camoed zombies sounds like a good variant. Also the immature kids that couldn't be bothered to take 30 seconds to read the OP should feel like shit.
  3. stielhandgranate

    Vehicles less rare?

    +1 Also odd vehicles like an Ice Cream truck, garbage truck or a toyota Prius. Or baybe even those three wheeled traffic cop mini cars or a segway.
  4. stielhandgranate


    Not a realistic idea. Silencers need threaded barrels to attach a suppressor. Normal M1911s and M9s don't have one as standard. M16 and M4 type weapons need a new muzzle break to accept a suppressor. Incorrect, the suppressor dampens the noise emitted from the discharge of a weapon. Sub sonic rounds dampen the noise from a round in flight.
  5. stielhandgranate

    Full Clips of ammo everywhere?

    good one.
  6. stielhandgranate

    M9 Beretta with low-light sights

    Military M9s do not have tritium sights. Seeing how the M9s in dayZ seem to be of US military origin I disagree with this idea.
  7. I know the mod is in Alpha and I'm not sure if you can edit this game's files to do this but I would like to see a more darker tone in DayZ. Apartment buildings and hospital fronts should have blood smears, tipped over furniture, beds with blood and gibs strewn across and other signs of a struggle. Those soldier bodies that litter military camps and the cities look too fresh, as if they were recently slain. They should be rotting, have torn clothing, ect. Also I think there should be random bodies in zombie populated areas. Zombies should gouge themselves on these carcasses when not alerted and make disturbing "Eating" noises when doing so. Maybe this script could play on dead player bodies as well.
  8. stielhandgranate

    Suggestion for a Female skin

    Good idea.
  9. stielhandgranate

    Combine DMR and/or M14 mags into FAL mags

    Maybe there should just be generic ammo types like 9x19,7.62x51,5,56,45. auto like in the fallout series.
  10. stielhandgranate

    Combine DMR and/or M14 mags into FAL mags

    They are the same 7.62 NATO round. In fact you should be able to delink M240 Bravo ammo also as it is the same caliber as the M14 and FN FAL. Short answer: no. Long answer: no. Even the inch fal mags (mags for the britsh L1A1) won't work in a metric FAL (produced by FNH) while metric FAL mags will fit in a british L1A1. Concerning the magazines: FAL mags are NOT compatible with M1A/M14 magazine well. You'll need a conversion. Compatibility between magazines has nothing to do with type of ammo. You can't set a G36 mag into an AR15' date=' even if they were designed to shelter the same round. BUT you can charge a 6.5x39mm grendel or a 6.8x43mm SPC into a "stanag" magazine, because these rounds were designed for these magazines. Again, this has nothing to do with ammo type or caliber, and yet, you don't shoot the same ammo in a M14/M21/DMR/AR10/G3SG1/whatever 7.62x51 marksman rifle (M118) than in a M240/M60 (M80) for the sake of your match grade barrel. Assuming the scoped rifles of Dayz does, it would have no sense at all to allow this. [/quote'] I know he said "Mags" but he later asked about the diameter of the casing. Also seeing how magazines can be reused, you can just swap the rounds from M14 magazines into a empty FN FAL magazine. What you have said in regard to match ammo/barrels is correct, however the standard FN FAL does not have a march grade barrel. In an emergency you can use delinked M80 rounds in a M24 rifle during the absence of 118LR ammo IRL and given the situation of DayZ I would think one would opt to have a usable weapon, rather one without ammunition, despite long term effects on the barrel.
  11. stielhandgranate

    C-130 Crashsite

    I would like to see more post apocalyptic scenery. +1 for crashed air planes, plane wrecks.
  12. stielhandgranate

    Combine DMR and/or M14 mags into FAL mags

    They are the same 7.62 NATO round. In fact you should be able to delink M240 Bravo ammo also as it is the same caliber as the M14 and FN FAL.
  13. Military shotguns use the same shells. Saiga 12s and M870s IRL for example use the same ammo. +1
  14. stielhandgranate

    Make bicycles MORE common

    +1 more bikes, maybe make it a tool item? Or make a rare variant one that can fold in your pack?
  15. +1 People can go back to CoD if they want to PvP all day.
  16. stielhandgranate

    More stats on the Debug Monitor

    +1 Maybe "Animals Killed" or "Rounds fired" as well?
  17. stielhandgranate

    Ambient sound

    +1 also get rid of that cellphone text beep noise from the soundtrack.
  18. stielhandgranate

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    +1 This is a good I idea but remember, The US hands off its wares to alot of nations, so its not to far fetched to see an M16A2 or M249 in some East Euro state. I think Russian weapons should be the vast majority though and support this idea. Also the Enfield should stay as there is a small amount in East Europe that were bring backs from the Soviet Afghan war. The Afganis even make copies of the Enfield to this day.
  19. stielhandgranate

    Refilling magazins a bit more realism and flexibility

    FN FALs and other modern firearms use magazines not clips, clips are a metal strip that hold rounds by the casing groove or rim in the case of rimmed bullets.
  20. stielhandgranate

    Character death should carry more weight

    You lose everything. It's bad enough that you spend a few days gathering gear,clothes,tools and other stuff, only to die from some douchebag bandit with a anti material rifle and lose all that effort. There is no issue here. Items are the only resource and objective in this game and losing that is enough. Also Cherno, Elektro and the NW strip are PvP havens and now with being unarmed at spawn doubles effort on these endeavors.
  21. stielhandgranate


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease) If it ever did make it in the game, it should cause uncontrollable/incurable shakes.
  22. stielhandgranate

    Chinook/Large unarmed heli

    I think a CH-47 (or one of it's Russian cousins like the Mi-6 or 26) would be a great addon for DayZ. I think such an asset should be unarmed, and require alot of effort to repair, maybe moreso then the UH-1. The Chinook would be a large target for bandits, Huey gunners as well. It would be fitting in the lore for it to be beached at LZs near the makeshift tent bases like at Chirno, abandoned after a botched attempt to evacuate civilians. I think it would be the air equivalent to the bus. Some of my favorite times were repairing a bus with other strangers (Only to get smoked by bandits 20 minutes after trying to drive the bus to the NW airstrip)