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Everything posted by stielhandgranate

  1. stielhandgranate

    Zombie children,Dismemberment,Burns/Scars

  2. Its a better feeling if the community establishes such things, like the clown masking being semi established bandit indicator.
  3. stielhandgranate

    Just 2¢ from someone who has used these weapons in his day job

    Try using M855, Don't use .22 converters as they are junk, the gas tube won't clog with correct preventive maintenance, I'm an armorer and only had to change gas tubes when conducting a barrel swap. For all the talk of how great AKs are I've seen some shitty AKs built out of spec,misaligned sights,fail headspace checks or very vulnerable to rust, the only brand I see live up to hype are MAK-90s or Saigas. Contrary, I've seen beat to hell CAR-15s and M16A1s tear through magazines on full auto with no effort. Even an abused gun can be brought to working order with correct PM, unless it was a terrible gun from the start like some Centry examples or CMMG pot metal crap. Let me end in saying, yeah M4s can go down to lack of care, but this is preventible and AK pattern weapons are vulnerable to the same types of misuse and their ruggedness is often mistaken for invulnerability.
  4. stielhandgranate

    Just 2¢ from someone who has used these weapons in his day job

    I really hate the accepted myth that The M4/M16 series of weapons are more susceptible to cleaning issues than the AKM/AK-74 series weapons and said slav tech doesn't need maintenance when in fact they often fire corrosive ammo and require more detailed cleaning. I doubt anyone spouting such nonsense is old enough to have used a XM16E1 when such issues were valid. Not to mention that repairing or replacing a AK series weapon part like the barrel or fire control group is a major bitch compared to the M4. Dean Hall really fucked up for a former military man as his details on weapons are all wrong in regards to M4 performance. "You should know that the AK series wasn't meant to deliver accurate fire but just volumes of lead towards the enemy right? It's basically treated as a smg with a powerful cartridge." The AK-47 was never designed with inaccuracy in mind, it was one of the first "assault rifles" and thus expected maximum effective ranges weren't determined for a weapon in it's class yet. Also a Sub-machine gun and Assault Rifle fill two different roles. "Why else would they put auto before semi on the selector switch? On second thought if you look inside it can be changed if you do some adjustments" The idea was that a solider in the heat of battle would force the selector all the way down until it reached the semi auto setting. It does no benefit for a solider to waste all his ammo spraying and praying. "Afaik soldiers are trained not to fully load their magazines in order for them to work properly." Myth. "And why would you want to adjust windage on an assault rifle all the time, wouldn't kentucky windage work faster in the long run?" Because rifles are issued are zeroed to the shooter beforehand.
  5. stielhandgranate

    [Suggestion] Zombie Types / Pesdo-special infected

    Why would there be a large amount of EOD troops wearing bomb blast suits in a zombie outbreak. Most EOD shops only have 2 of those things.
  6. stielhandgranate

    Zombie children,Dismemberment,Burns/Scars

  7. stielhandgranate

    Zombie children,Dismemberment,Burns/Scars

    I figured since zombies are dead, it wouldn't count as killing children.
  8. This disappearing bodies thing is bullshit. Some one of the eerie experiences with my group is finding three bodies clustered together that presumably gunned each other down in one of the big rusted warehouses and seeing blood rain from one of them from the catwalk.
  9. stielhandgranate

    Survivor's brain

    Does rocket not care about ideas posted on this forum unless it gets the approval of reddit?
  10. stielhandgranate

    TAVOR TAR-21 Rifle [Poll inside]

    Modern post Cold War-era firearms, don't get trafficked as much as the movies and cowadoodies would lead you to believe. You wouldn't find select fire G36s and MP7s in the hands of local thugs in East Europe and most of Europe has more draconian than the United States or Canada, thus preventing most citizens from owning firearms like modern pistols and sporter versions of military rifles like AR-15s. Sure Soviet surplus will find it's way into the hands of crime syndicates and maybe old NATO stock like FN FALs and G3s, but a post Cold War Assault rifle from Israel is too far fetched.
  11. stielhandgranate

    TAVOR TAR-21 Rifle [Poll inside]

    The Ukrainians use them, which is near Cheneraus. BUT, I doubt Bohemia has license to use IWI weapons in their games. Voted no.
  12. stielhandgranate

    Hat suggestion!

    Yes boonies would be a good idea. Different patterns for European and American uniforms if we ever see them. You should edit you name to include "boonie hat" if you want to gain more traction.
  13. stielhandgranate

    Combining plants for healing

    I like the idea of plants, but the system it uses should be akin to Metal Gar Solid 3 where certain plants can heal burns, infections and disease. A botanist kit would be a good item to conduct this work and help players attempt to offer services and trade.
  14. stielhandgranate

    Combining plants for healing

    All the Resident Evils had this. I feel old. Damn millennials.
  15. I like this idea. Eliminate their spawns from military areas altogether, make them civilian loot, and add an AR-15 that is only capable of semi automatic fire. You should post that in an independent thread.
  16. Then what the fuck have I been using in the military for the past 6 years? Wrong, so wrong. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_of_the_Czech_Republic#Small_arms_.26_hand_weapons Lets see, M4A3s, M60s, Mk 48s, Sounds pretty American.
  17. stielhandgranate


    Your facts are all wrong on the Uzi. No matter what kind of stock you have it is a very inaccurate weapon due to the fact it fires from the open bolt, has a very high rate of fire, and does not have a muzzle break. If it did have a picatinny rail, it could accept all the optics the existing M4A1 has (albeit with reduced performance as the ACOG is rated for 5.56 weapons), the optics you have pictured look like airsoft trash sight that can't hold a zero. Also the "Long barrel" looks like a civilian legal rifle length Uzi only capable of semi automatic fire. That being said, it is a welcome site as the Uzi is a cheap submachinegun that low budget police and security forces use across the world.
  18. stielhandgranate

    Mauser C96

    Do you forget about Lend Lease that brought British guns to the Soviets? Or the Solvent-Afgan war Lee-Enfield bring backs? Do some research. As stated before the Soviets were not above taking trophy guns. The C96 was used by Waffen SS and thus would be a coveted collector's item.
  19. stielhandgranate

    More Types of Military Zombies + NATO camps/USMC Camps

    Yeah lets ignore the lore for no reason.
  20. stielhandgranate

    More Types of Military Zombies + NATO camps/USMC Camps

    AEK-971 Saiga-12 Vepr-12 KORD PP-19-01 Vityaz Strizh VSS OT-14 Groza PP-19 Bizon
  21. stielhandgranate

    patch update update (defib the dead, gun cleaning, burlap sack)

    I suspect troll
  22. stielhandgranate

    Hand slot and Weapon slings

    http://devildoggraphix.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/240_gunner.jpg M240 gunner with a secondary longun http://reynosawatch.org/minstrel/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/blow-door.jpg Door brecher with a slung M4 http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/helo_guns-tfb.jpg M249 gunner with an M320 http://i39.tinypic.com/2irpthk.jpg Another M240 gunner with an M16A4 http://i31.tinypic.com/4ress1.jpg Grenadier with a shotgun http://www.knowledgehi.com/thumbnails/detail/20121026/soldiers%20war%20russia%20pkm%20ak47%20spetsnaz%20ak74%20rpk%2074%20vss%20vintorez%201600x1200%20wallpaper_www.knowledgehi.com_25.jpg Russian Special Forces with VSS and AK-74
  23. stielhandgranate

    Hand slot and Weapon slings

    If you had a buddy that was unarmed you would want to carry a spare long gun for them. Unfortunately the COD generation seems to think that people would only carry one long gun and a pistol for any stiuation and that is very untrue. This game is about being as true to life as you can be and in real life you could see situations where you could carry a spare rifle or shotgun. Yes, allow a hand slot, and allow rifles to be retained with it.
  24. stielhandgranate

    Mauser C96
