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Everything posted by stielhandgranate

  1. stielhandgranate

    to whoever I killed at NWAF, thanks for the perfect m4

    Is this going to be a thing now? Bragging about your PVP kills on the general forum? Also did we need a photo of it? As if someone was going to dispute your story and you had to validate it?
  2. stielhandgranate

    Non Firearms you would like to see in game

    Non firearms huh? VZOR 52 light mortar OKC-3S bayonet Multishot taser
  3. stielhandgranate

    One plus to .49

    Are you in Afghanistan too?
  4. stielhandgranate

    AKM drum mag rebalance

    I throw you a counter offer: 1) Introduce the RPD and it's drum. Give it a pintle so it can be vehicle mounted. 2) Keep the 75 round drum. Make loaded drums rattle loudly when moving.
  5. stielhandgranate

    Loot spawns - anyone else frustrated?

    No he means hip. The wreck is an Mi-8, a transport. There is no Mi-24 (HIND) wreck in DayZ.
  6. stielhandgranate

    Loot spawns - anyone else frustrated?

    I think the AK pattern rifles spawn is at a Goldilocks level of just right. Rare, yet not too rare that you can't find them. Since the update, I found six AKMs and three AK-101s, enough for me and my battle buddies. Very low amount of mags though, less than 10 but more than five of each. One thing too rare, the submachine guns. Why is the RAK and MP5 so damn rare when they should be the intermediate between civilian guns and automatic self loading rifles? On this update my group has secured two 30 round MP5 magazines, one 15 round magazine and zero MP5s, and no RAKs or it's magazines despite securing fresh crash sites. Another thing that needs to be addressed is the military spawns being bloated with non military items such as Blaze 95 rifles, Double barrel shotguns,camping stoves and lights,clown masks, tools, and non military backpacks. The aforementioned should be removed from the military loot table.
  7. stielhandgranate

    So Uh...

    Found two heli wrecks since the update. A bunch of broken ACOGs, M4 magazines, yet no M4A1,RAK submachinegun,SMERSH Vest,Cowadoody skull mask, or FN .45 pistol.
  8. stielhandgranate

    When do you demand Vehicles?

    I want them as soon as they can enter it. The only negative I see is people will see how small the map really is. The thing is now we have hazards such as weather that can only be circumvented by vehicles or staying put.
  9. stielhandgranate

    Cardboard signs

    One thing that could encourage player interaction would be the ability to take scraps of cardboard and write a message on it, then hold it over your head in a desperate bid to get pity or assistance from strangers. I believe this could lead to interesting encounters where players might take a break from shooting anything that moves to read some silly message or may even allow players to hitchhike on the roads when vehicles come in.
  10. stielhandgranate

    Cardboard signs

    As long as its genitals made from text, I welcome it.
  11. The idea for always having voice on has been suggested before. For not checking the archive to see if your idea was suggested, you are NOT awesome and therefore your thread tag is false.
  12. stielhandgranate

    Add more sniper tools

    Would you like a FLIR sight, AN-PSQ 20, and an M107A1 with Raufoss Mk 211 ammo too so you can be the ultimate sniper in a zombie survival horror game? False. I'm no sniper, but every marksmen I've ever worked with or shared stories with prefers to handle their rifle with their bare hands or cut the fingers off their gloves to handle the parts of their kit better.
  13. stielhandgranate

    Extension Island?

    Or we could have DayZ Altis.
  14. stielhandgranate

    My character is freezing..help!

    I would really like for those portable burners to heat you up. Tried in vain for 10 minutes to warm up by laying on one.
  15. stielhandgranate

    Do Blackskull Balaclavas still drop since the hotfix?

    Yeah I really don't see why these are restricted to rare heli crashes. They should be as common as clown masks for self identifying bandits/marauders.
  16. After 12 hours of playing and trying to gear up my player I realized zombies give you about a 90% bleed chance. Mixed with the god awful melee combat system and the blunt weapons made of NERF foam and the fact that less items can be converted into rags , the only chance for long term survival is to band in a group or make a straight line to NEAF and hoard ammo to make zombies a non issue. The zombie attack of raise arms up, then down should not destroy your shirt,jacket or load bearing vest with less than five hits. Nor should a such a lazy attack tear your arms open to the point that you are bleeding profusely. Right now any pants,TTkSO shirts,tack suit tops and medial jackets cannot be converted to rags. This suould be amended.
  17. stielhandgranate

    Lower the bleed chance or allow players to cut pants for rags

    Even if bandages were as common as you claim, a skirmish with a handful of zombies shouldn't exhaust your supply. The bleed RNG is broke.
  18. stielhandgranate

    Lower the bleed chance or allow players to cut pants for rags

    Good luck finding 6 unused bandage wraps. Last life I had before bleeding to death I used 4 bandage wraps and over 10 rags
  19. stielhandgranate

    Server hoppers hogging loot

    To be fair, I grab extra vests, uniforms, helmets and firearms to give to my battle buddies when they are offline and have become the group pack mule as my ping in Afghanistan leaves me to be effective for little else. As for the layering system, I see having an empty jacket in an empty jacket as rolling up two articles of clothing to save space. However, layering items on items on items is ridiculous.
  20. stielhandgranate

    Goodbye Balota barracks

    San Antonio has four major military bases at or near it. New York City has three national guard depots in or near it and one US Army fort. Anchorage has a large Air Force base adjacent to it, a large US army Fort, and one Air National Guard airlift squadron,helicopter rescue squadron, and base security police squadron attached to it's international airport.
  21. stielhandgranate

    Weapons w/ Magazines

    Except guns in game aren't found secured in a gun rack inside a armory. Or forgetting personnel on duty in a deployed environment must have a firearm on their person with at least one loaded magazine (applies to all NATO and non-NATO allies) unless they are a chaplain, or doctor. "Whoa Private Snuffy, before you are mauled to death by zombies, ensure your weapon is unloaded and has no round in the chamber"
  22. stielhandgranate

    Some hats should spawn in batches

    Some groups use hats to make out their groups for identification. To assist with this, some hats should be multiple spawns. A cardboard box of identical boonie hats, a hat rack at sone of those small shop stands in the cities, a small table in a hangar with pilot helmets.
  23. Its not the forum user's fault that one Dev spoke out in a way that could draw criticism. I could pick apart how stating three years after an alpha release to see a complete product is detrimental. However I'll note that filtering themselves to a hugbox like reddit where any action they take with the game will get the same droned positive response is poisonous to development. Rather than be reminded how it is doubtful the game will maintain interest three years or that is is doubtful BI will be willing to continue pouring funding into a non profitable project which dayz will lose attention after a few months if significant content isn't installed and other game developers play catch up and release more polished products, they filter themselves to constant "Great job guys" and karma whoring will discourage any for of criticism. Why mention the issue of hackers of perceived lack of attention in certain issues when doing so will net you downvotes?
  24. stielhandgranate

    Why is SMERSH so rare?

    Is this some stupid troll attempt at being funny?
  25. stielhandgranate

    Why is SMERSH so rare?

    Chris T: "They fixed it"