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Everything posted by stielhandgranate

  1. stielhandgranate

    the bambi steak

    I'm loving all these people claiming to take the high ground and uninstalling the game for moral objections. You can force feed others Windex and rotten food, gun down unarmed people for fun and steal their blood, but eating each other with side affects is too much? Leave then, there is more than enough people willing to play that will take your place.
  2. stielhandgranate

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    The game isn't in Russia and is based in several European Countries. The M1 Garand would like to have a word with you. Or the Cowboy hat and Lever action rifle as it doesn't fill the trope of "Eastern European Country" I forgot we need to consider "what idiots" would do when adding in game items or weapons.
  3. stielhandgranate

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    Germany's censorship laws have relaxed a bit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patterns_of_Force_%28Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series%29#German_broadcast_history http://www.destructoid.com/blogs/3r0t1c+n3rd/world-war-2-shooters-in-germany-yes-there-are--69851.phtml As stated any controversial iconography can be blurred out to the point of non recognition.
  4. stielhandgranate

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    Or we can have Clans roleplay as invading Chileans playing Panzerlied:
  5. stielhandgranate


    At first on was on the fence with this. But then I realize we need more ways to make the game unforgiving and restrict movement. After all we are stuck with this small map so we'll need ways to make it feel bigger.
  6. stielhandgranate

    I kinda feel that chernarus needs to be "blown up"

    This is an exaggeration. There a plenty of locations in Europe where settlements have healthy amount of space in between them. The game is going to get a hell of a lot smaller when alternate modes of transportation exist.
  7. stielhandgranate

    More loot at NEAF

    The new civilian airport buildings might spawn in police equipment as it would be a logical place since most transportation hubs maintain a sizable amount of port authority personnel.
  8. stielhandgranate

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    hopefully we can have Nazis vs Spetsnaz vsCowboys vs Firemen vs Zombies.
  9. stielhandgranate

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    The developers aren't restricting items based on their usefulness. The idea isn't "what items can we include to up the metagame". There has to be items and equipment that are used due to lack of alternatives.
  10. stielhandgranate

    Sturmgewehr 44

    Even though that particular weapon is more common than one would think (Several examples have popped up recently with the recent conflicts in Ukraine and Syria) it wouldn't make a good addition as it uses ammunition is properitary.
  11. stielhandgranate

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    The MG3 would be great. That rate of fire would make it a great ammo sink.
  12. stielhandgranate

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

  13. stielhandgranate

    The Rest Of Chernarus

    I would really like to see the capital, Novograd. Perhaps built using some of the modern metropolitan buildings from ArmA 3 to set it as a modern city apart from the current ones depicted in the current map.
  14. stielhandgranate

    Do we really need more towns?

    Is anyone else let down that the idea to "Expand the game" is to build more towns with the same repeated structures? I really don't see a need for more towns with nothing new to offer. If we received new unique landmarks like the shipwreck and very tall building in novo I could see the merit however this current trend is as pedantic as community dayz mods that added in more barracks buildings.
  15. stielhandgranate

    The good and the bad of 50th patch

    Has anyone found a high capacity vest with the new update?
  16. stielhandgranate

    Persistence explanation?

    Hang on, items are degrading. I don't think items will spawn with random item degradation, but you can break items from falls, impact and gunfire. Lost my high cap vest to a zombie awhile back and my pants gave out after AK rounds paid me a visit.
  17. stielhandgranate

    The good and the bad of 50th patch

    Good:AKS-74u fits in a backpack Bad: No fucking mags after 12 hours of playing
  18. stielhandgranate

    Weapon Corrections

    You want some weapons gripes? How about these: The reload animation for the M4A1 is crap. Most people trained on an M16 platform will slap the bolt release rather than pull the charging handle when reloading to get their gun back in action faster. Why can't we chamber a round in a gun, then load a magazine? I want to top off my AKM with 31 rounds when I'm not under stress. Why is the PM73 so damn rare? I have never encountered one or witnessed one use it. Let alone find a magazine for it. Why can't I add a cleaning kit to the buttstock of the AKM/AK74? Granted not all the parts from a commercial cleaning kit will fit in a AK pattern rifle, but it should be an option for simplicity's sake. Why can't I add the BUIS to an M4A1 with an ACOG or M68 on it? My issued M4 is in this configuration, why not my virtual one? Why do the ACOG sight not illuminate in the dark? They do in real life. Why can't I use the ironsights on my PSO-1 equipped rifle? You can use the irons on a scoped AK pattern rifle as the scope is mounted way above the sights.
  19. stielhandgranate

    DayZ Developer AMA: Chris Torchia

    The shirt itself isn't a uniform in use with the US military. Those particular clothes are popular with civilian contractors but not issued to military personnel.
  20. stielhandgranate

    DayZ Developer AMA: Chris Torchia

    Reddit could have asked better questions like "Will we see an expanded map","Will we see German/British/American uniforms soon","When will diseases be implemented" or the most hard hitting and critical question of them all: "Why is the UK assault vest more common than the SMERSH vest?". The best thing I got from that quote was: "Some people assume Chernarus = Russia but its not." That ought to settle some arguments with the simpletons that think since it sounds like Russia, Chernarus must be Russia.
  21. stielhandgranate

    Do we really need more towns?

    Sorry, this is supposed to be in the general discussion section. please move.
  22. stielhandgranate

    I miss the global text chat channel that was in the MOD

    Maybe we could have a beginner mode that as this feature for rookie players. Keep it a separate character from 1st and 3rd person servers and I don't see the harm.
  23. There we have it! One of the Developers dropping a hint that cannibalism and Kuru will be implemented at a later time. I for one look forward to seeing other players have trembling hands and fingers from eating humans.
  24. I noticed that when a new weapon in military service is introduced to the game a decent amount of people from the community become irate and write comments such as "Enough military equipment". Why is this? DayZ takes place in a former Eastern European war zone. If it was located in lets say New York City,Manchester or Osaka places with little military presence the argument against military equipment would have merit. Chernarus is a place where you would find such items in high volume.
  25. Does this mean people will have to re-buy the game on release?