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About NewArk

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. NewArk

    I know, but be patient.

    I've got about 600 hours in dayz. I bought it for 27€, thats 0,05Cent per hour. It was worth it but hands down, the genre is pretty dead right now. Almost nobody but a handful of people care for a full release of dayz. What Bohemia is trying to do now is some damage containment, and that is totally ok. Please get me right I'm not hating in any way but they showed how not to "early access". For me the biggest problem was the communication between developers and community. Walls of text what they want to implement, features, guns, tons of stuff with exact release dates. And then: new trees. That you'll get a shitstorm for that kind of behavior is obvious in my eyes. And they made the same mistake a couple of times, which is not very smart. I still install dayz after each major update, check it out and if I don't like it, I play something else, no big deal. And 0.63 is pretty crappy so far. :)
  2. NewArk

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Please tell us you won't buy a complete-pc. Build one yourself! It's not that hard, you learn something and you definitly will get more bang for the buck. Also, I wouldn't buy an I5 anymore.
  3. NewArk

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hi mate, prebuild notebooks/labtops are never really good for gaming. Next time you should build a nice desktop-pc from components by yourself and you'll get more bang for your buck. Unfortunately Dayz is not optimized yet, so there is not much right now what you can do. Have a look at the stickies: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224710-performance-issues/ Maybe you find something that'll help. Good luck!
  4. NewArk

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    I can understand some of the neg. reviews too, but most of them are unobjective, which bothers me a bit.
  5. NewArk

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    Hi Guys, out of boredom I've read some reviews of dayz on steam and was shocked. Just only negative rants, hundreds of them. So I decided to write one, too. A realistic, positive one! Because even if there are points in the game which are criticisable and the development progress seems to be slow paced, I had tons of fun with the game in its actual state and furthermore i have trust in behemia and think they'll make a great game. So my request to you guys who love the game as well, show it some love on steam! Take some minutes and give it a realistic review! N.
  6. NewArk

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Good patch so far. One needs to get used to the new ui, but for me the overall performance was quite better. Loot distribution was good, too. Only thing I recogniced was, that there were tons of aksu's and scorpions but rather no mags at all. Anyone has problems with barrels? My mate had a nasty bug with a barrel, it stucks to his hand and could not be removed, no matter what.
  7. NewArk

    New UI?

    The new ui is ugly and clunky af but it gave me a solid fps boost. I never got 45-50fps in Novo, which is really nice. Furthermore the hotkeys are working quite well. I rate it 5/7. ;)
  8. Guys, he's playing the mod and posted into the wrong sub-forum. :lol:
  9. NewArk

    Can someone get me an M4?

    We hate the bloody m4 ... and we love it. We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little squadies. Wicked, tricksy, false!
  10. NewArk

    Respawn Winchester

    I giggled! :thumbsup:
  11. NewArk

    My Dayz Story (two years later)

    Ok, maybe the current state is to unpolished for you. Give it some time is all I can say or play some other stuff. For the video issues, what are your specs? Maybe you got a crappy rig or something is not configured properly? Have you tried the mod allready, which is based on arma2? Edit: There is a thread in the stickies which explains how to set up the video settings: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/203970-resolution-problems-read-here-before-posting/
  12. NewArk

    My Dayz Story (two years later)

    I hear you. My time for gaming is also very limited, which is a pity. Daisy in its momentary state can be frustrating at times, but the things you are mentioning are avoidable. For the firestation stairs just press v to vault. The deerstand thingy: put the bloody item in your pocket/pack or throw it. And c'mon, the video settings take 10 freaking seconds to set up. ;) I don't want to defend all the design and development issues, really, i dont. But i like the bohemia guys. I played their games since operation flashpoint and was mostly pleased. If you like the setting and the look of chernarus, and like roaming through the beautiful woods, give it some more time and you get used to the inconviniences. Best is to play the game with some people. I allready had tons of fun with it! :thumbsup:
  13. NewArk

    My Dayz Story (two years later)

    Be prepared to get flamed some more! ;) As much as I can understand your critizism, if you're not able to set the video options right, maybe you're to much of a casual to play ea-games? How come that every critic of this bloody game is programmer or game developer him/herself? Coincidence? :D
  14. Source for that? This is just a guess, right? I think the reasons for decreasing playerbase are by far more complex. Back to topic: I love finding miltary gear! Without it, I would bail. I do lootruns for hours and hours, walking along all the freaking crashsites, an then finally, my beloved SVD. Noice! :D
  15. NewArk

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    As long as there is ghosting, serverhopping and loot farming on official servers, this discussion is pretty obsolete. I play both styles, but only on private servers.