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About nilloc93

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. nilloc93

    Blood Type Chart

    have you never been to a hospital and gotten bloodwork done? Looked at your medical file? Donated blood? Christ I wish I was more like you, totally free of medical conditions and so blissfully ignorant as to not even know your blood type
  2. nilloc93

    blood type is pretty stupid

    all the quotes that it makes KOS less advantageous are false. i'm still going to kill people, just with a 2 minute delay while i siphon blood first. The lack of available test kits or spawning knowledge of your blood type (who the fuck does not know what blood type they are?) makes survival beyond a few hours in game next to impossible unless you luck out with spawns and loot. That is not difficulty is simply rolling the dice on survival. I am surprised at the number of people who need that picture to know how blood type works, and then claim that there are goods odds of compatibility. Considering the number of incompatible matches. Good way to get shot in the leg while someone siphons you. To add to this issue, what happens when potential doners alt f4? Adding to difficulty by making zombies more dangerous, bullets hurt more, or things like that are fine. Blood type is simply adding a reliance on the randoms and LUCK.
  3. I honestly don't' see the prob with max brightness/gamma, its not as effective as NVG and its more realistic than "its dark out i can't see shit" unless you're standing in a dense forrest you can see quite a ways at night. Furthermore you can't stop people from using it, I have adjusted video settings on my video card when i'm playing at night, the ingame controls are inconsequential to me
  4. The addition of blood type makes it next to impossible to restore blood to your friends since the odds that you will have compatible blood types are slim to none. I'm a bandit, I play with 1-4 friends, we tried being friendly but were burned too many times by bandits. I'm not going to argue the realism of blood type, but since realism is not the biggest thing here, given how bullet mechanics are right now, or the implication that i can only tell how thirsty i am when i'm thirsty, or that the average human can only go 1 hour in game time without food. This blood type thing simply makes it more difficult for small groups of players to survive. Most of the people I know of have a small group or just 1 other person they play with, its a hell of a task for me to get 5 people working together and if you get fucked and don't have an O bloody type you might as well just respawn until you get it. I suppose this was an attempt to curb KOS in order to force us to work with randoms, but all its done is added an incovenient game mechanic wherin we shoot a guy in the leg, wait and make sure he has no friends, run up, grab blood, and hope to god its the right kind for us because i'm not sure if testing type works. we run on a system wherein if our friend survives the transfusion we only kill the guy with a bullet but if he dies we just leave him to die in the wilderness with broken legs and no gear.
  5. nilloc93

    Who loves the new SA??

    a lot of work needs to be done but it looks promising
  6. nilloc93

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    I can play. shoutout to the freshspawn who likely bled to death, the kneecap was required, my friend needed blood.
  7. nilloc93

    Things i think need changing in the standalone

    new inventory is awesome if a bit buggy, I will admit to being confused at first until I figured out that the red X puts things back in your backpack. You can't zoom in ADS because it's more realistic that way.
  8. nilloc93

    my first 2 kills

    having died to the zambies when i tried to 3 v 1 with a shovel i found myself near electro with my friend, who had found himself a mosin but no bullets. We spied a few people running down a street and followed them, planning our heist along the way. Upon discovering that one of them had an M4A1 the plans had to change, no more could we bluff with the mosin; M4 man had to die, running forward, while my friend stayed hidden down the street, I ran at them yelling "FRIENDLY WHADDUP DEBBADAWG" (a true carebear call), the other 2 split but low and behold M4 man stood like a rock, waving at me spouting some plebeian bullshit. My friend had been discovered and was creating quite a racket with another fresh spawn who wanted to trade or something. M4 man causally said to me "is that your friend over there"? "no don't know who that is" I replied, pulling out my fire axe. In a quick motion it crashed into the back of the distracted M4 man, his death immediately brought forward 3 other axe wielding people, bent on stealing my loot. Time was of the essence, I had to make it clear that it was my loot, "BACK OFF HE'S MY KILL" I screamed while I continued to hack away at the unconscious body with my axe. Luck was on my side, as my friend showed up and proceed to begin crowd control with his mosin, but one of the passerby's called his bluf and ran at him with an axe. Acting quickly I grabbed up the M4, prying it from its previous owners hands, and let loose an 8 round burst into the terrible bandit who was trying to kill my friend. Following the shots and subsequent death of the random we looted the corpses and headed off to parts unknown, blessedly equipped with 12 5.56mm and 82 7.62mm rounds. The journal of nilloc93, bandit, liar, carebear killer.
  9. nilloc93

    Sniper Clan Recruiting

  10. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/69-clan-group-recruitment/
  11. nilloc93

    New clan

  12. nilloc93

    Good News 9/21

    i'm wondering wtf is navigator?
  13. nilloc93

    Nerf doors.

    i used to open doors like you... then i took a rock to the knee
  14. nilloc93

    bandits are bad

    i'm a super nice bandit, i'll shoot you 30 seconds after you spawn in just so you can get over the rage of getting sniped