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Fraggins (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Fraggins (DayZ)

  1. Anyone able to help me with some morphine SW of Pustoshka? I would be very grateful as I have some good gear that I'd rather not lose to a broken leg. Have submitted a medical assistance form on RMG but no reply yet. Steam ID is : WilboFraggins. Thanks :)

    ive tried contacting you numerous times Fraggins. Im out of options here..

    Sorry Brian, I was afk. If you still have time I'm ready now.

  2. Hi guys' date=' I could really use some help right now. The ladder bugged on a deer stand SW of Pustoshka and I broke my leg. I managed to crawl to Pustoshka (North of Zelenogorsk) and am currently in the woods above the town. I have no morphine and I really don't want to lose my gear to a bug. If any docs could help I would really appreciate it.

    My steam id is WilboFraggins.

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi there, I'm still stuck SW of Pustoshka in the woods above the town and badly need some morphine. I'm in the UK and its quite late here so I was wondering if anyone might be able to assist me tomorrow morning (GMT)? I would be extremely grateful.

  3. Hi guys, I could really use some help right now. The ladder bugged on a deer stand SW of Pustoshka and I broke my legs. I managed to crawl to Pustoshka (North of Zelenogorsk) and am currently in the woods above the town. I have no morphine and I really don't want to lose my gear to a bug. If any docs could help I would really appreciate it.

    My steam id is WilboFraggins.

    Thanks in advance.
