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Everything posted by shawnbayer75

  1. Seaweed, I understand that you are upset that someone is "making money" from your scripts but I think you are little off base here. With the view you have towards this you believe no-one should make any money what so ever from your code in any way shape or form, what if rocket thought the same thing? Should every single server host just be giving away hosting the DayZmod since DayZmod is free and you can setup your server anyways? Should people not be allowed to sell DayZmod hosting? No. I would argue hosting companies like SurvivalServers, Dayz.st, HFBservers, Vilayer,Game.de, etc helped to propel Dayzmod to the heights it was able to achieve. Without companies providing an easy way for people to have setup servers the initial days of Dayzmod hosting would of been a joke. Hosting companies charge you for a service they provide, not for the mod. I would say the EXACT same thing is true here. SurvivalServers does not sell your scripts, just the one time fee to install said scripts to most likely cover the cost of the time it takes to do so. Could SurvivalServers do these installs for free? Sure they could, but that is not their business model. Their business model seems to be to provide a basic DayZmod server with possibly other mods installed as well. They designed their price and packages around this. Why should they do more than that for the same price if they do not want to? Hell they even link to almost every single script that they offer installation of on their site so that anyone with the knowledge to the install themselves could. Hold on, what if the person does know how to do the install but doesn't want to take the time to do it because they have more important things to do? Should this person not be able to pay someone to install the service? Or should this person pay you (or any other of the original creators) to install this? Should they make a post on opendayz asking for someone to install the script? Then provide said person with a bunch of access to their server to do the install? No, probably not. I would take a guess that 9/10 times a client would rather just pay someone who they are already doing business with to install this script and not have to give their login details to some third party person. I'd expect you will see a lot less servers using these scripts now because of this or more people posting asking for help. I can tell you from my experience in the hosting industry and the support team for the official DayZmod that people expect a lot for free in this community and you are only going to be shooting yourself in the foot. Good for you, again not everyone even knows how to do this. Obviously the service they provided you should of always worked as described though, maybe their service is better now maybe it's not, I have no knowledge about their level of quality. If you are expecting the same level of quality of hosting that you get from a having your dedicated server in a slotted game server then that's a bit ridiculous, compare apples to apples not the orchard. So they use a control panel that is different from some other host? Big whoop. Not every single person has the experience to be able to quickly code a backend and frontend system that will get deployed across multiple nodes. Obviously ersan does and he does it well, anyone who argues his panel is not superb should be committed. I would judge any host though that uses, what a bunch of other large hosts already use, as being lesser. I could give other industry examples where this applies as well but I hope I don't have to. No other market would people expect help with custom coded things. If I had a customer that had a broken server because of their custom coded database, WordPress plugin, program, etc do you know what I would tell them? Talk to the developer or you can pay us to do the extra work for you. This is how the service industry works. If you order a service it's almost always a one time deal. If the work needs to be re-done then you would need to pay again. I think everyone who reads these kinds of threads and gets upset when people charge money for things needs to remember that these business are not your friend, a community guide, or anything else like that. They are a business that is here to make money, if you do not want to pay them for their services then that is your choice, spend your money elsewhere with how you think it should be spent. It's called capitalism.
  2. It has been talked about for weeks now and I am happy to announce that the new automated server signup system is now complete and live. This signup system also includes the ticket system. Automated Server Sign Up System Prior to this system you would of had to email us and hope for a reply back from us to manually assign you an instance ID, etc. Now all you need to do is visit support.dayzmod.com you will need to click "Sign Up" to register for a new instance ID and provide us with the same information as always. Once that is done you just submit your order. One of the admins will review your order and either click accept or reject. Once your order is accepted you will receive an email from us containing your new Instance ID and assigned country code. Upon approval your server's IP will usually be whitelisted automatically. You will be able to see the status from your client area. Existing Servers First off let me get this out of the way, you do not need to get a new Instance ID or Country Code but you will need to sign up in our system to have your server imported. If you have an existing DayZ server that has already been setup and running please visit here to sign up for a new account in the system. Once that is completed please open a ticket in our Server Import Department and provide us the details asked for. Once this is done a Staff member will manually import your server into our new system. Ticket System The ticket system is designed to replace our current contact form on the website. It is to be used for issues that server hosts are unable to solve by visiting the forums or with general server knowledge. It is also to be used by users who require assistance with account "crippling" issues (i.e. your character is broke and you cannot play). DO NOT submit tickets about issues that can easily solved on the forums, we will just close them. Edit July, 04, 2012: Do not 'bump' your ticket, by doing so you are actually pushing your self to the bottom of the pile. We answer tickets in the order of which has gone the longest with no activity, also opening a second ticket about the same issue is not going to solve anything. Please just be patient and we will get to your ticket. Knowledgebase Found here our Knowledge base at this time is limited to general server issues but over this week and the coming weeks you will see it grow to include many issues and simple fixes.
  3. shawnbayer75

    server not showing

    Duplicate post, locked.
  4. Seems more like an honest mistake on their part and they corrected it, even giving you all your money back? So yes, nit picking.
  5. shawnbayer75

    Are they denying everyone?

    I agree Cerven. Locked.
  6. This is true for any host really, unless the server host is willing to give it up (which most won't cause it is a headache for us). The location ID and instance ID belongs to the server host that was issued the ID. I was sort of hoping this was already understood, but I suppose not.
  7. I think he did as he opened the ticket with us... We have resolved the issue to ensure no innocent servers on this same IP are affected. Thank you coretax.
  8. This server has been blacklisted for violating rules and the server hoster notified. We tried multiple forms of contact prior to taking this action but were unable to make a reasonable quick contact. US 1823 (same ip) was also blacklisted for running with a password and having 3 people in it.
  9. shawnbayer75

    Server Blackout

    I guess my question then is what exactly are you asking for then? A change in policy? Have you read the refined/updated rules? Here If you have read the changes/refinement what do you not like about it or what else do think would be added to it? Let me also say, this thread needs to stay constructive (as it mostly is now) for me to continue reading it and make the feedback valuable.
  10. If you are found breaking the following rules, your server will more than likely be suspended at most server providers and if it's not suspended it will result in the entire ip range being BLACKLISTED by DayZ support staff. 1. Your server must follow the DayZ name convention. DayZ - Location ID (version/beta buildnr) [difficulty][timezone] dayzmod.com - hosted by Customtext.2. Your server slots must be 40 slots minimum. Please also note no server provider is allowed to provide servers below 40 slots. However there is an exception for developing countries or countries where bandwidth is expensive, for those countries minimum slot count is now 30.3. Your server must not be password protected or locked. BEC connection flood #lock is allowed but must be set to no more then five minutes. Servers may also be locked briefly before scheduled restarts, again, this may not exceed five minutes.4. Your server must have BattlEye = 1; set within the server.cfg. (as of the hive will not allow you to play if this is set to 0).5. Your server must have reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; set within your server.cfg. 6. Your server must have requiredBuild = replace with newest beta build; set within your config file. 7. Your server must have verifySignature = 2; set within your config file. 8. Your server must have kickDuplicate = 1; set within your config file. 9. All server problems must be reported to http://support.dayzmod.com. 10. As a server admin you must not: You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members. You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed. You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle. You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk. You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits, you need solid evidence, IE logs.11. You are permitted to kick or ban for hate speech, including racism and homophobia. 12. You are permitted to kick or ban for cheating/hacking/exploiting that is affecting players in a server-disruptive way, providing you have solid evidence. 13. You are permitted to kick for illegitimate weapons/items not intended to be in the game, however please remember, many players do not and should not be expected to know every item that is legitimate and as such we would prefer you do not ban for this. 14. PVP is enabled at all times no matter the rpg element the admin tries to set. 15. Do NOT request un-necessary instance IDs, location IDs, or whitelisting from us. If you abuse the system all of your servers may be blacklisted. 16. Private Hives are allowed however we may not be able to help with problems relating to them, any issues you have with these servers should be reported to the server owner. NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS OR WHAT SERVICE PROVIDER YOUR WITH THESE ARE THE RULES PLEASE ABIDE BY THEM.
  11. shawnbayer75

    Status: Pending

    The oldest pending order is barely 3 days old. " 28/07/2012 01:09" UTS+4 So let us work through the HUNDREDS we have to get through and we will get to yours as soon as possible.
  12. shawnbayer75

    Required Network Speed?

    We do not want home hosts, kids, etc. We want servers in datacenters.
  13. shawnbayer75

    This clan server? Serious?

    I am unable to find a locked server for this, but I am looking into if they are indeed kicking people. If you have any more information on this server, like maybe the IP the private server is running with that would be helpful.
  14. I am going to say this, update your mission file (part of the rules) and do not edit it again (also part of the rules). Bullying removed and server brought back into compliance with our rules. So in result yes, HAVING SIDECHAT ENABLED AT THIS TIME IS AGAINST THE RULES.
  15. shawnbayer75

    Question About Opteron CPUs

    Yes I will approve your request assuming you meet all the other requirements, this CPU should be fine as AMDs will typically clock a tad lower.
  16. No you can not lock your server for this.
  17. shawnbayer75

    Server shotdown when Admin goes offline

    The server host has been informed of this issue.
  18. shawnbayer75

    Changing time?

    If you are not going to be helpful, do not post. Answer: If you have full RDP access to the server you can turn off the DayZ gameserver and then change the system clock. Once you change the system clock time you can restart the server.
  19. shawnbayer75

    Server shotdown when Admin goes offline

    Or the IP of the server?
  20. shawnbayer75

    Server shotdown when Admin goes offline

    What is the full server name?
  21. shawnbayer75

    ..::> US 435 Info Thread <::..

    Please read the Dayz hosting rules, as these are both against them.
  22. shawnbayer75

    Note on Servers

    A lot of the issues are with ARMA and not DayZ.
  23. shawnbayer75

    Server LU222 Admin abuse

    I have spoken with the server host.