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About Xerticle

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  1. Lol so mad. The original question wasn't even a complaint he was just wondering. If you have problems with discussion in a forum you should rethink whether you should take your next breath
  2. Again, people need to stop calling others out as "complainers" or "whiners". I havent seen a shred of actual discussion here. If I were a moderator Id ban like half the people in this thread! I think the biggest issue is that people who won't care about realism will just turn gamma brightness and HDR all the way up and will pick off the people who do enjoy the dark. If this is a discussion of what a realistic "dark" would look like; the discussion is kind of moot because in real life you can't change the brightness or gamma anyway. CoD kids pretending theyre hardcore because they call people whiners lol
  3. No one is trying to ruin the game. Do you honestly think the current night system is what Rocket intends? Rocket wants to hear from players and get feedback, any suppression of that is detrimental to Rocket. Its funny because if you had your way and stopped people from disagreeing with you you would actually more or less "ruin the game".
  4. Xerticle

    hackers and alt f4

    Not trying to be rude or anything but you should post this in cheat reporting. This is for justice, I do not believe you will get your stuff back though :(
  5. Xerticle

    =B.O.D= Server Admin Abuse

    Yes they should lock the server if they want people not to join. I believe this does constitute admin abuse
  6. I have an idea to make bleeding a little more realistic and less of a headache. Instead of having a bleeding yes/no switch with a variable "flow". Have instead a value of bleed for each strike done to someone. A zombie strike could do x damage and x bleeding over x time. This will be more realistic as bleeding cuts do stop over time. You could make the bleed last hours; a player would have to judge on when to use a bandage/how much bleeding is one bandage worth to stop. You would also not be entirely screwed if you lacked a bandage, yet got hit in a field and you wouldn't know where to look for one in the area; you would take the damage from the bleed but not have a death sentence.
  7. You gotta right click it and remove from toolbelt. It actually replaces your primary so be careful
  8. Xerticle

    Bleeding after 1 hit

    Bleeding after one hit is a little annoying, but I think having the chance of that happening is important. Bleeding could be redone in the way that there wouldnt be a bleeding or not bleeding status. Perhaps harder hits could do base damage plus a limited bleed over time amount. i.e. 100 blood for the strike and another 100 blood from bleeding or something, of course the values can be tweaked. This will give good value to bandaging yourself if you were just struck quite a few times and knew you were about to lose a bit of blood. But not so if you were hit once and bleeding, and you know you will only lose like 100 blood. You would be able to weigh the worth of a bandage a lot easier
  9. Everyone needs to quit calling out people for being "whiners". There is no such thing in this case; the night being too dark is a valid criticism. Can Rocket even "fix" this? I have no idea, and you do not either. The way the game renders night time is not something Rocket will have complete control over. I do not believe the state of the night time is at all a final product, expect it to be changed. I bet its only this dark in order to test out how players will use the flashlights/flares etc. and how useful those mechanics are; Rocket will probably tweak it based off of that.