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About ouellet.max@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ouellet.max@hotmail.com

    Dissapearing Player Body?

    Yeah, i got into a fight yesterday. I managed to loot the guy i killed. Put his loot and the loot from his vehicle in my pickup. And by the time i was done with his vehicle, his body was gone. Same thing with my friend's corpse when he died in a tractor accident.
  2. ouellet.max@hotmail.com

    Any bandits enjoy CQC?

    The best PvP I had was close combat in a forest against two guys. I was shooting my m1014 like a madman. My friend was scared of the noise of my shots and left me against the two guys. Looks like the two guys were even more scared, they never managed to line a shot one me. Gotta love that thunderous boom, couldnt drop this gun since.
  3. ouellet.max@hotmail.com

    ArmA 2 REINFORCEMENTS - need help

    Here i am, after hours of looking forums and fiddling with files. I fixed everything and managed to play the game 2 minutes before leaving home this morning. (fun fact : i was killed by a bandit right as i spawned) For others that may have the same problem : My last problem was caused by my free version of ArmA 2. The free version from steam does not normaly support mods. I had to copy the ArmA 2 Free folder into Operation Arrowhead folder. I renamed that folder arma2free. Then i had to modify the launch option so that when i start OP, it launches arma 2 free as a mod as well. like this : -mod=@dayz -nosplash -noautoupdate -mod=arma2free;expansion;ca
  4. ouellet.max@hotmail.com

    ArmA 2 REINFORCEMENTS - need help

    Hi I've been trying to install DayZ for 2 days now. I keep crashing as soon as I load into a server. The game crashes and "ArmA 2 REINFORCEMENTS has stopped working" message appears. I have the free version of ArmA 2. Operation Arrowhead Extracted everything according to the youtube video posted on this forum. I also tried using Six Updater to fix another problem i had. I also copied the files from arma2free/addons to armaOA/common. Nothing I am trying is working, can someone please help? Starting to lose my mind.