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Everything posted by Lith

  1. My server is colocated and they were aware of that and it was approved... I know you've got an agenda against Rocket but at least don't put lies into people's ears over it.
  2. You should be fine. Problem is you need to submit your IP and all that to get whitelisted, which in turn means you need to have your server racked and ready to go. Of course the other end of that is you'll have to wait 5-10 days typically to get whitelisted. You could run some other games on it while you're waiting to be whitelisted to help lessen the feeling of wasting money ;).
  3. I'd look for the list of difficulties and make sure you didn't change any of the line items that say "Cannot be changed". I've heard it forces the server into a lower difficulty if that happens. Plus make sure you've got the difficulty specified in your server.cfg.
  4. He stated he could get it co-located. In IT terms that means a co-lo/datacenter. That should be fine. He's not hosting it from his house.
  5. I was agreeing with the week waiting part of Rin's comment. I haven't seen or heard that they're not allowing people to host their own dedicated boxes that are co-located. So that's probably not true.
  6. Anders, just a minor note, you put the hive version was for July 21st. The one on the download page is only showing July 13th which is what I'm currently running (same version -
  7. It's not dependent on people... My server was full the first 2 days before they started spawning on the 3rd day.
  8. It just kicks them. It doesn't ban them from joining. Have you watched to see if they are eventually kicked? I'm not sure how many cycles it takes to kick them for it.
  9. I've read it may take up to a week on a new server. It took 3 days on mine for them to start spawning. It's random.
  10. Lith

    Suspect play?

    Yes. It's because he killed him as he was spawning in. I've had that happen to me where I was literally loading into the ATC at Balota (dumb camp spot I know) and I could hear myself get shot and killed before I could see anything on my screen. Following that I loaded all the way in and he killed me again basically. The following was shown in chat: Lith was killed by XXXX (Friendly Fire) Lith was killed I assure you I do not cheat ;).
  11. Lith

    US server 221 issue

    Manually download the DayZ files then extract and overwrite them with the files. http://cdn.armafiles.info/latest/
  12. Lith

    Admins With Godmode ?

    "Some guy" doesn't constitue as an admin. There's no magical admin commands we can run to do that. Likely was just a hacker. I'm not saying there's not hacking admins out there because I am sure there are but just try and be careful before you start pointing fingers at server owners and operators.
  13. I swear it was a changelog note in either DayZ or the Arma2 beta. I've been in the water multiple times in the last 2 weeks without losing my bag. So I'm unsure when it was implemented. I tried googling changelogs but there wasn't an easy list to view.
  14. Updated to 95208. Sorry didn't get to warn anyone that was on due to no RCON access from iPad. I'll install RCON on the server one of these days.
  15. Lith

    HFBServers Customers...

  16. Yes the console logs and more so, the BattlEye logs. They can grow exponentially over time. It's just safe to rotate them nightly. My server is usually full during daytime hours and the logs after a 24hr period are about 250-300mb large. Imagine that over a week's time. Essentially what the log rotater does is, stops your server, moves the logs into a designated folder and then starts your server. The result is the server creates new blank log files. It also helps significantly for studying logs for issues and hackers. It's not exactly easy to open a 1GB log file in Notepad++.
  17. If you do one, just have the courtesy of leaving a note in the server title if you ever plan on leaving it unlocked.
  18. Did a lot of people die? Have seen nukes on my server the last few days...
  19. Subject says it all. Everyone instantly just died. What am I looking for in the logs?... Seriously considering going private database with password and saying whatever to the hive with shit like this happening to us.
  20. Lith

    Server just nuked...

    I'm already using the modified scripts from the forums. I'm just going to assume since they pulled it off, they bypassed BattlEye.
  21. I thought that was fixed many beta patches ago. I could be wrong. I know the six updater was way behind on the changelog this morning when I looked at it.
  22. Agreed. That was an unusual scenario regarding the last beta. Hopefully that doesn't become a regular problem.
  23. Lith

    Online Server Monitor

    Sorry was skimming boards on my mobile when I responded. Missed the LGSL part. I just use PHP for my site and edited the HTML coded banners into the page. Not sure about LGSL though.
  24. Lith

    HFBServers Customers...

    You would hope or assume.