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Everything posted by Lith

  1. Lith

    Hosting DayZ Server - Files?

    Addon contents from ARMA2 folder --> ARMA2OA folder.
  2. Lith

    Hosting DayZ Server - Files?

    Almost exactly the same as srcds. Just specify the ip/port in the command switches on whatever shortcut you're making. You'll see once you get all the files.
  3. Lith

    Hosting DayZ Server - Files?

    Viv, I'm like you in the sense I've dealt mostly with HLDS type services. This mod is a little more "old school". It doesn't auto-update for you like hldsupdatetool. You will be manually updating files constantly. Which isn't a big deal. I'm sure the bigger hosting companies have scripts and such to do it for them.
  4. - Updated to 95310 - Slots reduced back down to 40 - Ping kicker lowered to 200 Ping kicker change isn't permanent. Let me know if you UK guys are getting kicked and I'll raise it a notch. We've been having serious performance issues lately and our hardware/bandwidth are no where near maxed. Just taking every precaution for now.
  5. Lith

    Admins abusing on US 5 Chicago

    Sorry but I couldn't help from laughing at that.
  6. Was updated to 95248 yesterday, just heads up.
  7. Nope. Never figured it out. Can't get it to work on a timed schedule at all.
  8. Why do these threads of uncertainty always start with "maybe an admin"? Admins can't simply "slay" or "teleport" or "nuke". Those are hackers. Admins can kick, ban, lock, restart the server and that's about it (Obviously some of that is against the rules).
  9. It's against the rules to password/lock the server regardless if you post the information publicly.
  10. Lith

    US128 In Texas

    Types of posts like these do nothing but piss me off. Get your facts straight before crucifying admins.
  11. You think whoever set that camp up doesn't have a toolbox to take down the traps?
  12. Lith

    Over Turning a ban

    Mods already closed another thread. Just move on...
  13. Lith

    Over Turning a ban

    You sound like an idiot with power that didn't know your place. Good luck with that.
  14. Lith

    Mass hacker teleport on US 314

    Soon you'll have to cheat to even play this game.
  15. Think I just noticed the same problem.
  16. Lith

    Dedicated Server Host

    Limestonenetworks.com They're only in Dallas but have one of the best datacenters in the US. People all over get good connectivity to my box.
  17. Didn't realize valid concerns were considered trolling... I made a similar post in the server host area last week and the staff assured me they were doing everything they could to help thwart the cheaters. Unfortunately they're losing the battle convincingly.
  18. Don't waste your money. With how bad the hacking is right now and the misperception that all admins abuse, it's not worth the trouble.
  19. Had that happen on mine randomly yesterday. I rebooted it once and it was fine after that. Not sure what happened. Tired of digging through Egyptian logs though.
  20. Nice of you guys to google search the resolution so the script kiddie can get back to ya'know, cheating.
  21. Lith

    Over Turning a ban

    Aww have a sense of humor.
  22. It uses the timezone on the server box itself.
  23. Anyone else's servers getting raped with hackers almost 24/7 now? Almost unbearable to play on my own server. I'm probably going to lock and go private or take it down altogether. I refuse to accept being hack killed over and over on my OWN server.
  24. I understand that. Just assumed someone couldn't be so ignorant. I know there's hackers in just about every game. The tools for detection in this game are so subpar to the norm that it's devastating. At least in most others it's easily proven by spectating or simply seeing a scoreboard. In this game your entire server gets nuked and you have no idea who did it.