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Everything posted by Lith

  1. If I find people on my server running around with hacked gear that isn't in DayZ, they are banned.
  2. Lith

    us 244 what is this?

    It's a hack known as "Thunderdome". It's fixed after a server restart. Sorry can't prevent it because of the great job BattlEye does at NOT CATCHING SHIT.
  3. Fuck them. Unless a DayZ staff/mod starts asking of you. Fuck them.
  4. Well that is quite the change of pace. Hopefully they continue to be that fast with future requests.
  5. Were you actually denied or are you just assuming so because you haven't heard back? It takes at least a week in most cases to get approved/denied.
  6. Also forgot to add that server is back to veteran and crosshairs are off.
  7. Lith

    Done With Server Hosting

    Ban first, ask questions later. If you ban someone who was legit, they'll contact you and you can unban them.
  8. Lith

    Done With Server Hosting

    I don't blame you. I've given up on the rules. I don't lock/password my server. However, I ban hackers and warn ALT-F4ers (never had to ban because they usually leave or stop). If they're going to blacklist me for keeping my players happy then so be it. It will show where their priorities are when there's a gazillion hackers, pvp disconnectors, and server hoppers running around.
  9. As annoying as getting "Domed" is, I can't help but laugh at this.
  10. Lith

    How to contact a server admin?

    Most decent hosts make a specific thread on these boards for their server to get such info. If you know what server number, try doing a search to see if your home server has a thread.
  11. Ban them if you're fairly certain. It's not worth the effort of "reporting" as tickets take weeks to be answered. If the DayZ team wants to blacklist servers for banning hackers that they cannot stop, then let them start that conversation by doing just that. I'm sure that will start a whole other battle.
  12. Boom! Thanks guys. I had to uncomment [Misc] myself.
  13. Lith

    Changing time?

    Very interesting Khal. Thanks for that information.
  14. - Added changes for service to autorecover if it detects crash - Dedicated CPU 4 to the game to see if it will help performance when it's been full for a long period of time - Server is now set to restart every 6 hours now (12 and 6 am|pm)
  15. Save yourself the trouble. Sometimes I question why I still run my server. I spend more time detecting/banning hackers then actually playing.
  16. Lith

    Hive lagging?

    We restart every 12 hours. There's plenty of times that we have to manually do it during the day since I attribute it to a combination of the hive desyncing and hackers raping servers. If you ever see cows or anything falling from the sky, reboot.
  17. Make a private hive server and go to town because that will never fly on the public hive.
  18. Lith

    UK 25 is run by cheaters

    Wait so you did the exact same thing the admin in question did and called him an idiot? You don't get some special pass at calling someone an idiot when you did the same thing even though you unbanned the guy a few hours later. Hypocrite.
  19. Lith

    Changing time?

    I wish there was a way to do it without changing the system clock. Someone mentioned in the mission file in another thread, however we're not allowed to modify that. I hate reading through logs that are offset from my normal time. Not to mention the logs for all of my other games on my box are offset now too...
  20. Pointless since 99% of the hackers use a bypass...
  21. I gave up on the rules long ago and have been banning hackers left and right manually. If they're going to blacklist me for protecting my server, I'll go private. I don't lock my server or password protect it so hopefully that counts for something.
  22. Screen tearing is terrible this patch.
  23. Lith

    Feedback on Beta 95417

    Yeah I've heavily considered starting one with one of my buddies but the people here make their servers so damn cheap it would take a lot to make profit. Granted our customer service would be ten-fold versus theirs.
  24. Lith

    How to ban someone?

    Download the bercon, log in using the obvious info it asks for. Type: players Get his player # Type: ban playernumberhere amountoftimehere reasonhere Use the spaces.