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Everything posted by Lith

  1. Lith

    Server Setup Help!

    I had this problem today when setting up my server. I had already copied the "Addons" folder from ArmaII to the ArmaII OA folder. The problem was I misunderstood the instructions when referring to getting the server files AND normal files extracted from the .rar files. Make sure you pay attention, you need the .rar files from both the server part of the download site and the normal public part of the download site. I don't want to blatantly post the links here because I'm not sure it's allowed since they aren't anywhere on these forums that I've seen.
  2. Lith

    Vehicles, on or off

    I believe I read somewhere that new servers typically have a delay of a few hours before cars will start spawning.
  3. Lith

    US130 Zombie Bug

    Wow I've never seen more then 450-500 zombies on any server. Interested to see what's going on.
  4. Forgive me for asking the obvious but have you checked the firewall settings? The reason I ask is because I've had Windows Firewall literally ignore my exception rules that had been working for years and start blocking some of my TF2 servers a few weeks ago.
  5. Thanks for the details' date=' do you have a source? [/quote'] I can't remember exactly where I read it as I was googling all over the place for server setup information when I was waiting for my turn in line. I thought I read something on these boards that someone had got it working. There weren't actual details on how to accomplish it though if that's what you're looking for.
  6. When you guys say server profile, what specific file are you talking about? I'm familiar with the area in the CFG where you change difficulties. I'm trying to disable the crosshair too on my Veteran server.
  7. I've searched around and haven't found a clear answer for any of these questions. Forgive me if I've missed something. I've gone through my new setup instructions about ten times too. Anyhow, I've got the server running, I think. US244 is the name. I see it's stuck on state "Waiting". I've seen a few users join and disconnect but it doesn't look like the server is starting the map. My other question is regarding Veteran mode. I want to ensure 3DP is on, CH is off, and Tags are also off. I found a thread with this link: http://wiki.zspecialunit.org/index.php?title=ArmA_2_Server_Difficulty_Settings However I'm unsure where I need to add those specifically. Thanks!
  8. Hi Drunk. Thanks I got it figured out. Was a combination of getting confused about getting the files from the "public" area and the "server" area. Appreciate it! My server is rocking now!
  9. I've read it's possible but I'm assuming it's frowned upon.
  10. I think the problem is that I'm missing the hive files. Instructions stated they were in my "downloads" section but it's empty. Is there somewhere else I can grab them?
  11. Lith

    Crosshair/No crosshair

    Awesome, thanks Yiddus. So Veteran itself is what I want then.
  12. Lith

    Crosshair/No crosshair

    Sorry to resurrect an old thread but searching through I haven't found much. If we'd like Veteran on with 3DP On and CH off, do we just add these lines to the server cfg file?
  13. I'd talk with your ISP/datacenter. Spamhaus is a well-known blacklist that many companies use. It's odd that your ISP/datacenter hasn't gotten enough complaints to get off of that blacklist
  14. Lith

    Contacting Admins.

    I know a lot of servers have threads on these forums and their admins can be PMed. I know once my server is approved anyone will be able to contact me here, steam, etc.
  15. Again I was just assuming off of what they told you. As an IT consultant, that's how I read it. Also there's a few other sites that may have more DNSBL to run against. I'd google some more and run them to be sure. If you post your IP I can run it for you against my dnsstuff.com account. It also seems odd to me that they would deny you due to spam blacklisting though. It's not like DayZ has email integrated into it :P.
  16. From what I gather the IP to the server was blacklisted for spamming email. It's not uncommon to inherit an IP that some people used to blast emails with. I have clients that have that happen more often then not when switching ISPs. It's a shame they don't check them prior to distributing them. Just run your IP against a spam database site and go through the motions of getting it delisted. All of this is assuming your box on that IP isn't hijacked and really spamming emails out. To be more detailed, use a site like this and run your IP against it to see if there are any hits. http://www.dnsbl.info/
  17. Lith

    US74 Camp Raid

    Sounds like fun on this server :).
  18. Hohl maybe it's just speculation but people have claimed these companies are getting their servers whitelisted and approved significantly faster then those of us with our own dedicated boxes.
  19. Forgive me if I'm missing something as I've looked through the sticky posts and haven't found much. I understand there's a huge queue for getting approved for a dedicated server. With that said, for those of us who already have a dedicated box, is there some sort of preliminary setup guide to make sure we're about as ready as we can be without the DayZ files/approval? I've looked online and have gotten the Arma2/A2OA files and server setup. It appears to be working but I just want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to be ready if and when I'm finally approved.
  20. Lith

    Dedicated Server Prep?

    Thanks Wild. Responded!
  21. This has been quite the entertaining post.
  22. Does anyone host their DayZ on a dedicated box with other servers such as TF2 and CS:S? I want to run one on our current box and we have appear to have plenty of resources left but just curious if DayZ will kill our other games hosted. We're currently running 3 TF2 servers and a single CS:S server. 2-3 are usually near capacity. Xeon 3.4GHZ 32GB DDR3 1TB of Raptor Drive storage 9000GB monthly bandwith (we only use about 10% a month now)