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Everything posted by Lith

  1. Timezone is determined by the dedicated box timezone. As for MOTD, edit the preconfigured lines in the server.cfg.
  2. Also don't forget to rotate logs. There's a script someone wrote on these boards somewhere. I rotate mine once daily, late at night.
  3. Basically what HowI said. Research before you call it home. With the immediate popularity of the mod, there are to be tons of "1 and done" servers out there. Meaning they rent for a month and cancel.
  4. Six is always slow to add updates. I just manually update my box. There's so many bugs right now, I'd prefer to try and fix them sooner than later if it involves new betas.
  5. You can temp ban them and submit a ticket online with the evidence. Problem is they take a long time to respond.
  6. Lith

    Online Server Monitor

    Gametracker.com works fine.
  7. Lith

    Server Issues

    Just wait for the next hotifx is really all you can do.
  8. Have same problem. Guess I'll beta up past 94504.
  9. I'm lazy tonight so forgive me if if has already been said. The best thing you can do to make getting your server up ASAP after being whitelisted is to have the entire game uploaded to your box and have it patched all the way in regards to BattleEye and arma beta.
  10. You and most of the forums wonder that.
  11. Lith

    Server Issues

    All known issues since 1.7.2. They acknowledged it in the patch thread.
  12. Even though it's frowned upon, you can do this already. Just google private DayZ server.
  13. So what am I looking for in the logs as if this is going to help anything?
  14. Ban those bastards! :)
  15. I don't blame them. Regardless if you're on a nearly empty server, you're eating their monthly bandwidth allotment for no reason by idling in the lobby. Assuming they don't have unlimited.
  16. I'm pretty sure Wild has a dedi already and is just voicing his opinion. As for HFB, 95% of these "hosting" companies work that business model. That's why I went dedicated years ago. Got tired of shitty reseller companies overloading their servers and failing to respond to tickets in a timely manner. The only one I'll ever use again if I have to is NFO. They cost more than most companies but they don't overload.
  17. Man oh man this thread is getting more interesting by the day. In other news, hackers have become so rampant on my server I had to enable the crosshair and tags so I know who's the cheater when a heli is in the air or we have a teleporting god mode player laughing at me in direct com...
  18. Updated server to 95054 and enabled crosshairs to get nametags working for hacker detection.
  19. Lith

    Mandatory Beta?

    Any hack detection/prevention improvements with it?
  20. So I'm tired of seeing choppers and teleporting god mode hackers on my server. I changed my skill level to regular and enabled friendlytags/enemytags and they're not showing. Am I missing something? I also changed the following to be veteran style: skillFriendly = 0.75; precisionFriendly = 0.75; skillEnemy = 0.75; precisionEnemy = 0.75;
  21. You can modify the battleye config for high-ping kicking. As for waypoints, etc I've never seen them enabled and don't believe it's allowed.
  22. I thought the helis were disabled for lag issues or something along the lines.
  23. Lith


    Wouldn't matter. There's a custom one that is pretty good but these hackers are bypassing BattlEye altogether making it irrelevant...
  24. Unfortunately crosshairs have to be enabled for this to work. Sorry guys but the amount of hackers on since Saturday has been ridiculous and I'm going to do whatever I can to ban them and if that takes nametags to see who they are, so be it.