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About Mr.Firehead

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. i consider myself not a nice guy but i also don t kill newly spwaned guys as long as they wont get near me. my hobby is to kill all the snipers, campers on the well know spots. elektro sniper hill, cherno sniper hill, cherno buildings. and i have to say it s way mor fun to hunt those morrons instead of slaughtering fresh survivors without any chance of them fighting back. i m really effective on that. i was on the same server for the last 4 days and i was travelling between cherno and elektro and i killed about 35 douchebag camperkids. they spawned in and they couldn t even make a shot befor i killed them. so be aware campernaps. there are guys out there llooking for you. excuse possible mistakes. english is not my first language
  2. Mr.Firehead

    Sinnloseste Mod ever

    Du bist vielleicht n harry. das spiel nicht vestehen und dann rumheulen. man findet ne waffe innerhalb von maximal 10 minuten. so tipp 1. wenn du in ner stadt bist und in die häuser willst, da aberr überall zombies rumlaufen, dann such dir ne route und renn an allen zombies vorbei und zieh sie hinter dir her. dann rennst du durch ne scheune lockst die da rein und dann gehst du geduckt auf der anderen seite wieder raus. nun solltest du mehr platz haben. tipp 2. wenn da nur ein gebude ist. scheune, rotes haus. etc, auf jeden fall eins mit 2 eingängen, dann rush durch und schau kurz in die räume ob ne waffe da liegt ohne auf zombies zu achten. wenn da was drin ist dann wieder drum rumm das alle zombies hinter dir sind und du zur einen seite rein kannst, die zeds folgen dir könnnen aber ur langsam drin gehen, du nimmstt die waffe und haust ab. tipp 3. schleichen kannst du meist vergessen da die zombies jetzt duetlich mehr auf das reagieren was sie sehen. das heißt sieht der zed dich, dann ist es wursch ob du 20 meter vor ihm rumschleichst, wenn der zombie aber mit dem rücken zu dir steht, kannst du fast n meter hinter ihm geduckt lang laufen ohne das er dich bemerkt.(je nach boden).
  3. Mr.Firehead

    side channel allowed

    i know about the different between privat and public hive. we got a a server connected to the public hive, i also know that i wasn t allowed to edit the mission files to aneable side channel. my question is about the missing part in the "server rules". like i said, there was a line that said that its forbidden to enable side channel. this part line is gone now. so i just wanted to know if it s now allowed.
  4. Mr.Firehead

    side channel allowed

    hi, i just want to know if its now allowed to activate side channel on our server. i ask because there was a part in the server rules the forbade that explicitly. thist part is gone since the last server rule update. btw its important for a multiplayer game to have a way to communicate. and since there is no other practiable way installed in the game i think you should enable side chat again in the next update. at least until there are better ingame mechanics like radio etc. an all servers i played till now, i had the best experience on the ones with side channel activated becuase it builds a community on the server. And dont bother me with realism. if i m a guy that can bandage and medicate himself, repair cars and helicopter, that can use every kind of gun, and that can shoot with high power rifles at ranges over 1000meter, i think that guy would be able to use a common radio that you can find in every fucking supermarket. sorry for possible mistakes. english is not my first language.
  5. My team is a team of survivors. Normally we dont hunt people or kill randomly, but this time we had no choice Me an my guys went on a looting trip to pustoschka. we dropped our not used weapons in our camp to get as much space as possible for loot.I got a cz550 and a m9sd but no backpack, mate a bison sd and a 1911 and the second mate had an crossbow and also an 1911. so we went into the town from the barn-direction. killed the zeds in our way and moved sneaky through the town to the church than to the red hous and to the supermaket where i found an alice pack . we killed about 20 zeds witout making a sound. after the market i went to the woodden house nearby and found a 1911. my friends were at the hanger. when i heard shooting. i hid in the house to locate the shooting. Told my mates via teamspeak about it, but they hadnt heared a single shot. than the shots came closer and now the other guys heared them too. they moved into the church to wait for the guy. i went to mainstreet to cover the entrence when i heared a second weapon. i decided to go into the church for cover and to create an ambush.one took position left one on the right side of the entrence, i crouched behind a bank infront of the altar. all in position we waited about 8 minutes without a single noise. we just were about to leave when we heard severel shots next to the wall.we prepared ourselves by changing to our anti-person guns.and that means we all had a 1911 in our hands. nothing more. after that, they were coming! And then one of the most intense fights in my dayz-history started. The first guy ran in and my mate on the right side unloaded a whole clip of 45 ammo in his body. he died instantly. the second guy ran across the entry and took position. by running he triggered some zeds. my mate on the left took the chance to make a move out of the church with his bizon. he shot about 15 rounds in the enemy but wasn t able to kill him and got shot by an lee enfield and died in the entry of the church. we waitetd a short period of time. i took out my cz550 to look across the street. there was only one possible position across the street that had the right angle to look into the church. than my last mate left tried to get a look on the guy with the enfield. he saw him dead on the ground. he bled out. in the second he stuck his head out we heared an ak fireing. my mate got hit. i leaned out of my cover and the enemy was right on the on postion i mentioned before. i landed a clear headshot and he went down. And look at that, i got a banditkill . By fireing may sniper i triggered some zeds. we killed them while my mate passed out some times. he had just 1200 blood left after the ak attack. after that my partner covered the door and i gave him a bloodpack and went back on my position. and BOOM i got shot by a sniper and passed out instantly. i couldnt see him. but the morron sniper triggered the hole town with his shot and my mate went out to a fight. he hit him 4 times and got shot to 1500 blood again. my friend came back and gave me morphine. the other guy was still alive but then we heard him got eaten by zed outside the curch and my made got his second kill. we waited some time before we moved/passed out the church to loot. we didnt found the sniper in the ghuili but we found his mate with the ak. it was a aks kobra. i took it together with some morphine and some other goods. we headed out to the woods and made it barely alive. but in the end we made it back to our camp to get some meat. By the way, thank you guys for not disconnecting and taking the honorable way of fighting the fight took about 15 to 20 minutes. they outnumbered us 4 to 3 and they were armed much better but in the end we killed that four bandits with our pistols (ok three of them). what do we learn from that story. DONT RUN IN TOWNS GUNS BLAZING.(and dont use sd weapons on living enemys.) excuse some mistakes. english is my third language i posted the same thing in another tread by mistake. tried to delete it after but it didnt work.
  6. Mr.Firehead

    DayZ Stories

    Me an my guys went on a looting trip to pustoschka. we dropped our not used weapons in our camp to get as much space as possible for loot.I got a cz550 and a m9sd but no backpack, mate a bison sd and a 1911 and the second mate had an crossbow and also an 1911. so we went into the town from the barn-direction. killed the zeds in our way and moved sneaky through the town to the church than to the red hous and to the supermaket where i found an alice pack . we killed about 20 zeds witout making a sound. after the market i went to the woodden house nearby and found a 1911. my friends were at the hanger. when i heard shooting. i hid in the house to locate the shooting. Told my mates via teamspeak about it, but they hadnt heared a single shot. than the shots came closer and now the other guys heared them too. they moved into the church to wait for the guy. i went to mainstreet to cover the entrence when i heared a second weapon. i decided to go into the church for cover and to create an ambush.one took position left one on the right side of the entrence, i crouched behind a bank infront of the altar. all in position we waited about 8 minutes without a single noise. we just were about to leave when we heard severel shots next to the wall.we prepared ourselves by changing to our anti-person guns.and that means we all had a 1911 in our hands. nothing more,after that, they were coming! And then one of the most intense fights in my dayz-history started. The first guy ran in and my mate on the right side unloaded a whole clip of 45 ammo in his body. he died instantly. the second guy ran across the entry and took position. by running he triggered some zeds. my mate on the left took the chance to make a move out of the church with his bizon. he shot about 15 rounds in the enemy but wasn t able to kill him and got shot by an lee enfield and died in the entry of the church. we waitetd a short period of time. i took out my cz550 to look across the street. there was only one possible position across the street that had the right angle to look into the church. than my last mate left tried to get a look on the guy with the enfield. he saw him dead on the ground. he bled out. in the second he stuck his head out we heared an ak fireing. my mate got hit. i leaned out of my cover and the enemy was right on the on postion i mentioned before. i landed a clear headshot and he went down. And look at that, i got a banditkill . By fireing may sniper i triggered some zeds. we killed them while my mate passed out some times. he had just 1200 blood left after the ak attack. after that my partner covered the door and i gave him a bloodpack and went back on my position. and BOOM i got shot by a sniper and passed out instantly. i couldnt see him. but the morron sniper triggered the hole town with his shot and my mate went out to a fight. he hit him 4 times and got shot to 1500 blood again. my friend came back and gave me morphine. the other guy was still alive but then we heard him got eaten by zed outside the curch and my made got his second kill. we waited some time before we moved/passed out the church to loot. we didnt found the sniper in the ghuili but we found his mate with the ak. it was a aks kobra. i took it together with some morphine and some other goods. we headed out to the woods and made it barely alive. but in the end we made it back to our camp to get some meat. the fight took about 15 to 20 minutes. in the end we killed that four bandits with our pistols (ok three of them). what do we learn from that story. DONT RUN IN TOWNS GUNS BLAZING.(and dont use sd weapons on living enemys.) excuse some mistakes. english is my third language
  7. Mr.Firehead

    Looking for a group.

    so guys you seem to be what i m looking for. after 3 weeks of intense solosurviving i want more. I consider myself pretty good at this game, and i know the gamemechanics in and out since i started it with operation flashpoint. got already some good gear: m4a3 ccq 5 mags ak74 5 mags coyoute packpack glock 17 5 mags and so on.but i would like to finally move to the airfield of doom to get the real good stuff. never made it there alove. killed by stupid serverhoppers. to my person Im 26 an from germany. mic is there and my name is Stylles and i got no steam, so just pn.
  8. Mr.Firehead

    Suche Deutsche mitspieler

    . der text drunter ist zwar englisch aber ich komm aus deutschland. habe nur bevor ich den thread gefunden habe bei nem anderen gepostet, es wäre mir aber lieber mit deutschen zu spielen zwecks sprache und den spielzeiten.wäre nice wenn das klappen würde bräuchte nur noch ts oder skypedaten. server ist mir egal ich zock da wo ihr seid. so guys you seem to be what i m looking for. after 3 weeks of intense solosurviving i want more. I consider myself pretty good at this game, and i know the gamemechanics in and out since i started it with operation flashpoint. got already some good gear: m4a3 ccq 5 mags ak74 5 mags coyoute packpack glock 17 5 mags and so on.but i would like to finally move to the airfield of doom to get the real good stuff. never made it there alove. killed by stupid serverhoppers. to my person Im 26 an from germany. mic is there and my name is Stylles and i got no steam, so just pn.
  9. Mr.Firehead

    Looking for a friend to be dayz badasses

    so guys you seem to be what i m looking for. after 3 weeks of intense solosurviving i want more. I consider myself pretty good at this game, and i know the gamemechanics in and out since i started it with operation flashpoint. got already some good gear: m4a3 ccq 5 mags ak74 5 mags coyoute packpack glock 17 5 mags and so on.but i would like to finally move to the airfield of doom to get the real good stuff. never made it there alove. killed by stupid serverhoppers. to my person Im 26 an from germany. mic is there and my name is Stylles and i got no steam, so just pn.