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Everything posted by grrinc

  1. grrinc

    Give 3DP Off a Try

    I prefer it anyway. However, sometimes when the character gets stuck, a change of perspective is needed to get him out of a situation. For example, in the supermarket, crawling can sometimes get you trapped, so switching to another view allows you to move on.
  2. grrinc

    Is PvP an American thing?

    :) Nicely put!! I guess the gun culture in America is one of the reasons I started the thread. From my point of view - I dislike guns and gun culture in real life, and I'm from the UK. In gaming though?? hmmmmm.. Well I love CoD and L4D - I play the game exactly how it supposed to be played although I do prefer objective based games rather than full deathmatch and free for all. But in DayZ? - well I don't like killing folk for no reason. There is something so captivating about this game, the immersion emulates how we value our selves and others quite well. The PK's I have done have been on folk who I know attacked me first and ones who refused to answer out to my hails. On a server I play on now, I am far more happy to lower my guard. I have had some good team up sessions and folk have healed me when they could have ran off.
  3. grrinc

    Is PvP an American thing?

    Thank you for keeping it civil guys - I feel an ass for posting it so thanks for bailing me out. I'll try the Russian servers though just to see whats going down.
  4. grrinc

    Is PvP an American thing?

    OK point taking - I regret thread. It was based on mine a few peoples observations and I shouldn't of ran with it. Let it die.
  5. grrinc

    Axe Murders

    I got chased down by 3 bandits. all i had was an axe. but when i ran into a town, another player pops round the corner, and the 3 bandits think he is me. when they kill him and loot him, i axe all three from behind. the best fucking gaming moment of my life.
  6. Skins need to return, maybe in a different way though. In real life, when making a judgment call on a persons character, we can use our wits and judgment by observing the subtle nuances of human behavior. The Arma engine does not facilitate a method in which we can use our 'gut feeling'. A small graphic clue that is only observable up close will be the best way to simulate that interaction people will have when weighing each other up. This is an idea I had that I thought was compromise.... http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=26316
  7. Perhaps an avenue to explore to try and limit this game turning into Call Of Duty is to introduce class types, Skill types would balance out to encourage folk to stick together to expand survival options. Medic Classes, mechanics, soldiers, construction workers, hunters, etc. with appropriate skins. Character movement could be stifled and noisy if carrying equipment that is not common with their class. Example - soldiers can only carry assault rifles and operate them skillfully without compromising mobility. Attempting to use unfamiliar equipment would result in possible breakages. Also, how about players selecting good guy or bad guy classes? This would give them the appropriate skin at start up, that would be obvious to all. Should anyone continuously shoot there own kind, their skin would turn into a 'traitor' skin ( tatoos? )
  8. No not really. The 'non friendlies' I meet in real life are as prick-ish as the ones I meet in game. It'll never be my problem.
  9. grrinc

    Specs - FPS - Please read.

    I think the Arma2 engine is different from other games. The fps thing isnt as important. For example, I play the game with mostly normal settings but on large hi res monitor. It runs smooth, even when spinning fast. But fraps reports an average 20 fps. Weird? Don't worry about numbers too much - if it is playable, that's all you want.
  10. grrinc

    Day in the life of a Non-Bandit

    Same here bro. I still help whenever possible, but I look lay down a few rules before I drop my sights. No communication though, no help.
  11. grrinc

    Why did you shoot me.

    I have only 'murdered' someone once - ie killed them from behind when they never drew on me first. I most certainly didnt 'enjoy' the experience. I can only guess how much it pissed off the other player. In my defense, I heard gunfire from the supermarket so I knew someone was there. I kept hailing out but no response. So I used the back door, and saw him facing the main door with a gun drawn. Instinct kicked him when I saw him rotate towards me.
  12. It may seem that most players are dicks, but there are still plenty who will help a guy out. I do, even at great risk to myself. But worry not, the game will soon start addressing these issues.
  13. grrinc

    Everyone is a bandit now?

    I forgot. Why you ask? ah!! you've edited. I see. yeah - probs.
  14. im unsure - but leap second issues are as likely as as a ddos. Servers are failing every where.
  15. grrinc

    Everyone is a bandit now?

    Helped a fellow out with morphine and bandages - he got up and shot me. No big deal, I started again. He however will always be a prick. So with lesson learned....... Next time I helped a fellow and he asked if I had a spare gun. I told him to stay put and I walked down the end of the road and left a gun there for him. That gave me enough time to run and hide. I told him however, that I will be watching, and if comes in my direction, I'll maim him. So he walks off , but then doubles back. Idiots.
  16. ddos attack or leap second issue.
  17. grrinc

    Everyone is a bandit now?

    OP - you are right. It will be addressed soon so keep the faith.
  18. +1 from someone who doesn't know where any hospitals are, and just kept crawling for 3 or 4 hours solid, only to be shot by a bandit.
  19. Of course it will. Even if the current players get bored or pissed off, a new lot of players will replace them. Right now, there is no other game like this out there. It will be a few years before anyone tries to rip it off.
  20. grrinc

    DayZ = A GREAT game

    What do you mean PvP sucks and the hackers are ruining it? Oh sorry, you never said that - my mistake. Yeah it is a great game. Free of charge too!!
  21. Agree with OP - Arma2 is a good game. Who knows, players might begin to realise that Arma2 is actually the fps game they want rather than a zombie survival game that is in alpha status and buggy as hell still. Just a suggestion.
  22. grrinc

    An idea on solving PVP

    Eh? Arma 2 is the military sim mate. DayZ is a survival game. Also the OP and others are simply asking for balance, not an outright ban on PvP. I wish folk would read the threads, that would be smart.