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About grrinc

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  1. grrinc

    DayZ PC vs Console

    One of my first experiences on DayZ was watching some players trying to 360 no scope. Then I have since spent every other game trying to avoid hackers. Seriously? PC gamers are more mature? Get over yourselves.
  2. Hi guys I have been away from Day Z for a few months and was surprised to see additional maps on Day Z Commander. Apart from these, has there been any great or significant changes? For example.... I only experienced hackers on a few occasions, but what's it like now? I mainly use UK servers by the way. AltF4. Still a problem? This was the main game killer for me. Is it stil a PvP game? Not such a problem, but I'd like to see if the game has found it's true trajectory yet. I saw 'private servers' were mentioned on another thread - I thought this was frowned upon? Anything else?
  3. grrinc

    Truth Time Rockett

    Just want it to be known that OP is certainly not speaking on my behalf. I use the environment Rocket and team provides to make my own adventures and escapades. OP - I beleive you still cant grasp the concept that DayZ is not even regarded as a game by the developers. You are used to having your hand held and spoon fed your fun. DayZ does not do this. You make your own fun. If you cant or dont want to - fine. DayZ is clearly not for you.
  4. grrinc

    A crisp £10 note

    I use UK118 and I can vouch that it is a pretty well run server - no issues and no BS.
  5. grrinc

    Zombies way too hard now

    Last night me and my buddy tried a new strategy that we never had to try before. Basically, my partner was the gun guy. He carried a scoped assualt rifle and pistol with as much ammo as he could muster along with a few rations. I was the hatchet guy who carried shit loads of first aid. I would see to wandering zombies whilst he would see to other players. If we had to fire the gun, we always had a building to run too so I could take out the zombies that followed without attracting more. He stood behind me looting my alice pack and healing me as I stood my ground and fought. I also took on a running decoy role to draw fire so he could find snipers. It worked a treat. Granted, he had more fun with the gun and taking out bandits, but as a team we ruled the game. So yes the zombies are a lot more tougher now, but the game just got better for it. Teams work - find one and stop shooting every player you see and whining about aggro'd zombies that find you.
  6. grrinc

    Snipers are OP?

    After weeks of playing, I have yet to meet one sniper worthy of the name. I was led to beleive that Cherno and Electro were sniper hot spots, so I tended to avoid the place. Now I casually strut in and out for gear and laugh at the lame snipe attempts. I'll only find sniper rifles a concern when players actually become good at using them.
  7. grrinc

    Zombies way too hard now

    I would just like to say that, I too have plenty of the sex.
  8. grrinc

    I feel really, really bad...

    I was on the receiving end of something like that once. If it helps, I'd say what you done was not only bad, but frankly dick-ish. But hey don't worry, you are in good company because most DayZ players seem to think it is COD anyway.
  9. grrinc

    Zombies way too hard now

    100% loving the new zombies - good call imo. So far I have seen 4 or 5 cod players try to take me out whilst standing out in the open, only to get run down by a dozen aggro'd zombies. Loved it!! Got some cool gear and I never even had to fire a shot - hatchets see? - The most valuable weapon in the game. Looks like rocket is finally trying to get his message across - THIS AINT CALL OF DUTY!!!
  10. grrinc

    Removing the respawn button sucks.

    I agree with this move, and especially the broken leg compromise. I have seen many players camp thier dead buddies body whilst the player is attempting to respawn as close as possible. Death should be final as possible - not something that can be half cheated.
  11. I got what he said - and I agree with it too. He is talking from his own personal experiences with the game. He is not trying to argue that you are wrong.
  12. grrinc

    1st Person vs. 3rd Person

    I interchange to suit the environment. However, I don't feel 3rd person is a cheat. I find it is a good simulator of a persons peripheral vision. In first person mode, it is like looking through a t.v shaped box - not very realistic at all. 3rd person also allows a simulation of peeping round corners. To summarise - I dig 'em both.
  13. If I may - the game is still in the 'design' phase. To suggest it is 'designed' implies the format is now established. Right now - the 'survival' aspect of the game has yet to be realised in the design. The game as it stands is essentially a pvp game, until elements of survival and gathering resources and building bases are implemented. My previous posts on this forum have shown that I am more in favour of a survival oriented game rather than a pvp one. But the sad truth is, as it stands, Rocket and the team seem to be supporting pvp game play with the odd collection of update they introduce. I now play as a full on bandit because I got bored with sitting in a forest all day long.
  14. Make it so Zombies are 'ultra alerted' to gun fire. Folk can still pvp as much as they want, but they attract zombies en mass - even from afar. Then tone down the aggro factor for players who are just exploring and getting their shit together. Also - make it that the hatchet and a primary weapon are both able to be carried ( like real in real life ) and are both easily and quickly interchangable. Everything else will play out fine and fair.
  15. OP - I can 'smell' your frustrations. But you have made a massive error in your assumptions. You say there is nothing left to do except hang around in the woods or grief other players. Wrong!!! Avoiding the Bandits in the game is the what makes the game come alive. I love knowing that there is a target on my head and that humanity is the real threat. I love the adrenaline rush of bumping into another player or a team and wondering what the hell will happen next. Do I hide? Do I keep them in my sites? Or do I attempt to eliminate them? That is why I always attempt to find high volume servers - to keep the level of peril up. That is truly the magic of Day Z and that is why, for all it's faults, it is currently the most heart stopping game out there. To me, the only fix this game needs is to make items far more harder to get hold of, and even damagable.