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About G650

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  1. I can't go into any city. I can't go to any airfield. I can't really do anything except trudge around the woods because the fucking artifacts are so bad. Is there a way to fix this?
  2. G650

    m1911 and revolver nerfed?

    Shut the fuck up you elitist assholes.
  3. G650

    This new patch ROCKZ!

    Hey dcskill. Guess what word I'm going to use. Let me tell you what it is because you're too fucking dumb to figure it out. Excuse. Just because this game is alpha doesn't excuse the terrible patches that Rocket is putting out. He's breaking more than he is fixing.
  4. I'll trade. Add me on skype. give.me.your.oldest.daughter.
  5. Guys quit being ignorant. Even though he hasn't played the game, he still has a good grasp of some of the problems with DayZ.
  6. G650

    Hiding Bodies

    Often when I kill someone there isn't much of a body left to hide.
  7. G650

    Can I pick your brains?

    Sounds like a crossbow from the stairway above.
  8. G650

    free loot

    I went with OP and he was pretty helpful. The camp is legit but you guys should be careful. Get your gear and get out. That's the safest way to do it.
  9. They were so surprised that when they saw you, they spilled their coffee and beans on the server.
  10. G650

    free loot

    PM me your skype or steam if you have one so we can talk.
  11. G650

    free loot

    Can we meet up?
  12. G650

    free loot

    As expected, went there looking for an AS50, got a bullet through my skull.
  13. G650

    NW Airfield base in short supply?

    Remember that others are constantly looting the airfield as well. Try to hit it after a server restart and you'll probably have better luck.
  14. Please be at least a little experienced at Dayz and AT LEAST 16+ years old. We're US east and play at odd hours. Add me on skype: give.me.your.oldest.daughter.