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About DonkeyAssHat45

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  1. DonkeyAssHat45

    Newer player Let's play

    I never really understood why people want to watch other people play a videogame unless its something like MLG or a speed run. Anyway good for you making videos about Day Z. :thumbsup:
  2. DonkeyAssHat45

    Deadly Inanimate Objects

    Happened to me as well. I also used V to step up into a building that was not placed right on the map. Insta death after 2 hours of travel. -.-
  3. DonkeyAssHat45

    Melee vs Rifle

    WTF. I have found an unlimited amount of ammo and zero guns/hatches anywhere. Can we trade clients? I want yours! D:
  4. This is something that really pisses me off. Everyone says throwing cans will distract zombies, But all it does as argo them on me. Im laying prone, I have a can equipped, im laying prone, the zombies can see me, I left click, my guy does a throwing animation but does not throw the bottle. Then MY GUY STANDS UP without me pressing anything and throws a bottle in whatever direction im currently aimed at. Argoing all near by zombies. WTF.
  5. DonkeyAssHat45

    Am I doing it wrong? (south cost)

    Ok so the fabled gun factory does exist! Looks like im heading north. :3 Thanks for the help.
  6. Iv played about 16 lives so far and im at the /quit point. My day Z experience has been nothing like most people say the game is. 15 of my 16 lives has been spent running around citys and towns for 20 mins looking for a gun or anything useful only to find an unlimited amount of green shotgun rounds, window glass and spare tires. Then getting hit by a random zombie teleporting out of a wall and bleeding to death as I run from more zombies teleport through walls and buildings. The one life I did manage to find a gun the game was tons of fun, I survived for about 40 mins til said zombies teleported through the building I was in and broke my leg. -.- The only plausible thing I can think of is past the south cost there is an abandoned gun factory or something were people claim to find all these cool cars,backpacks,camos,guns,tents,exc. But everytime I go north I just end up running about 20 mins through woods, climb to a top of a hill, See their is there is nothing but more woods as far as the eye can see, and respawn. tl;dr Were are you guys finding all your guns/cool stuff. I cant find anything but windshield glass near the spawning towns.
  7. Im not sure this is just me having crazy bad luck or its an actual part of the game but almost every zombie hit causes bleeding and if you dont have a hatchet or anything to kill the zombies so you can bandage yourself you just end up bleeding out running away because the zombies follow you almost forever. Iv died SO many times just because I dont have a weapon, a zombie hits me and I cant stop bandage myself. Its to the point were I have to disconect every time I argo a zombie and dont have a weapon. Has anyone else had this issue or does anyone know a way around this? Im hoping im just doing it wrong but 9/10 hits from zombie = bleed.
  8. DonkeyAssHat45

    Hospital doors bulletproof?

    I finally crawled my way to a hospital but I could not get in it. I fired 6 double barrel shotgun rounds into the front glass doors and nothing happened. Then I got eaten by zombies.:( Is this a bug or do I need a key or something to get in?
  9. I dont even know what Anti-PvP/No Bandits/COD Kiddies are but im glad they have a thread. :)
  10. DonkeyAssHat45

    Any penalty for killing people?

    Ok so then il kill and loot everyone I meet. thanks :)
  11. I just started playing and I was wondering if you get any sort of penalty for killing people. Are we all on the same team or is it a zombie survival deathmatch kinda game?
  12. DonkeyAssHat45

    Does throwing cans work?

    Ok im just noobing it up then :p
  13. DonkeyAssHat45

    I'm really sorry camo dude!

    Kill everyone you meet, help no one. Got it.
  14. Simple solution. Hop servers when it gets dark. I dont like night but I can respect people who want to play in the dark. I dont see why we both cant have what we want here. (not the kinda post you would expect from someone with a name like donkeyasshat :3)