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Everything posted by MihalopouloZ

  1. My ping in DNS server is good but when i join a server it seems that DayZ download stuff and my ping goes up. I dont have wireless connection and its really frustrating cause ive been kicked all the time.... Anyone knows how im gonna fix this?
  2. MihalopouloZ

    Bandit makes a fatal mistake!

    one of the best moves i seen in this game :)
  3. MihalopouloZ

    Every time I join - I am at the beach

    same here. 1 time happen to me and 6 times happened to my friends... Really annoying to spawn in the beatch for no reason. Hours of gaming almost wasted. at least we have our gear but some died ... :(
  4. Η μονaδική τaινίa που δείχνει οτί κάποιος πρaγμaτικά πεθaίνει aπο χaσίς. Έπος! http://youtu.be/hd7l45fwRrE
  5. MihalopouloZ

    yet another heli respawn thread,

    if you abort the game during the flight , you dont die?
  6. MihalopouloZ

    US114 Kansas - Ban Appeal

    In our case the admin of de 1564 locked the server after we killed him and he plays alone to find our Vehicles (its pretty long story)...
  7. MihalopouloZ

    clothing and camo

    also helmets must be added.
  8. MihalopouloZ

    DE 156

    We spotted a cheater and we know the name. Admin of DE 156 contact me via pm.
  9. MihalopouloZ

    FIX the TENTS

    We found 14 tents till now in and still dissapearing.. Tents are pointless... We tested 14 tents in different servers and still are bugged.
  10. MihalopouloZ

    FIX the TENTS

    I know. Same here. But when you keep trying you will pitch the tent. But tents are full of bags atm. One of our team died cause he is was near the pitching , items dissapear , tents dissapear and another bug is when you manage to pitch it you cannot access the tent. We tryed all corners...
  11. MihalopouloZ

    FIX the TENTS

    Im not lying. 14 tents vanished!
  12. MihalopouloZ

    Hackers ruined 5h+ of gaming

    its not cool being hacked.
  13. MihalopouloZ

    Hackers ruined 5h+ of gaming

    Hackers find amusing to kill everyone with their super powers and slowly destroy every popular game. Mainly, there are a bunch of retard bad kids with psychological problems. They dont know that they have these problems. In their disturbed mind think they are super cool, but what can you do about this lol.... Just like normal people exist, in the same way retards exist...
  14. MihalopouloZ

    Need Help In Stary Sobor!

    you maybe only need a pepsi till you reach stary sobor. Its not too far
  15. MihalopouloZ

    ADD a Jungle MAP

    You can add a crazy JUNGLE map in the future like the one in Predator movie (1987). It will add more terror in the game. Not so many open fields in a jungle labyrinth , chaotic feeling, more stealth playing and true fear scouting in the jungle. It will be awesome !!! Dont know if its possible but for me , it will be a dream come true B)
  16. MihalopouloZ

    ADD a Jungle MAP

    LOOOOOOOL thumps up m8 :D
  17. MihalopouloZ

    ADD a Jungle MAP

    ok ok i agree, but is it so really bad for someone to express an idea in this particulare time? jesusss
  18. MihalopouloZ

    ADD a Jungle MAP

    Lingor is too open . I mean a jungle that you hardly ''see the sun''. A scary and atmospheric map.
  19. MihalopouloZ

    ADD a Jungle MAP

    You didnt understand me man, i mean a jungle map for DayZ style, not a COD style of playing... I think you have a psychotic empathy with COD players... I dont like COD anymore, its boring, so i wont go away :D
  20. MihalopouloZ

    ADD a Jungle MAP

    dude i just wrote an idea for the future, i know that there is major issues atm...
  21. MihalopouloZ

    ADD a Jungle MAP

    Create new map then? :rolleyes: