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Everything posted by MihalopouloZ

  1. MihalopouloZ

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    And when it will be ready ?
  2. MihalopouloZ

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    when the hotfix will be released?
  3. MihalopouloZ

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I cant join servers. it stucks in loading screen. I have ArmaX - 1.7.2 and 94700
  4. MihalopouloZ

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    same here, game is broken.... i have armaX
  5. I CANT PLAY WITH THE NEW PATCH. i try to join many servers including all of the old patches and new... game is down for the moment... wtf And i thought to not put the new patch, but i couldnt resist!
  6. had the same message too... i run the game through six updater and i have ArmaX
  7. MihalopouloZ

    Spawning in the air!

    happened here too. my team and all the players in the server died yesterday cause they fell from the air. very frustrating it took us so many hours of playing to end up like this!!! To killed by a bug. we were ready to make a camp and now all is gone.
  8. Me and my mates we've been killed by cheaters two times the last two days. The one was an invisible one and the next one was an aimboter/wh. We were completely silent with full of loot in a Gerno tavern in the upper floor. We heard him shooting others outside (3 fall dead) and then we heard him entering the tavern. I prone in front of the door (in the bed room) looking the corner of the hall with my m16 and my mate was in the corner of the room (not visible from the hall). A head popped up with lean through the corner and i died with headshot very very quickly, my mate also died seconds later. This guy was godly quick and manage to kill both of us in no time with 2 single headshots. I was a cod players for 5 years and i know how difficult is even in cod to give a headshot like this in half a second! WH and aimbot for sure... Admins do something about this cause if you die in cod by a cheater its not big deal, here is a nightmare. If you want reallistic gaming you must do something about this...
  9. MihalopouloZ

    Do something with Cheating!!

    made your day? i just saw another of these arrogant users of this forum that start accusing with no reason. attitude below 0. anyway i dont give a flying fuck...
  10. Well, we were 3 in Gernogork near the big hotel. I went near a building and one of my mates tried to heal the other some meters far from me after a long search for loot everywhere near Gerno. We had some good stuff and we were looking for a tent. When the healing was in progress in a not so good place for healing i heard gunshots and my mates screaming that someone shoots them. They fell down dead in no time and i abort the game cause i was the next. i couldnt see how many was around and i had the best loot... I knew only that the shooters/er was next to me. I rejoined the server immediatly and found my mates dead and the guy who shots them ''dead''. I went there to see this bitch and for some reason i hold the body and try to remove it from there. I press some buttons so i can leave the body and search it cause people was running around and i was hearing gunshots everywhere. Suddenly the body started to wake up in my hug. I manage to leave him, i put my revolver out and gave him 3 bullets in his head. I taked from him very quickly some very very good loot and i abort the game. The murderer was dead, revenge was taken in a C.Bronson way and the best part is that he tried to heal himself cause he had all the good loot for that. But he made a mistake by shooting my mates.. Cya later whoever you are bandit. Hope you like the headshots, when you were bleeding...
  11. MihalopouloZ

    A Charles Bronson RevenGe!

    lol a big lesson for sure tripp, i will remember it in my life for about 2 minutes maybe? Get a life you are a joke!
  12. MihalopouloZ

    A Charles Bronson RevenGe!

    it was an invisible cheater. whatever
  13. MihalopouloZ

    A Charles Bronson RevenGe!

    Funny that you all 20 years old here play the lawyers without knowing that i dont speak english very well cause its not my mother language.. And the most funny part is the save your ass part.. Im sure you never done it! Ever!.. You are such a heroes, i addore thee 20 years old heroes!!! Hail ! Grow up and have some humor .. im out dont bother to answer again to a kid.
  14. MihalopouloZ

    A Charles Bronson RevenGe!

    lol i guess you dont know charles bronson and ask such a silly questions..
  15. Whatever patch i pick to install,(94103,93965 etc..) after i run the exe, the bar went to 100% in no time and says that the patch has been applied succesfully. The only option that gives me is the ''Ok''... Any ideas..? cause i think that i cant put the patches in a correct way...
  16. MihalopouloZ

    Problem installing beta patches...

    thanks you guys :) one more question... if i drop items outside the tent they dissapear?
  17. MihalopouloZ

    New player - Tent Questions

    Hello im a new player and i have some questions about the tents. If i find a tent and place it in the woods i would be able to have my loot there in every server, or only in the server i pitch the tent...? How much loot can i put in the tent? Is it possible a dissapearing of the tent cause of some bugs? What other things do i need so i can build a good small camp? Thanks...
  18. MihalopouloZ

    New player - Tent Questions

    thank you guys.. much appreciated :)
  19. MihalopouloZ

    Anyone know where Alice packs spawn?

    i found an alice pack but i couldnt take it. i dropped down my simple backpack and it wents below the alice pack... finally i left all the backpacks there... :(
  20. MihalopouloZ

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    you mean i need to install beta ARMA2_OA_93965 only? or do i need to install also an ex version of DayZ? Im a bit confused.. Also i downloaded the patch(1.60) from ARMA2 site that it is 700+mbs What do i need to install now from mod and patches so i can play normally. Plz help... (I just bought ARMA2 X anniversary edition)
  21. If I say no you will complain' date=' if I say yes and it ends up being > 24 hours you will complain... That only leaves: hopefully. [/quote'] Well im not in the mood for complaining. Actually at the start of the problem i thought i did something wrong and game didnt play but then i came here and i learn that the problem is from the patch. Im a new user Vipeax, first time i installed Arma II and DayZ. Hope they will fix it soon... Thx for the answer.
  22. I installed today the anniversary edition and then dayz mod+beta through six updater. i run the game and i spawned with different character id and after i died i spawned in the body of a crow lol. Ok after that i couldnt join any server at all. i had the message like all the other posts above... Will this problem fixed in 24 hours...???!!!