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Everything posted by MihalopouloZ

  1. The ability of players to build underground bases. Locked bases with a code that is only breakable only with a rare maybe code hacking machine in the game. If the base been hacked from some players the player who has the base must be able to do something about this, cause if the other players hacked already one time the base, they will do it again and again and the base will not be a safe place for the clan or a player. If there is not a hacking machine item maybe the way for other players to invade the base is to wait for the others to appear outside the base and threat them for the code… Or,… if it is an underground base should have a pipe for the air so the others inside can breath. If the enemy find the base, it should be able to put a poison gas grenade inside the pipe to bring the others out of the base… The ability of players to have their metal death tag in their inventory till their death. The player who kill someone must be able to keep this metal tag locked with his character even after his death. Another ability for none bandit players could be medals of honor or something if the players help eatch other and don’t kill on site. Also this, must be locked with the player id even after his death. Another 2 huge maps like Chernarus could make this game much better… Maybe maps with rivers… Camo Vehicles Helmets / bulletproofs A more stable first person view with better aiming while moving… The murders must be locked with player id even after his death If the player isn’t a bandit, when he dies maybe he could have a benefit if he goes to the church when he respawns. Maybe a pray in the church should give him the half of his gear or something :D , .. if not his half gear back , maybe just a weapon and an alice pack. :beans:
  2. MihalopouloZ

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    LOL what is the idiotic in what i said? Do you know little prick that the underground bases is Rockets idea actually? guess not, now get lost and find a girl... too much porn hurt your mind and your hand... Ante kai gamisou agamito arxidi!
  3. MihalopouloZ

    Anyone else having tent issues.

    i lost almost every tent i had. every time i pitch a new tent im loosing it cause of the servers updating. its no point to have a tent at the moment..
  4. MihalopouloZ

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    Vertisce i'll explain to you this idea a bit better... (The murders must be locked with player id even after his death) I think there must be a separation to bandits and normal players who kill only in defence.. For this to happen , i think the murders of a player should be visible even after his death, cause when a bandit dies the murders dissapeared and he began as a normal one in respawn. If the murders are locked to the player id the bandits could not have any benefit from ''the church thing for example'' on the other way if a bandit decide to become friendly and quit the bandit playstyle it should be an option for this in the game (reset character or something). The kills to become a bandit could be around 10-15 for example but also the friendly ones will have the same counter and if the friendlies reach this number only by self defence, they should have an option to reset the number of killing without dying the character and avoid become a bandit. Well, this option is the issue in this case and im out of ideas for this atm... maybe its not a good idea after all... dont know... Another thing i had in mind is the karma counter... The players should see the other players karma before shooting eatch other...
  5. MihalopouloZ

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    Also thatcommiekid you write on your profile that you are too lazy to write a bio... if you are boring to read just get lost and get over it. its simple. Also you said ''It just agravating that so many people do a effing wish list'' Well if you get angry about this, then you have a serius psychological problem...I guess you didnt get any presents from santa claus in your life...
  6. MihalopouloZ

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    i was sure about some bitching out here, anyways... Well dude i think my post is specific and short (didnt see any critisism by an admin and you are not and admin)... If you are tired of reading then you shouldnt be in forums man
  7. MihalopouloZ

    Best loot find ever?

    i found also a mountain dew in a body.. what this all about? is it simply rare or does it gives you bionic eyes? lol
  8. MihalopouloZ

    Best loot find ever?

    We found some tents in the woods full of rare guns , ammo , NVGs , rangefinders , ghillie suits etc... that was the best loot till now. Only cars these tents didnt had... lol
  9. MihalopouloZ

    Hacker on UK London #2

    i think it was uk123. i was in the NWAF and all the airport had planes in flames...
  10. MihalopouloZ

    Tents not saving inventory and dissapearing

    thats very frustrating sirtai.... Rocket plz fix this...
  11. MihalopouloZ

    Tents not saving inventory and dissapearing - 95054 Well i noticed that we cant have a tent safe in our inventory or in a server. Tents dissapearing from inventory and also from servers. Items dissapearing also from inside the tents and also guns and other stuff from our inventory.... This happens very very often. Teleporting with no gear etc etc...
  12. MihalopouloZ

    My First Adventure

    Dude you just started the game and your opinion is a bit quick. To tell you the truth i had the same opinion for the game when i first started to play it. I was getting shot everytime even if i hadnt a weapon (i was furius). DayZ is a hard game but when you learn how to play it, you can get the loot in no time.(learn the map and the loot places). I suggest you to play it with some friends you can trust and help eatch other. Dont trust anyone with a weapon, most of them shoots you emmediatly. In my case i wanted to be friendly but i gave up this idea very quickly and become a bandit because i dont trust anyone except of my friends. Im not a nerd bandit though who shoots unarmed people in the coast or in cherno and electro from high places with my sniper.(but even this is a part of the game) Im in the north and try to survive. I didnt found anyone upthere who was a friendly one and if you want to survive i suggest you to watch them closely in silence and when you find a chance kill them and get the loot. For now the ''friendly'' thing in DayZ is an utopia...
  13. MihalopouloZ

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I update the game through six updater and rolled from to - 94876... Im shocked cause i have my gear and spawned in the place i left it.... I lost the gear so many times the last days and i was pretty sure that i will spawn in the beach again with nothin...but i was wrong... I think rocket and the others did a good job with thumps up for now... more details tommorow...
  14. MihalopouloZ

    Experimental test patch

    Well i tested the game through a big frustration cause almost nothing is working anymore... I quit my ArmaX and bought the game through Steam. In ArmaX dayZ (1.7.2 - 94444 - 94700) was completely dead and broke, not only for me. For all the clan. Ill tell you my experience about Steam Version patch 1.7.2 and beta 94444 1) First, ultra High pings 2) Joining servers takes from 15 minutes to 25 3) Possibility to finally join a server without a crash or stuck is 10% 4) Many kicks from the game cause of high ping 5) Respawns with 0 gear 6) Respawns with gear back 7) Respawn unconsious in the middle of electro (when i was elsewhere) and see a guy shooting at me in the head. Didnt see that i died and ''you are dead sign'' 8) Tents dissapearing (no point survive like this) If its still there you cannot access the tent save it or pack it... Well the game after is unplayable and broke. For me and the clan it takes a 5% of quality at the moment we speak.
  15. MihalopouloZ

    Duplicate Character?

    yes. a friend of mine had the same issue.
  16. MihalopouloZ

    Experimental test patch

    thats what im talking about above... The gear and the life thing in this game is not running in our dimension always... So dont be happy if you find a good gun or a tent...
  17. MihalopouloZ

    Experimental test patch

    yea i know that rolling back is working but the main question for ''all'' is... If a guy that rolled back in will be able in futute to update in a new patch without loosing his gear/tents etc ? I dont think its possible to keep it, cause loosing the gear its the most simple thing that happens all the time in the game. All the other issues are rare.....- Find an empty whiskey bottle is rare if you compare it with the common loosing your gear...
  18. MihalopouloZ

    Experimental test patch

    doing it ... :)
  19. MihalopouloZ

    Experimental test patch

    peppa i reached a pro loot , tents atvs, car etc and lost it, but it will happen again in game so not big deal. we need to get used to it in alpha/beta testing. i delete everything from HD and downloading steam version now cause since the start of me playin i had problems with armaX. I didnt rolled back to cause im sure that the gear will be lost again from a bug or something else lol.
  20. MihalopouloZ

    Experimental test patch

    lets hug ourselves and cry together m8 :(
  21. MihalopouloZ

    Experimental test patch

    I am ArmaX user and i just bought the game again through steam... Cant be arsed to wait ages for a fix... i already waited to much for a fix that didnt came, i couldnt play on friends server i lost everything cause of the new patch in combination with ArmaX bugger... Hope they will create a good game without bugs... already payed enough
  22. MihalopouloZ

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    any news for ARMA X users??? seem that anyone can play except them....
  23. MihalopouloZ

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    My friends who had ArmaX bought again the game through steam so they can play and they can after they lost all of their gear of course... I have armaX . Do i need to pay again for this or should i wait some weeks for a fix ???
  24. MihalopouloZ

    Experimental test patch

    how i can roll back to ?
  25. MihalopouloZ

    Experimental test patch

    arma X - 1.7.2 - 94700 I spawned in the beach and i lost everything. Is it possible to get it back cause it took me 6 dayz of surviving and get a very good gear and tents...