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About Smurftyours

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    On the Coast
  1. Smurftyours

    NVG and scary times in Elektro

    Sitting in electro is stupid as fuck. If you want to get some real action, but not have to be in the danger zone you could always sit outside of electro in the forests with an as50 or m107.
  2. Don't like dying? Then get the fuck away from places that coastal bandits sit at waiting for unarmed or unaware players to feast upon.
  3. Smurftyours

    Bandit Pro TIp

    I've joined servers that alt-f4 doesn't work on. Not 100% sure why though.
  4. Smurftyours

    Where to find them...

    If your so new to the mod that you are unable to figure out that players flock to day servers, then you're probably too new to be any good at killing other players, or surviving in general. And if you "just bought" the game, I have a huge doubt that they would have any idea how to get to NW Airport or other prime locations.
  5. Smurftyours

    Bandit Pro TIp

    People like you ruin the game. I'm almost sure alt-f4 doesn't even work anymore either. Assholes like you have to abort or manually close the .exe from task manager. Where is the fun in that.
  6. Smurftyours

    Best Sniper Rifle

    Are you sure its not a L85 AWS? I thought only the AWS has the thermal sighting, also from first hand experience, the L85 is pretty terrible sniper due to bullet delay, bullet drop, and lack of stopping power. However, it is extremely effective if your working as a team and have a friend use it to spot targets for someone who has an actual sniper. Personally I have found the m107 (despite the noise) to be the best sniper for myself. Its decently accurate, ammo isnt too rare, and a hit is almost always instant death to the target.
  7. Smurftyours

    Where to find them...

    Thanks for telling everybody assumed knowledge. It was pretty understood that players won't go to dangerous places on populated servers, but would rather go to these places on underpopulated servers. Secondly its a pretty shitty thing to repeatedly log into servers just to check for players and bag quick kills. Its no different than gear farming, logging, or disconnecting when under fire, its a stupid thing to do and completely ruins the game. Great job on wasting ammo too!