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Bubba Jones

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Everything posted by Bubba Jones

  1. In essence yes, until the server restarts. Then any items, weapons included, in the backpack will go poof.
  2. The items will be in it until a server restart. Then you'll get an empty backpack back (if the tent works at all).
  3. Bubba Jones

    DayZ Standalone Engine

    I think they will do what they think is right for the standalone to be successful. If that means parts of Arma 2 and 3, or whatever, I'm all for it.
  4. Bubba Jones

    huge blow to hackers with beta 96061?

    Is this a new server patch? I'm 99.9% sure I was on a server yesterday that had 96061 (96063?) with spawned vehicles in it.
  5. I've found 4-5 raiding tents the last couple of days. I don't know if people are hacking them in or not (they probably are).
  6. Bubba Jones

    Hacker(s) on US 368

    I was running towards a Ural I just recently stole and I saw someone in it. As I was getting closer the Ural just disappeared and it was gone. This wasn't a lag spike or anything, it literally just vanished with the player in it. This happened at about 11:30 MDT on 8/18.
  7. Bubba Jones

    My truck is gone!

    If you lost connection while driving the truck it should have kept going in the same direction and speed (will come to a stop eventually due to no acceleration). Just straight ahead of where you were at and it should be there. I've had this happen with ATVs in the past as well.
  8. Bubba Jones

    Power generator

    At this point they don't do anything.
  9. I don't know if this will help, but at times BattlEye can be very slow with updating its DLL. When you are in the lobby for a server, wait until you see your GUID printed out from BattlEye (in red letters). If BattlEye needs to update, it may take up to several minutes to get their DLL downloaded before your GUID will appear. If you jump right into the game and it takes too long to update, it will kick you out. As for stuck at the loading screen, if you have DayZ .5 installed, only join .5 servers (not .4 - or vice versa). The wrong version will more than likely make you hang at the loading screen.
  10. He did say that BattlEye kicked the player, so he'll probably get a global ban. There probably won't be any need to ban him locally.
  11. Poor Ted. He's just trying to get through life taking the easy road...
  12. A lot of times it's caused by version mismatches. If you have .5 installed and try to log into a .4 (or vice versa), you will almost always get stuck at the loading screen. I really wish they could at least make each version backwards compatible, but I'm sure that will come with time (the standalone more than likely).
  13. If you get stuck at the loading screen, launch another instance of Arma and log into a server, then kill the first one and you won't spawn at the beach.
  14. Take one penny, press the W key down and insert it between the W and 2/3 keys, then let up on the W key and it should stay down.
  15. Bubba Jones

    How do you normally die?

    Almost entirely from glitches in the game and from hackers every couple of weeks. Very rarely other players.
  16. No way I'm buying a coyote. I don't want my neighbors sniping at me from their balconies as I'm running across the lawn with it on.
  17. Bubba Jones

    I am the happiest man in the world now :3

    I found 4 yesterday - 2 really close together and 2 others really close together (about 50 meters apart). The two groups of two were less than a minute walk from each other. It's just very rare to see.
  18. I don't think it's about beating anyone, but rather the thrill of the hunt. That's what makes it fun.
  19. In this case though, if you listen to the audio, there are times you can hear the shots coming from the right (somewhere towards the camp) and landing to his left. I don't think anyone was right in front of him. I believe the shooter was by the car I mentioned earlier. I'd love to know for sure though.
  20. They can, but they shouldn't according to the TOS. A of of them do though and I can't really say I disagree if you're using weapons that are not supposed to be in the game. I've literally left dozens of "illegal" weapons in tents/on people before. I don't know if they still can, but they use to be able to just look in the server logs to see what weapons you're carrying. Also, some of them are pretty obvious when you look at them or use them - especially the silenced/thermal ones.
  21. Bubba Jones

    uh... battle eye?

    I had shock and was bleeding when I got kicked. I think another coastal run will be in my future, lol.
  22. It's hacked in. I found one about a week ago and posted here on the forums about it. It will go poof when the server restarts, so don't put anything valuable in it. The brown ones the above people are referring to are probably the military vehicles (UAZ, old offroad, etc.). This is a tan pickup truck - it's very similar in appearance to the white pickup (hilux), but is definitely hacked in.
  23. So, I logged in today and got killed instantly (seems to happen pretty frequent to me for some reason), and this is what I looked like when I appeared on the beach...
  24. Rocket was referring to a global ban. There are a lot of admins, even though it's technically against the server hosting TOS, that will ban you from their server if you have a hacked item in your possession. Is it really that hard to just not use an illegal weapon and then you never have to worry about it?
  25. Bubba Jones

    Tent protection

    The more tents in one location will greatly increase the chances of it being seen. I'd recommend only placing one tent and have a couple of locations instead - preferably on multiple servers even. Hide your tent where people don't normally go. Never put them on peaks, ridge lines, valley floors, plains, etc. Try to hide it as much as possible around a tree. Try to find a tree in the middle of lots of other trees. Never place a vehicle close to your tent - at least 200m away. Assume that your tent will eventually be found. You're just trying to delay it as long as possible.