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Everything posted by Buntfunk

  1. Taking away starting guns has made the mod the least enjoyable so far for me. I was killed three times trying to leave the beach area, unable to defend myself. Everytime by pisspoor shots who wasted 3+ mags on a target that couldnt even shoot back. Did taking away starting guns improve player behaviour in general? The way I see it, terribad players can finally feel strong too by returning to the beach and killing defenseless spawners.
  2. I wonder how much deeper gameplay might get if other players' lifes had more value to oneself. What would have to change so that players perceive direct value in letting others live? I can't really think of anything besides majorly pimping group features which probably requires changing Arma code, which certainly is a no go. So what I am wondering I guess, what kind of quick'n'dirty ideas do you guys have that would make you want to shoot other survivors less. Do not misunderstand me, I still want shooting others to be very possible, but I want it to be a mucher harder choice!
  3. Maybe offering non-lethal weapons would be a good idea. They would add another option to what is going on right now. A tazer in the pistol slot maybe and tranquilizer darts for the sniper guns. Tranq darts could be pretty hillarious, come to think of it. Tranquilized targets could count as dead maybe and you could rob them blind meanwhile...^^
  4. Buntfunk

    You Do Not Get a Cold From Being Cold

    I think the OP had a valid point. There obviously are arguments to be made against his point of view. Instead people are lashing out with ad hominem attacks to the OP. Sad to see a mod join into the mindless fray, I must say. I share the OP's sentiment that suggesting pills as the prime treatment for a common cold is not good. I'd like for pills to maybe even have a slight negative effect when taken too often.
  5. Buntfunk

    Rocket/missle attack in cherno?

    I can confirm the rockets. Of course I forgot which server. A friend and I were sneaking into town. Then a few big explosions in front of us, they seemed much larger than HE frags. Then my friend got hit and lay there unconscious. I couldn't see anything as I had been relying on my friend for sight. The explosions stopped when my friend went down only to resume when he gained conciousness again and tried to move. All in all there were about 10 explosions. The whole thing seemed pretty fishy, but I wouldn't have mentioned anything hadn't I seen this thread, seeing how I have no evidence.
  6. Buntfunk

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    In response to post #190 Bohemia has to be careful just how much they step in or this becomes a commercial product really fast. Then Pepsi and Coke are gonna be calling asap, if you know what I mean.
  7. High humanity players should be able to show this (voluntarily) to other players. Like giving out a white flag of surrender to players above xxxx humanity.
  8. Buntfunk

    Arma2's big rise to the top.

    This is more than awesome. Forgive me for saying this, but I see this mod as a GIGANTIC MIDDLE FINGER raised to all those greedy publishers out there who won't allow modding because they want to sell mooooar DLC.
  9. Buntfunk

    The Official Unofficial Bandit Removal Petition

    Is the current system not working for the majority of people or is it not working for a small set of people who would like to have an easier time harassing other players? Not sure here... ;-)
  10. Buntfunk

    Looking for a realistic group to play with!

    The two of you should agree on wether or not you live on the same continent before starting to date...^^
  11. Buntfunk

    IF this was an actual game...

    GW model obviously if sustainable for you. Monthly fee fine otherwise, sceptical though how many customers would go along. Community servers yes, but vanilla servers must ALWAYS play by the rules and be clearly differentiated from custom servers. Admins playing god would break this game otherwise, I fear. Maybe optional monthly fee which covers official servers and gives preferred access to those servers for subscribers?
  12. Buntfunk

    Stuck at "Receiving Data"

    Fixed for me by starting Steam as an Admin. Good luck.
  13. Buntfunk

    Stuck at "Receiving Data"

    Same problem here, all servers I have tried so far get stuck at about 90% of receiving data and then after a while I get disconnected. I am using a UMTS-connection, if that matters.