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About freakinpao

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  1. freakinpao

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I want to say a huge THANKS to James Kennedy for helping me out! I can finally walk again! @M1llenium I have already received help but thanks anyway! :) The community needs more people like you guys!
  2. freakinpao

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello again! I have a broken leg. I'm located in a barn north of Zelenogorsk. Can anyone help? Steam: alex722
  3. I'm sticking with servers for now until the zombie behaviour is fixed...
  4. Did the server get disconnected from the hive or anything? I lost 1.5 h of progress after I suddenly got kicked with an error message saying "Session Lost" PS: I was on there too they threatened with bans if you killed a player.
  5. freakinpao

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can't thank Lynx enough for helping me out! DayZ is usually a "kill or be killed" game and players with good intentions like him are rare. Faith in DayZ community: restored!
  6. freakinpao

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    A little too late for me! Thanks for the interest though! :D
  7. freakinpao

    Looking for partner(s)

    Age: 18 Skype: alexanderzegreater Steam: alex722 Reason you want to partner up: I used to be in a group with 2 people I barely knew and I had a lot of fun. They've been inactive lately and lonewolfing is not really my strong suite. Any extra details: I'm well geared but I'm wounded as of now (2.8k blood), and I need a transfusion (I have blood on me but I can't do it myself). I've killed plenty of people as part of self-defence but never commited murder unprovoked. Add me on steam if interested.
  8. freakinpao

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Glad to see all these people receiving medical help from you guys! I've had no luck so far though :( I'll bump my older post and hopefuly someone will see this! I will reward the medic with anything he asks me (and ofc I have it on me).
  9. freakinpao

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is any medic available right now, near Zelenogorsk? If so, add me on Steam: alex722 I need a blood transfusion. I have blood packs on me I just can't do it myself. EDIT: To show my gratitude I will protect the medic that helps me if he asks me to.
  10. Is it possible to have some sort of poll to make it clear what the majority of us believe? i.e. "Did you like the new superzombies?" -Yeah keep them like that they are great -No this is ridiculous. -Other etc
  11. freakinpao

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I still need help guys. Is nobody available? :(
  12. freakinpao

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello. I am in Zelenogorsk, and I need a blood transfusion. I have blood on me, I just cannot do it myself. Anyone willing to help?
  13. You can see zed's from hundreds of meters away. You are a human. A zombie is a brain-dead rotting corpse that walks. It's vision and hearing capabilities are not even close to yours. This thing shouldn't be able to tell the difference between a bush and a tree at 10 meters. Here is the story I shared on the 1.7.2. feedback topic: "I was on my way to Zelenogorsk, and I decided to visit the supermarket. There is a big empty parking place near it, and there were 2 zombies there. I was about 25m away from that place, crouched into what I thought to be safe, tall grass/vegetation. I decided that entering the supermarket from such a visible location was not so clever so I decided to increase my distance from the town and try from the other side of the supermarket. As soon as I made my first step to move AWAY from the town, the 2 zeds (1 hopper 1 standing) immediately spotted me from +- 50 meters and started running towards me. I had to run towards a nearby barn and take all the zombies that got aggro'd 1 by 1, wasting ammo and gathering more at the same time." Dozens of similar situations occured while playing the new patch. We need to revert to as far as zombie intelligence/detection range is concerned.
  14. It's impossible to enter towns now. It's incredibly annoying to see degraded,rotten,half-dead humans being FASTER than you, see at longer distances like you (hawk eye capability), and hear like superman. The game is broken now.