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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. I have no idea about game hours. But IRL its longer than month, my char is from the time when you spawned with makaroni :) I have about 700 zombie kills and 4 murders. I have ghillie, nvg, m4cco and 50.cal. More than I need. Mostly I would roam alone scavenging smaller towns and gear stands (see what i did there?;)) More recently I occasionally team up with 3-4 my friedns on mumble and we hunt players on the coast just for the lulz. When they log off I return to the inland. Always moving from cover to cover. Never run on full, always crouched, never move across open field, if there is no other option I will scout the area for at least 10 minutes. Iam silent cautious backstabbing bastard who is spotted only moments before you die. :D BTW I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS MOD! :D