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About Koshin

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  1. Hey Killswitch it's me Koshin I have been actively killing CNSF since you were still in it.They are a bunch of scripters and it's annoying. Joe scripts constantly. Anyways glad to hear you left CNSF and hope to see you on US 850 killing them with me.
  2. Completely pass this server over they script in weapons for their clan And then if you kill them you get banned. I had just had a run in in electro at the hospital with onedrunkpup he shot my legs was trolling me and ran off to kill my friend Dosojin so i crawled up the ladder on the hospital and went to the medical box to fix my legs. I had just spawned in when he shot my legs after missing ten or so times. So i was at the box and one drunk pup climbed the ladder and proceeded to bandage at the box next to me. So of course i opened his bag and shot him with his own as50 tws that was in his bag ( What an idiot to stand and bandage next to a guy he just shot and trolled with a 1 hitter quitter weapon in his pack) Anyways After all that i was script killed by lolwut22 one of their admins and promptly banned from the server. Looks like i Lost that round to a poor sport who can't take a death like a man. CNSF Onedrunkpup Your weapons were all scripted in anyways so why the heck do you care if i kill you? I guess it was more of an im so embarrassed ban i suppose. All i have to say is i played here alot Now im banned because they are a bunch of script kiddies and i have called them out on it. I'm going to go through my fraps and see how much if any of their scripting i got Maybe i will make a formal complaint with a forum mod. P.S I would like to be unbanned Or some proof of why i was banned shown I mean thats the least you can do banning because your clan is a bunch of poor sports is very poor server hosting.
  3. Comepletly pass this server over they script in weapons for their clan And then if you kill them you get banned. I had just had a run in in electro at the hospital with onedrunkpup he shot my legs was trolling me and ran off to kill my friend Dosojin so i crawled up the ladder on the hospital and went to the medical box to fix my legs. I had just spawned in when he shot my legs after missing ten or so times. So i was at the box and one drunk pup climbed the ladder and proceded to bandage at the box next to me. So of course i opened his bag and shot him with his own as50 tws that was in his bag ( What an idiot to stand and bandage next to a guy he just shot and trolled with a 1 hitter quitter weapon in his pack) Anyways After all that i was script killed by lolwut22 one of their admins and promptly banned from the server. Looks like i Lost that round to a poor sport who can't take a death like a man. CNSF Onedrunkpup Your weapons were all scripted in anyways so why the heck do you care if i kill you? I guess it was more of an im so embarassed ban i suppose.
  4. Koshin


    They script all day long on their server I play there avidly because the fast load times but i was recently banned for taking an as50 out of their members bag and shooting him with it (after he broke my legs and thought he was the hot shit trolling me kind of stupid to have a 1 hitter quitter weapon in your pack that close to a bandit) Onedrunkpup Your a sore loser a ban for killing you? You can just have your admin lolwut22 script you in another silenced pdw and thermal as50 like you do all day long anyways
  5. Koshin

    pissed off admin

    I was just kicked from us850 and banned because i took a as50 from one of their members bag who thought he was safe because i had no weapon and killed him with it Onedrunkpup your a loser who can't take a death without a script kill from your admin lolwut22 and a ban? nice play guys you guys suck as a clan
  6. Koshin

    Hero/Bandit Skins

    Why should any certain playstyle have anything forced upon them? I mean if you want to be a hero be a hero if you want to be a bandit be a bandit Just dont change our skins based on how we play Add more skins that you can find more unique clothes and stuff. And by the way nothing about the murderer i linked was off he was actually very well spoken in court and he did not have some tweaker twitch or anything.
  7. Koshin

    Hero/Bandit Skins

    Another suggestion rather than adding a hero skin You could just suck it up and shoot players on sight like the rest of us do.
  8. Koshin

    Hero/Bandit Skins

    Lol Pretty lame if you ask me. I don't understand why we have to be tagged as bandits in the first place and really don't see how someone needs to be tagged as a hero for doing what running around not shooting at players? Here is a real murderer for you and wait i don't see him wearing a shamog. http://crime.about.com/od/serial/ig/serialkillerphotos/armstrong_john.htm ( I would like to know what makes someone somehow look like a bandit the realism here is lacking.)
  9. Koshin

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    Yay dogs just another thing to be teleported around by the script kiddies.
  10. Koshin

    Looking For Players - AOB Clan

    Quick heads up these guys keep coming to our server locking the console and spawning all the players to the coast to harass and kill players we have pictures and half have been banned from our server to the rest of you douche bags come back to our server script kiddies so we can finish banning your lame asses. That is all
  11. Paid for the GUID that was stolen you fucking ignorant shit. And last i checked CD keys are not free.
  12. I thought the lore was you washed up on a beach ( Hence the reason you start on a beach with nothing) Not that your a survivor in soviet era post apocalyptic Russia. I would think if i were Russian i would at least start in a house with some vodka.
  13. Koshin

    US 172 Quebec community.

    The hacker is here part at the end your white ( ) is that circling a puff of smoke?